Reviewer's rating profile
I thought this battle was overrated. There were several annoying things like starting at <100% shields, starting about to crash into a factory and having to turn immediately, and the fourth mission, which was unnecessarily difficult compared to the other missions for no reason. I like having to be tactical in the approach to missions, and I know some may like having to do things like disable some enemies and leave them alive just to offset the rhythm of the next group spawning, but I don't as it destroys any realism and it's annoying to only figure that out after dying against overwhelming odds. Most missions were okay other than the annoying parts.
CPT Dante
Reviewer's rating profile
Mike dies too easily b/c of his silly kamikaze attacks in a T/A on "Easy"... other than that it was fun.
CM Shinobi
Reviewer's rating profile
Great battle! I liked the plotline! Only thing that was a bit irritiating is Mike flying around and diyng foolishly :P
HA Frodo March
Reviewer's rating profile
Wow, I loved the fortress, I loved the missions concepts. The ONLY thing that is preventing me from giving this battle a 5 is that I don't like ship orders that are "wait". Other than that, it was near perfect. Excellent work Mike
Mission 1: Secondary Goal of Destroying 100% of Global Group 2 set to 0 points. Dreadnaught Commoner only fires missiles at attacking craft, it does not fire its lasers. Trapper spelled incorrectly. No mission complete message.
Mission 2: Trapper spelled incorrectly. ESC Flight Deck has status set to Shields 50%, charging when enemy capital ships cannot recharge their shields on hard unless they go below 50%. Bonuses for Factory/Platforms not being destroyed set to 0 points, as is prevent goal: 75% of global unit 3 must not be destroyed. No mission complete message.
Mission 3: Trapper spelled incorrectly. Bonuses for Factory/Platforms not being destroyed set to 0 points. ESC Flight Deck has status set to Shields 50%, charging when enemy capital ships cannot recharge their shields on hard unless they go below 50%. No mission complete message.
Mission 4: No mission complete message. Bonus for 100% of Tactical Gunboat Tango must not be destroyed set to 0 points. Bonuses for Factory/Platforms not being destroyed set to 0 points.
Mission 5: No mission complete message. Bonus for 100% of Tactical Gunboat Tango must not be destroyed set to 0 points.
Mission 6: X-Wing group Last Hope has T/D Diamondback 3 set as its mothership. No mission complete message.
Mission 3: Two conflicting mission failure parameters. In addition, losing the reinforcement craft or FA Sydlowski does not trigger mission failure.
Mission 4: E/S Messenger leaves the area with the RS Interdictor still present.
Battle Total: | 657,781 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 1: | 87,300 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 2: | 149,920 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 3: | 145,240 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 4: | 84,183 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 5: | 127,346 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
Mission 6: | 63,792 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
(of available records)
1 | 657,781 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2024-10-02 |
2 | 299,424 | GN Dax Corrin | 2005-04-17 |
3 | 197,416 | LT Kate Flyer | 2005-04-14 |
4 | 188,065 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2013-03-25 |
5 | 186,147 | AD Hav Antiel | 2020-06-30 |
6 | 184,152 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2021-02-24 |
7 | 183,096 | CM TK-9780 | 2005-04-25 |
8 | 175,705 | CM Rosh Nyine | 2024-08-29 |
9 | 173,415 | FA Conker Blackwood | 2009-11-24 |
10 | 173,239 | MAJ KEBLAOMEGA | 2024-01-20 |
This battle has been flown by 45 pilots a total of 48 times.
GN Abel Malik - 2005-03-27
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 3 times, last on 2021-02-24
FA Conker Blackwood - 2009-11-24
GN Coranel Both - 2016-06-04
GN Dax Corrin - 2005-04-17
GN Dunta Polo - 2010-01-08
LT Eifel - 2005-06-13
COL Gyssler - 2012-12-10
AD Hav Antiel - 2020-06-30
MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-10-31
LT Kate Flyer - 2005-04-14
MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-01-20
LC Kenath Zoron - 2009-05-20
COL Malidir - 2005-04-05
HA Pete Mitchell - 2021-05-26
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-08-29
CM Rosh Nyine - 2024-08-29
LC Savageaz - 2005-04-06
CM TK-9780 - 2005-04-25
CPT Vanguard88 - 2024-10-02
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-08
Title: Fortess Torrido Missions: 6 Medal: Shield of Torrido Game Platform: X-Wing vs Tie Fighter Author: Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl) Required patches ---------------- * EH Ship Patch for XvT * Tactical Gunboat Installation instructions -------------------------- 1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for XvT installed 2] Download the Tactical Gunboat patch from the EH Patch archive (http://tc.emperorshammer.org/patcharchive.php) 3] Install the Tactical Gunboat patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer 4] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle 5] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 6] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game 7] Create a new pilot and fly the Imperial training missions 8] Uninstall the Tactical Gunboat patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer Note: This battle is intended to be easy on easy level, but it can be hell on hard. So don't cry and become better player. Remember. XvT increases AI of all ships by 2 on hard, so it will not be easy. I'm not even sure if it's possible to complete all missions on hard, we it is but you must be really good. THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.