Major Morgoth (#55942)

Call sign: morgoth6791
TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders

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SQXO/MAJ Morgoth/Tempest 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
SSx10/BSx11/PCx5/ISMx7/IAR/MoI/MoC-2doc-3poc-3goc-4soc-25boc/TUA/MUA-BW/IS-3GW-7SW-6BW-GR-4BR/ORA-2C/LoC-3PS/LoS-RS/DFC/CoLx3/CoB/OV-4E [Cavalier] [Ace 3rd] [Gunner's Mate 1st]

View character:
Secret Order - MRD Morgoth

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2020-12-31
(over 4 years ago)
Rank: Major
(2022-09-03 - over 2 years ago)
Positions: Squadron Executive Officer
Assigned unit: Tempest Squadron
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: Control your life through insanity
Position insignia of Squadron Executive Officer
Squadron Executive Officer
Uniform of MAJ Morgoth
Last Updated: 2022-10-05
Personal Craft
FRS Reigning Death

FRS Reigning Death
Type: Firespray Attack Ship

Top Awards
Silver Star of the Empire 10
Bronze Star of the Empire 11
Palpatine Crescent 5
Imperial Security Medal 7
Imperial Achievement Ribbon 10

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                16th Echelon

Flight Certified - 16th Echelon
Points: 2,262

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Ace 3rd

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Gunner's Mate 1st

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Cavalier (151 points)
Total missions completed: 151
Battles completed: 30
Free missions completed: 4
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Ace 3rd (1,591 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Gunner's Mate 1st (302 points)
Distinguished Flying Crosses: 1

Combat Record

Battles completed (30)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 12: Jedi Hunt Medal of Pursual
TIE-TC 19: The Tethys Honeymoon Medal of Commitment
TIE-TC 76: Mirror Universe Medal of Reflection
TIE-TC 108: Unexplored Territory Medal of a New Race
TIE-TC 138: Battle of the TIE Interceptor Medal of Advanced Skill: TIE Interceptor
TIE-TC 168: Project Omega
TIE-TC 199: Shinsen Gumi Saga #1: The School For Scandal
TIE-TC 202: A Wormhole Too Far
TIE-TC 214: The Virus Medal of Infection
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 14: Orion Base Crisis
XvT-TC 23: The ASF Fishing Trip
XvT-TC 38: XvT Week of War XLIII Week of Combat
XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars! The Cleanest Plaque in the fleet
XvT-TC 70: Cyclone Squadron operations I (Battle of Hoth)
XvT-TC 81: Saving Anna Darksaber A Free Pizza Dinner!
XvT-TC 102: Wing VIII: Shadow of Time Colossus Chronas Cross
XvT-TC 111: Praetorian Squadron - Installation Strike Praetorian Handshake - 2nd Echelon
XvT-TC 112: A New Tactical Officer The Tactical Order of Excellence
XvT-TC 113: Praetorian Elite Classified
XvT-TC 138: TIE Fighter: Arms Race Medal of Destiny
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 6: Enemy Defector
XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 21: Ast's Story Medal of Craziness
XWA-TC 25: Ticket to Chimaera Chimaera Cross
XWA-TC 39: Wing IX: Encryption Error Relentless Ribbon
XWA-TC 42: ECR V - Training Maneuvers The ECR Cross
Infiltrator Wing
XWA-IW 1: Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell Hell's Doors Crescent
Free missions completed (4)
Combat Events (1)
3PO League Season 6 2022-11-28 (00:00) - 2023-04-01 (23:59)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2025-01-02 1m,6d SQXO/MAJ Morgoth/Tempest 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2024-04-05 8m,27d CMDR/MAJ Morgoth/Tempest/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2022-09-03 1y,7m,1d SQXO/MAJ Morgoth/Tempest 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-08-25 8d SQXO/CPT Morgoth/Tempest 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-08-25 CPT Morgoth
2022-07-18 1m,7d FL/CPT Morgoth/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-04-18 2m,29d FL-SQXO/CPT Morgoth/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-12-13 4m,4d FL/CPT Morgoth/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-07-30 4m,13d FL/CM Morgoth/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-07-21 8d FM/CM Morgoth/Tempest 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-03-08 4m,13d FM/LCM Morgoth/Tempest 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-01-05 2m,2d FM/LT Morgoth/Tempest 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2021-01-02 3d FM/SL Morgoth/Tempest 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2020-12-31 1d TRN/CT Morgoth/IWATS/SSD Avenger
Award History
Date Information

