Lieutenant Colonel Death (#1045)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders

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RSV/LC Death/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
GS/SS/BSx3/PCx7/ISMx9/MoT-gh/MoC-soc-3boc/IS-BW-2SR/ORA/LoC-1PS/LoS-IS/DFC/CoB/OV-22E [Dragoon] [Veteran 2nd] [Private 2nd]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: Unknown
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
(Unknown )
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Europe/Berlin
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Personal Craft
T/Ph Scythe

T/Ph Scythe
Type: TIE Phantom Mk.I

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                12th Echelon

Flight Certified - 12th Echelon
Points: 819

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Veteran 2nd

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Private 2nd

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Dragoon (121 points)
Total missions completed: 121
Battles completed: 21
Free missions completed: 15
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 1
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Veteran 2nd (588 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Private 2nd (98 points)
Distinguished Flying Crosses: 3
Free Missions Created (1)

Combat Record

Battles completed (21)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 5: Pirate Uprising Medal of Security
TIE-TC 9: Tracking the Defectors Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 23: Daedalus Medal of Readiness
TIE-TC 24: Save the Emperors DNA Medal of Replication
TIE-TC 25: Spoils of War Medal of Aries
TIE-TC 26: The Dark Troopers Medal of FutureShock
TIE-TC 28: Conquest Medal of Conquest
TIE-TC 102: Attack on Petros Medal Works Medal of Diligence
TIE-TC 108: Unexplored Territory Medal of a New Race
TIE-TC 165: The Hunt for Zsinj Medal of Ruthlessness
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 1: The Verpine Encounter Second Medal of Earnestness
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 4: Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC 6: Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC 7: The Resupply
X-Wing Alliance
Dark Brotherhood
XWA-DB 3: The Hidden Menace

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2009-08-24 15y,5m,15d RSV/LC Death/M/FRG Phoenix
2007-01-04 2y,7m,20d FM/LC Death/Kappa 3-4/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2003-05-31 3y,7m,4d RSV/LC Death/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2003-04-09 1m,22d FM/LC Death/Hey 2-3/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-20 1y,20d RSV/LC Death/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2001-10-22 4m,26d FL/LC Death/Talon 2-1/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
2001-10-21 1d FM/LC Death/Talon 1-2/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
2001-06-28 3m,23d RSV/LC Death/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2001-06-04 24d CMDR/LC Death/Avenger/VSD Aggressor
2001-01-08 4m,27d CMDR/MAJ Death/Avenger/VSD Aggressor
2000-11-27 1m,12d CMDR/CPT Death/Avenger/ISD Intrepid
2000-09-03 2m,24d FL/CPT Death/Avenger 3-1/ISD Intrepid
2000-07-27 1m,7d FL/CM Death/Avenger 3-1/ISD Intrepid
2000-06-29 28d FM/CM Death/Avenger 1-2/ISD Intrepid
2000-05-15 1m,14d FM-SR/CM Death/Avenger 1-2/ISD Intrepid
2000-04-14 1m,1d FM-SR/LCM Death/Avenger 1-2/VSD Aggressor
2000-04-09 5d RSV-SR/LCM Death/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2000-03-28 12d FM-SR/LCM Death/Tartarus 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
2000-03-25 3d FL-SR/LCM Death/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
2000-02-04 1m,21d FL-SD-SR/LCM Death/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
2000-01-28 7d FL-SD/LCM Death/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-12-20 1m,8d FL/LCM Death/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-11-05 1m,15d FL/LT Death/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-09-05 2m FM/LT Death/Odin 2-4/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-06-07 2m,29d FM/SL Death/Odin 2-4/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-06-07 FM/CT Death/Odin 2-4/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
1999-06-06 1d TRN/CT Death/Bravo Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Operational Readiness Award

For achieving over 80 team kills (128) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the ChichenHawk Team.

Recommended by: RA Genie for competition The Chalquilla Cup I


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of October, 2007

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of September, 2007

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of July, 2007

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of June, 2007

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

FM/LC Death – High activity
Last promoted: 6/4/2001
4/1/2007 - Transferred to Kappa 3-4
4/28/2007 - Completed free mission XWA-FREE #137
Additional notes: Regular e-mail and IRC contact. Participating actively in EH FreeWorlds (FW) (Time in game: 20:05:41, Kills: 94, Funds: $10,428,459, Rank: 38)
Even though not on a big scale, Lieutenant Colonel Death is constantly contributing to his squadron and wing. His flying activity is one of the factors that make Kappa an active squadron. Moreover, Death is regularly on IRC and adds much to the well being of Kappa. Therefore I recommend him an Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Bronze Star of the Empire

for exemplary fulfillment of his duties as XMO and all of his suggestions, criticism and "getting on the MO's nerves, until he does something"
(left the position)

Recommended by: VA Jan Wemmel


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Vanguard Shield Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Silver Star of the Empire

Colonel Death (FMC rank) has worked his ass off like noone else. From the beginning of Operation: Cleansweep (Mid '01) until today, he has worked on everything. He began to build an entire new FMC manual basing on the OP:C document and the old manual, which has become quite impressive. He also promised to do an offline version which I have no doubt he will make. He built the PMO-course for the FMC Academy (one of the most difficult ones - even I scored only around 95%) and later also took over the DOC-course. He has relentlessly spit out new ideas how to improve the Corps while retaining the OP:C paramters and shorten the entire operation - not less have been accepted. He's like doing 25% of the entire FMC work now - and that for surely more than six months. He deserves this medal.