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For participation in the Emperor's Hammer community during the month of December 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 4 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

In gratitude for maintaining engagement with the Emperor's Hammer community in the month of November 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Operational Readiness Award

For attaining 10 weeks of submissions in Trivia For The Challenged 2024

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer for competition Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1


Operational Readiness Award

For attaining 5 weeks of submissions in Trivia For The Challenged 2024

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer for competition Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of their excellent level of communications in the month of October 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For maintaining high levels of community engagement during the month of August 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of your high levels of communication in the month of September 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Commendation of Loyalty (x2)

For your dedication to the Emperor's Hammer, the Tie Corps and the people around you… you are hereby awarded the Commendation of Loyalty

From CMDR/CPT Xylo Pethtel:
For consistent excellency in flight skill, activity, presence, and most importantly, community. There’s few people that have been there to back up their fellow pilots in whatever way that means, even if means gruffly making them laugh than Morgoth.

Recommended by: GA Rapier


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of their contribution to fleet communications in July 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of their excellent level of communications in the month of June 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

Awarded for their high levels of communication across the month of May 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

With 17 points in the month of May 2024, Major Morgoth is the runner-up for month results in Trivia For The Challenged which earns him the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon!

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For being top of the board for May Week 2 of Trivia For The Challenged with 12 pts coming from 4/4 correct answers at the fastest time of 1:18, I hereby endorse Morgoth for the IS-BR!

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For maintaining high levels of community engagement during the month of April 2024.

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For victories in 3PO Season 8.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste for combat event 3PO League Season 8


Imperial Security Medal

MAJ Morgoth has been serving diligently as the Tempest SQXO, a role that has unfortunately meant he has not been able to spend as much time in the cockpit as he would like. During March, however, he was able to accrue some stick time - including successes in the 3PO tournament as Captain of the EH Storm Knights. For his efforts in flying, it is my pleasure to award him the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of their excellent level of communications in the month of March 2024.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Palpatine Crescent

MAJ Morgoth has largely been working in the background as SQXO of Tempest, as well as coordinating the Storm Knights 3PO Team, in an external competition. During the month of February, Morgoth was also able to accrue 3 Legions of Combat and 3 Legions of Skirmish, helping the TIE Corps in their battles against the Kilji in the Tkon Rift during Imperial Storm VI. With these accomplishments, as well as the collected works of the past several months, it is my pleasure to award MAJ Morgoth the Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For excellent levels of communication in the month of February 2024.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication in January 2024

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 3 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Communication in December 2023

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

For Communications, July 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For Communications, October 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, March 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, May 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, June 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, August 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, September 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For Communications, April 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Communications, February 2023.

Recommended by: GN Stryker


Operational Readiness Award (x5)

For winning five matches during 3PO Season 7.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo for combat event 3PO League Season 7


Imperial Security Medal

During the month of May 2023, MAJ Morgoth completed 20 successful sorties against enemy forces, earning himself 20 Legions of Combat. In addition, the Major showed off a very special item in LT Maston's May the Fourth Collection Cavalcade. For his efforts, whilst also managing Flight 2 and the duties of SQXO, I am pleased to award MAJ Morgoth the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For submitting a photo of part of their collection during Maston's May the Fourth Collectible Cavalcade. Thanks for sharing!

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Maston's May the Fourth Collectible Cavalcade


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For winning two matches in 3PO Season 6.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo for combat event 3PO League Season 6


Palpatine Crescent

During the month of March, MAJ Morgoth accrued 12 Legions of Combat, assisting the TIE Corps forces in their battles against the Ishtari. In addition, Morgoth participated in the 3PO League as a member of the Storm Knights.

For his efforts, and in recognition of activity in previous months, Morgoth is awarded the Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Operational Readiness Award (x10)

For taking part in the destruction of over 75% of the Ishtari forces during Imperial Storm V I am pleased to award you with The Operational Readiness Award (x10).

Well done on this achievement!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Imperial Storm 5


Imperial Security Medal

After spending some time on leave, and away from the cockpit, MAJ Morgoth has returned with a desire to take down the enemies of the TIE Corps. In recognition of his 8 successful PvP missions, along with dipping into carryover from previous months, it is my pleasure to award MAJ Morgoth the Imperial Security Medal for the month of February.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 2 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Tempest Squadron took second place in Season Five of TIE Corps in Battle, earning its contributing pilots the MUA

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Five


Palpatine Crescent

For efforts during the month of October, gaining 38 Legions, as well as representing Tempest Squadron in Raise the Flag operations, I am pleased to recommend MAJ Morgoth for the Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Imperial Security Medal

Whilst MAJ Morgoth suffered critical mechanical failure in his TIE Punisher, he was nevertheless able to complete 11 Legions. This, along with his contributions in previous month are proof of his dedication to the EHTC, for which he is awarded an ISM for the month of September.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Bronze Star of the Empire

Morgoth's efforts in August, and preceding months, has been inspiring. Reprising the role of SQXO, and despite some computer troubles late in the month, Morgoth competed in Season 5 of TIE Corps in Battle, and picked up 29 Legions of Combat along the way as well. For these efforts, MAJ Morgoth is awarded the Bronze Star.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Bronze Star of the Empire

CPT Morgoth has continued his strong contributions for Tempest in the month of July, assisting Tempest in reaching all 8 goals of Squadron ReMobilisation. 79 Legions, 4 SP missions, a small number of reviews written and encouragement and support of his squadron mates whilst SQXO makes him very deserving of a Bronze Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Commendation of Loyalty

For outstanding work and loyalty over the last years you have been awarded the Commendation of Loyalty.

From CMDR/CM Honsou:

As CMDR of Tempest Squadron it is my honour to recommend CM Morgoth for the Commendation of Loyalty. Morgoth has been the backbone of Tempest activity throughout his time in the TIE Corps. Only once has he not earned sufficient MSE points for a Silver Star of the Empire, settling for a very respectable Bronze Star that month. He has recently taken on and achieved 100% in the SM/5 exam and moreover taken leadership of Tempest Flight III. He is testament to all newcomers of what can be achieved in the TIE Corps with grit and determination.

Recommended by: GA Rapier


Palpatine Crescent

With 45 combined Legions of Combat, Skirmish and Single Player Missions, as well as participation in multiple competitions, I recommend the Palpatine Crescent to CPT Morgoth for their dedication to the Squadron and the TIE Corps in the month of June.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Member of Tempest Squadron during the Squadron (Re)Mobilization 4 exercise and a contributor towards the squadron’s completion of all 8 tasks. Excellent work!

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 4


Bronze Star of the Empire

With 34 combined Legions of Combat and Legions of Skirmish, as well as participation in multiple competitions, I recommend the Bronze Star of the Empire to CPT Morgoth for their dedication to the Squadron and the TIE Corps in the month of May.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Completed the Sausage Challenge during Sausage Week 2022

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Sausage Challenge 2022


Operational Readiness Award

For getting a time below 2 minutes and 30 seconds in the Legion's Challenging Time Trials, Congratulations!