Recommended by: FA Michael Tolwyn


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

For coming in 1st place in the "Battle of Endor - TC Version" competition, I would like to recommend LC Death a IS-SR. Thank you
COM/RA Smitrock

Recommended by: GN Smitrock


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

LC Death has won first place in the above Non-Flying competition. He had the best writtion Report. I would like to recommend the IS-SR for him. Thank You
WC/GN Smitrock

Recommended by: GN Smitrock


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer


Recommended by: HA Striker


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

3rd place, XvT Ladder, Season 1

Recommended by: Astatine


Distinguished Flying Cross


Recommended by: HA Zsinj


Imperial Security Medal

Second Place, Greenwich Wolf Comp, 01.31.01

Recommended by: COL Brucmack


Distinguished Flying Cross

EuroLoC - Today - XvT

Recommended by: AD Keirdagh "Yacks" Cantor


Palpatine Crescent

For taking first place in the GWC - October 18, 2000 with 4 wins in 5 matches, I award you a PC

Recommended by: LT Chrusos Ichthys


Imperial Security Medal

Consistantly reporting in over the last few weeks (4+) and for constant loyalty and service to the Sector Rangers.

Recommended by: HA Plif


Bronze Star of the Empire

For doing a brilliant job as Acting Avenger CMDR over the past month during NiksaVel's leave.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Gold Star of the Empire

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Bronze Star of the Empire

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Palpatine Crescent (x6)

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Imperial Security Medal (x6)

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Commendation of Bravery

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 42
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2023-01-14 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-05-05 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-03-16 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-03-16 Medals awarded: 8 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-03-10 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-03-03 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-03-03 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-02-05 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 12th Echelon
2022-02-01 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-02-01 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-02-01 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-12-06 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-12-06 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-11-29 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-11-26 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-11-16 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-11-14 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-11-10 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-11-10 New Combat Rating achieved : Veteran 2nd
2021-11-07 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-24 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-19 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-10-19 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-10-15 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-13 IU Course added to Academic Record by the SOO : [IA] - 100%
2021-10-13 IU Course added to Academic Record by the SOO : [SFW] - 100%
2021-10-12 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-10 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-10-10 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-08 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-07 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-30 Medals awarded : 7 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-27 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-09-27 Medals awarded : 6 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-26 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-25 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-09-25 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-17 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-09-17 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-08-19 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-08-19 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-08-13 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-08-05 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-08-02 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-08-01 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-31 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-30 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-07-29 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-28 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-26 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-25 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-07-25 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-07-24 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-24 New Combat Rating achieved : Veteran 3rd
2021-07-21 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-07-21 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-13 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-10 Medals awarded : 6 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-07-03 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-07-03 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-06-30 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-06-29 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-06-27 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-06-20 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-06-11 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-06-08 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-06-08 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-06-06 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-06-06 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-06-02 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-30 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-05-30 New COOP/PVE Rating achieved : Private 2nd
2021-05-27 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-05-22 Medals awarded : 10 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-19 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-12 Medals awarded : 6 Legions of Skirmish (LoSs)
2021-05-12 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-11 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-05-09 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-05-09 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-06 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-05-06 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-02 Medals awarded : 5 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-05-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 22nd Echelon (OV-22E)
2021-04-30 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-28 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-04-28 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-26 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Copper Wings (IS-CW)
2021-04-24 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-24 New Combat Rating achieved : Veteran 4th
2021-04-23 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-04-23 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-21 Medals awarded : 6 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-20 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-04-18 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-04-18 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-04-18 Medals awarded : 4 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-17 Medals awarded : 8 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-16 Medals awarded : 7 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-04-11 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)

Previous Showing records 1 to 100 of 178 Next


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Gold Star of the Empire

The Gold Star of the Empire can be awarded by any member of Emperor's Hammer Command Staff or TIE Corps Admiralty Board for extraordinary service and exceptional loyalty. Excelling command officers will most often be the recipients of this medal, but not necessarily. Greater than the Silver Star, it cannot be awarded for general activity.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (1)
Competition Award End Date
The Chalquilla Cup I Operational Readiness Award 2021-03-26
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Active Server Pages 90% Unknown
AOL Instant Messenger 100% Unknown
BitchX 87% Unknown
Computer Basics 86% Unknown
Hand Weapons General Knowledge 100% Unknown
History of the Galactic Civil War 90% Unknown
ICQ 94% Unknown
Internet Analysis Course 100% Unknown
Linux 96% Unknown
Squadron Management 2 92% Unknown
Squadron Management 3 99% Unknown
Starfighter Weapons 100% Unknown
TIE Corps Core Pass Unknown
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 1 96% Unknown
TIE Fighter Tactics 80% Unknown
Visual Basic Script 100% Unknown
Wing Management 100% Unknown
X-Wing Alliance Mission Design 91% Unknown

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name