Recommended by: LC Legion Ordo


Operational Readiness Award

For participating in at least 2 of the PvP encounters during Imperial Storm IV in 2022, I am pleased to award an Iron Star with Copper Wings. Well done!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications during April 2022.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Bronze Star of the Empire

With nearly 40 combined Legions of Combat and Legions of Skirmish, as well as participation in multiple competitions, I recommend the Bronze Star of the Empire to CPT Morgoth for their dedication to the Squadron and the TIE Corps in the month of April.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Contributed to the ISDII Challenge’s first place finish in TIE Corps in Battle Season Four

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Four


TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award

Contributed to Tempest Squadron’s first place finish in TIE Corps in Battle Season Four

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Four


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

For contributions to Fleet Communications in January 2022.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to Fleet Communications in February 2022.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to Fleet Communications in March 2022.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to Fleet Communications in December 2021.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Diligent and tenacious as ever CPT Morgoth has been at the forefront of the PvP simulations. It is with pride that I recommend CPT Morgoth for an IAR for their burst of activity in IS4 battles during April.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Bronze Star of the Empire

With 4 missions flown, 59 Legions, participating in multiple competitions and assisting with Squadron admin. CPT Morgoth has earned a Bronze Star of the Empire for the month of March.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 57 Legions of Combat

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022


Bronze Star of the Empire

With nine missions flown, 45 Legions, participating in multiple competitions and assisting with Squadron admin. CPT Morgoth has earned a Bronze Star of the Empire for the month of February.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Distinguished Flying Cross

For being an active contributor to the Emperor's Hammer Storm Knights securing first place in Porg Division in the 3PO League, the Combat Operations Officer hereby orders that Captain Morgoth, the Tempest Squadron Flight 3 Leader, be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for combat event 3PO League II


Bronze Star of the Empire

With exactly seventy missions flown and participating in multiple competitions. CPT Morgoth has earned a Bronze Star of the Empire for the month of January.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 58 Legions of Combat

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For participating as a guest star in the Airlock Podcast. Thank you for joining the show!

Recommended by: LC Legion Ordo for competition AirLock Podcast


Silver Star of the Empire

With over one hundred completed missions on top of his duties as Tempest Flight Leader, I recommend the Silver Star of the Empire to CPT Morgoth for the month of December.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Operational Readiness Award

For flying a total of at least 10 matches in the COO's Saturday Shootouts on January 1 and previous weeks.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Operational Readiness Award

For flying a total of at least 10 matches in the COO's Saturday Shootouts on January 8 and previous weeks.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Morgoth may not have had the output to the level of rivaling Genie or Gytheran, but he held his own to where he was able to secure 3rd place in the annual standings in the COO Star Wars Squadrons Challenge in 2021. This grants him the Iron Star with Silver Wings. Congratulations, Captain.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

The Squadrons competitive scene is not for the faint of heart. The Storm Knights have competed in multiple separate competitions and have stuck it out for two whole seasons of 3PO League. Currently they are preparing for season 3.
For representing the TIE Corps for a second complete season of 3PO League I recommend CPT Morgoth for an Imperial Achievement Ribbon.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Bronze Star of the Empire

The month of November has seen CM Morgoth pick up 44 Legions. He been ever present encouraging flight activity and been a huge asset to the team taking 1st place in the Challenge Championship League. It is with pride that I recommend Morgoth for a Bronze Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Imperial Security Medal

Morgoth achieved Private 1st in the PvE Combat Rating System and is thus endorsed by the Combat Operations Officer for the Imperial Security Medal

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower


Bronze Star of the Empire

Morgoth achieved Veteran 1st in the PvP Combat Rating System and is thus endorsed by the Combat Operations Officer for the Bronze Star of the Empire

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in June, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in August, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in September, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in November, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in July 2021, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For contributions to fleet communications in October 2021, CM Morgoth has earned a Medal of Communication.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Operational Readiness Award

For the completion of another set of 50 correct answers with over 100 total during the Trivia Grand Tour

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Trivia Grand Tour Season Seven


Imperial Security Medal

Career award for attaining the rank of Dragoon in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard (FCHG) on October 30th, 2021

Recommended by: HA Plif


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Snax Attax, Congratulations on achieving 1st place in the Challenge Championship League.

Recommended by: COL Honsou for competition Challenge Championship League


Silver Star of the Empire

The month of October saw 'Raise The Flag' take centre stage for the TIE Corps and the pilots of Tempest Squadron step up to their greatest challenge yet. It is with great pride that I recommend Morgoth for the Silver of the Empire, following their considerable SP, PvP and PvE contributions along with some bonus competition participation, to the victories of the ISD-2 Challenge and Tempest Squadron in this month long marathon competition.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Active contributor to the ISDII Challenge's first place finish during Raise the Flag 2021 where it earned the title of Flagship of the TIE Corps.

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Raise the Flag 2021


TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award

Member of the first place squadron in Raise the Flag 2021. Tempest Squadron racked up 21558 points and earned the right to call itself the TCCOM's Escort Squadron.

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Raise the Flag 2021


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

For the being one of the top 2 quickest submissions in Round 5 of The Challenge with Words word search, CM Morgoth has earned an IS-GR! Well done!

Recommended by: COL EvilGrin for competition The Challenge with Words


Operational Readiness Award

For assisting to decode all of the signals in the signal scramble round 7&12, CM Morgoth has earned an ORA!

Recommended by: COL EvilGrin for competition Inferno Signal Scramble


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

With 46 Legions of Skirmish and 40 Legions of Combat during the first two weeks of Raise the Flag 2021. For the notable highlight of earning 21 Legions on October 5th, I recommend the Imperial Achievement Ribbon to CM Morgoth.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Bronze Star of the Empire

With 77 successful combat engagements, training sessions with the rest of Tempest Squadron, and timely flight leader reports, Ir eocmmend the Bronze Star of the Empire to CM Morgoth for activity during the month of September.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Commander Morgoth came in as the runner-up for the COO Star Wars Squadrons Challenge for September 2021. With that said, he came very close to clenching victory.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021


Silver Star of the Empire

What can one say about CM Morgoth? Well he is somewhat rough around the edges but I say it again, he is what every CMDR wishes they had under their command. A tactical, talented and tenacious pilot. August has seen Morgoth rack up another 134 Legions, Captaining a team to the finals of CCL and taking to his role of Flight Leader in Tempest Squadron like a Jawa to a scrap yard. For the month of August, I highly recommend Morgoth for his 5th consecutive Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For reaching 2nd place in the COO Star Wars Squadrons Challenge for August 2021, I hereby endorse Morgoth for the IS-SW and +2 annual points

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

CM Morgoth came fourth in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 74 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Imperial Storm III


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Imperial Storm III


Operational Readiness Award

For completing a set of 50 correct answers over the course of the Trivia Grand Tour

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Trivia Grand Tour Season Seven


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during May.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Silver Star of the Empire

CM Morgoth is what every CMDR wishes they had under their command. A tactical, talented and tenacious pilot. July has seen Morgoth rack up another 161 Legions, Captaining a team in CCL and taking up the mantle of Flight Leader in Tempest Squadron. For the month of July, I recommend the Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Morgoth - thank you so much for the Warrior patch, it looks amazing! I appreciate the fact that you presented us with 4 separate designs and spent some time to work on our chosen one a little further. Thank you for your efforts!

Recommended by: SL Zekk Terrik


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

CM Morgoth has shown considerable dedication and skill in Imperial Storm, taking part in our battle against the Warrior and Hammer. These war games are a crucial part of our training regimen, and for earning 37 LoSs and 43 LoCs so far in Imperial Storm, I recommend CM Morgoth for an Imperial Achievement Ribbon.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For creating a new patch for Sin Squadron and making sure the legacy of Sin lives on. I would like to recommend an Imperial Achievement Ribbon for Morgoth.

Recommended by: MAJ Wreckage


Silver Star of the Empire

There are times when a CMDR should count himself lucky by the sum of the pilots he leads. This is the case with LCM Morgoth. He continues to lead the way, tearing through enemy Squadrons and capital ships alike. His 120 Legions of combat and his great forward thinking make him a true scion of Tempest. For services to the fleet, it is with great pride that I recommend Morgoth for the Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: COL Honsou


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Participating pilot from the ISDII Challenge during its first place finish in TIE Corps in Battle Season Three

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Three


TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award

Participating member of Tempest Squadron during their first place finish in TIE Corps in Battle Season Three

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Three


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during April.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Operational Readiness Award

For participating in at least 70% of their scheduled matches in the Tempest King of the Mountain competition. It is my pleasure to recommend LCM Morgoth for the Iron Star with Copper Wings.

Recommended by: COL Honsou for competition Tempest King of the Mountain


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For attending the most Tempest Raid Nights events - the maximum of 28- LCM Morgoth has earned an IS-SW.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo for competition Tempest Raid Nights


Operational Readiness Award

For contributing to the decoding effort of the signal scramble in rounds 4+5, LCM Morgoth has earned an ORA.

Recommended by: COL EvilGrin for competition Inferno Signal Scramble


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during February.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Silver Star of the Empire

With nearly 150 combat engagements, LCM Morgoth continues to leave the twisted wreckage of rebel fleets in his wake. An essential part of Tempest completing all fourteen ReMob tasks, and a part of our eventual TCiB victory next month, he has a competitive drive that drives the rest of the squadron. For his service to the fleet, I recommend the Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Operational Readiness Award

For participating in at least 10 games for the Emperor's Hammer in the first Star Wars Squadrons Week of War, LCM Morgoth has earned an ORA.



Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Medal of Instruction

For the recruitment of Jek Prime, PIN 56077

Recommended by: HA Plif


Operational Readiness Award

LCM Morgoth has participated in at least ten Tempest Raid Nights and has earned an ORA for his efforts.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo for competition Tempest Raid Nights


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Paired with LCM fr0zen, LCM Morgoth took third place in the May COO Objective Scramble by attaining 29 points. They both get 1 point for the annual standings.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition May COO Objective Scramble: May The Force Be With You


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Thank you for joining us on episode 10, the special pop-up episode of The TIE Pilot Podcast!

Recommended by: SL Zekk Terrik


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Contributed to Tempest Squadron’s second place finish in Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Contributed to Tempest Squadron’s completion of all 14 tasks in Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3


Operational Readiness Award

Dempsey's Mad Musings in May: at least 3 correct answers (5.5)

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition Dempsey's Mad Musings in May


Silver Star of the Empire

LCM Morgoth has earned 67 Legions of Combat and flown in 45 additional missions, furthering the interests of our Emperor. He continues to show high levels of engagement with the squadron and the fleet, competing in squadron-, ship-, and fleet-wide competitions as well. For his excellence in flying and dedication to the fleet in April, LCM Morgoth has earned a Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Member of the Storm Knights for the Cadet Cup tournament. The Storm Knights placed 15th overall and 2nd between the two EH teams.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Silver Star of the Empire

As a principal member of the team that created the first logo that the TIE Corps can truly call its own, LCM Morgoth contributed to something that'll be a part of everyday life in the TIE Corps for a very long time to come. Working with a group of opinionated individuals isn't always easy, so I also want to recognize the team for their dedication to finding a way forward when the next step wasn’t clear. On top of that, the team spent time tweaking the finer concerns even after the logo was selected until the plan was perfect. Excellent work!

Recommended by: HA Plif


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For taking the April COO Objective Scramble 2nd place slot with 101 AI kills, I hereby endorse LCM Morgoth for the IS-SW.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition April COO Objective Scramble: Bonk The Gonk


Operational Readiness Award

For achieving over 80 team kills (155) in the Chalquilla Cup as part of the Temper Tantrums Team.

Recommended by: RA Genie for competition The Chalquilla Cup I


Bronze Star of the Empire

LCM Morgoth has emerged victoriously from over one hundred combat engagements on top of participation in several fleet- and squadron- wide competitions and combat events. He sacrificed some of his own glory to help the squadron train, helping Tempest Squadron practice together in the simulators when he could have been destroying live rebels. For his dedication to the squadron and the fleet, I recommend the Bronze Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Second place in March 'Stay in the Lines' competition

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo for competition Stay In the Lines


Palpatine Crescent

For attaining Officer 1st in Combat Ratings

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower


Imperial Security Medal

For attaining Marksman 1st in the Combat Ratings

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For achieving the third position in the February COO Objective Scramble, Commander Richlet is hereby recognised by the COO with the Iron Star with Bronze Wings.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition February COO Objective Scramble: The Wingman


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For achieving the second place position in the COO Star Wars Challenge in the month of February 2021, the COO would like to recognise LCM Morgoth with the Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For achieving the third place position in the COO Star Wars Challenge in the month of January 2021, the COO would like to recognise LCM Morgoth with the Iron Star with Bronze Wings.

Recommended by: COL Miles Prower for competition COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021


Silver Star of the Empire

LT Morgoth had another month with a tremendous number of combat victories; he is one of the most prolific and well-respected flight members in the fleet. For his prodigious activity levels a second month in a row protecting the ideals of our Emperor, he has earned a Silver Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Challenge Trivia Intermezzo - 18/25 correct answers

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition Challenge Trivia Intermezzo


Silver Star of the Empire

LT Morgoth has a voracious appetite for competition. Despite joining this month, he's earned 129 LoCs - and for his effort in January, he has earned a Silver Star of the Empire, sure to be the first of many.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo


Commendation of Bravery

LT Morgoth has completed over 30 combat engagements, and has thus earned a Commendation of Bravery.

Recommended by: GN Silwar Naiilo

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Major Morgoth
Current ID line: SQXO/MAJ Morgoth/Tempest 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Gender: Male
Species: Valar
Date of birth: Before Time Began
Last updated: 2021-02-05

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 43
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2025-01-08 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-12-31 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2024-12-25 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster (MoC-goc)
2024-12-18 Medal awarded: Operational Readiness Award (ORA)
2024-12-18 Medal awarded: Operational Readiness Award (ORA)
2024-11-06 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-11-05 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-10-17 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 W17
2024-10-04 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster (MoC-soc)
2024-08-22 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 W16
2024-08-11 Medals awarded: 2 Commendations of Loyalty (CoL)
2024-08-05 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-07-10 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-07-06 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Gunner's Mate 1st
2024-07-06 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-07-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 W12
2024-06-11 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster (MoC-doc)
2024-06-03 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2024-06-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W9
2024-05-28 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2024-05-28 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W8
2024-05-20 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2024-05-18 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-05-16 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W6
2024-05-06 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W5
2024-05-02 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-04-28 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W4
2024-04-24 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W3
2024-04-15 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged 2024 S1-W2
2024-04-11 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2024-04-01 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-03-31 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2024-03-30 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2024-03-28 Received campaign participation credit for campaign Defending the Rift and awarded medal: General Campaign Medal - Tkon Rift
2024-03-28 Medal awarded: Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2024-03-21 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster (MoC-poc)
2024-03-12 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-03-10 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2024-02-22 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-02-10 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2024-02-08 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2024-01-23 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster (MoC-poc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster (MoC-goc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster (MoC-soc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-01-02 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2023-11-06 Medals awarded: 5 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2023-10-25 Received campaign participation credit for campaign Neutralization of the Ishtari and awarded medal: General Campaign Medal - Assurian Halo
2023-10-21 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-10-12 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-08-19 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-07-18 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2023-07-15 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-07-09 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-06-19 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2023-06-04 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-06-02 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-06-01 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-05-21 Medal awarded: Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR)
2023-05-21 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2023-05-18 Medals awarded: 10 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-05-15 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-05-12 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-05-11 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-04-20 Medal awarded: Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2023-04-13 Medals awarded: 10 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2023-04-07 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-03-29 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2023-03-29 Medals awarded: 5 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-03-26 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2023-03-13 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-03-10 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-02-22 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-02-19 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2023-02-18 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-12-31 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-12-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 16th Echelon
2022-12-22 Medal awarded: TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA)
2022-12-01 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-11-21 Medal awarded: Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2022-11-17 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-25 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-10-25 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-23 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-20 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-12 Medals awarded: 6 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-10-12 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-11 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Ace 3rd
2022-10-09 Medals awarded: 5 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-10-09 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-06 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-05 Medals awarded: 5 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-10-04 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)

Previous Showing records 1 to 100 of 666 Next


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Silver Star of the Empire

The Silver Star of the Empire can be awarded by any member of Emperor's Hammer Command Staff, TIE Corps Admiralty Board or Ship Commodore for exceptional service and loyalty. This could include expansion of an officer's area of expertise by introducing new aspects/ideas to his position. Exceptional command officers will most often be the recipients of this medal.

TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (43)
Competition Award End Date
Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1 Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2024-10-31
Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1 Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2024-10-31
Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1 Operational Readiness Award 2024-10-31
Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1 Operational Readiness Award 2024-10-31
PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2023-12-31
PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2023-12-31
Maston's May the Fourth Collectible Cavalcade Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2023-05-08
Imperial Storm 5 Operational Readiness Award 2023-03-31
TIE Corps in Battle Season Five TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-12-15
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 4 Iron Star with Gold Wings 2022-07-15
Sausage Challenge 2022 Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2022-06-12
TIE Corps in Battle Season Four TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award 2022-05-08
TIE Corps in Battle Season Four TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-05-08
AirLock Podcast Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2022-05-01
Inferno Signal Scramble Operational Readiness Award 2022-01-01
Inferno Signal Scramble Operational Readiness Award 2022-01-01
COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-12-31
COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021 Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2021-12-31
Stay In the Lines Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-12-31
COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-12-31
COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-12-31
The Challenge with Words Iron Star with Gold Ribbon 2021-12-31
COO's Star Wars Squadrons Episode VII - 2021 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-12-31
Trivia Grand Tour Season Seven Operational Readiness Award 2021-12-27
Trivia Grand Tour Season Seven Operational Readiness Award 2021-12-27
Raise the Flag 2021 TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award 2021-10-31
Raise the Flag 2021 TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2021-10-31
Challenge Championship League Iron Star with Gold Wings 2021-08-08
Imperial Storm III TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2021-07-30
Imperial Storm III Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2021-07-30
TIE Corps in Battle Season Three TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award 2021-07-08
TIE Corps in Battle Season Three TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2021-07-08
Tempest Raid Nights Operational Readiness Award 2021-06-15
Tempest Raid Nights Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-06-15
Tempest King of the Mountain Operational Readiness Award 2021-06-12
May COO Objective Scramble: May The Force Be With You Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2021-05-31
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3 TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2021-05-24
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3 Iron Star with Gold Wings 2021-05-24
Dempsey's Mad Musings in May Operational Readiness Award 2021-05-23
April COO Objective Scramble: Bonk The Gonk Iron Star with Silver Wings 2021-04-30
The Chalquilla Cup I Operational Readiness Award 2021-03-26
February COO Objective Scramble: The Wingman Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2021-02-28
Challenge Trivia Intermezzo Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2021-02-27
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Squadron Management 5 100% Unknown
TIE Corps Core 100% Unknown