Inquisitor Khaz Bibble (#56197)

Secret Order

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HRLD-ROA/INQ Khaz Bibble/DC-4/Dark Council

View character:
TIE Corps - CM Khaz Bibble

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2021-12-04
(3 years ago)
Rank: Inquisitor
(2023-08-18 - over 1 year ago)
Positions: Herald
Assistant to the Reconnaissance Officer
Assigned unit: Dark Council
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Position insignia of Herald
Uniform of INQ Khaz Bibble
Personal Craft
HLF Defector

HLF Defector
Type: Heavy Lifter

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                6th Echelon

Flight Certified - 6th Echelon
Points: 199

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Marksman 2nd

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Private 3rd

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Marksman 2nd (98 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Private 3rd (73 points)

Combat Record

This pilot has not participated in any combat engagements.

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2023-09-14 1y,2m,22d HRLD-ROA/INQ Khaz Bibble/DC-4/Dark Council
2023-08-30 14d HRLD/INQ Khaz Bibble/DC-4/Dark Council
Assignment/Rank History (Legacy)
Date Change
2023-08-18 Assigned to new position
2023-08-18 Left position: Battleteam Member
2023-08-18 Change to unit: from Sentinel Battleteam to Dark Council
2023-08-18 Change to rank: Inquisitor
2023-08-18 Assigned to new position
2023-08-18 Change to rank: Acolyte
2022-10-26 Change to rank: from Novice to Acolyte. Reason: Evaluation elevation
2022-10-26 Change to rank: from Apprentice to Novice. Reason: Evaluation elevation
2022-04-09 Assigned to new position
2022-04-09 Left position: Initiate
2022-04-09 Change to unit: from Initiates to Sentinel Battleteam
2022-04-09 Change to rank: Apprentice
2022-04-09 Assigned to new position
2022-04-09 Induction Unit: Initiates
2022-04-09 Induction Rank: Apprentice
Award History
Date Information

Ruby Scepter

After review, for earning the title Graduate of the Dark Arts with your thesis "How Sith in the past Have Utilised methods of Intrigue and Subterfuge to Achieve their Goals", the Dark Council is pleased to pass on to INQ Khaz Bibble the award of the Ruby Scepter. Let this guide you further in your journey through the force, Inquisitor.

Recommended by: INQ Taurus


Crescent - Emerald Star

For having 3 successful hunts and taking second place in the Dark Council's Great Hunt, we are proud to award Inquisitor Khaz Bibble with the Emerald Star Crescent! A glorious hunt it has been!

Recommended by: ST Legion Ordo for competition The Dark Council's Great Hunt!


Emerald Dagger

Over the last four months, INQ Khaz Bibble has created consistent and high-quality work, despite dealing with a Grand Master who only has vague concepts. The new Dark Council emblems, the Clan Drakonan emblem, the new Secret Order logo, lightsaber design, running and approving unit Emblem competitions… the list goes on. Beyond Khaz’s graphical contributions, Khaz is also a core contributing member to deciding the direction of the Secret Order. For contributions to the Dark Brotherhood during the last trimester of ABY 31, I recommend the Emerald Dagger.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Letter of Achievement

For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Dark Voice #1


Steel Cross

Evaluation award

Recommended by: INQ Miles Prower

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Inquisitor Khaz Bibble
Current ID line: HRLD-ROA/INQ Khaz Bibble/DC-4/Dark Council
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 34 BBY
Place of birth: Naboo
Marital status: Single
Family information: Mother and Father still alive.
Social status: Some friends, but mostly keeps to themself and their archives.
Significant events of childhood: Went and Explored a hidden temple, while on a diplomatic mission with family, discovering some of his first books on the force.
Significant events of adulthood: Started working on and collecting a personal archive, remodelling a room in his families personal craft to hold it.
Alignment and attitude: Neutral. A generally well mannered and tempered individual, prefers to resolve conflict with words rather than action.
Previous occupations: Diplomat and Politician.
Hobbies Exploring lost buildings, and reading old texts.
Tragedies in life: None
Phobias and allergies: Being Caught of Guard, Hidden Attackers.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Its an organisation once controlled by a great and powerful man, the emperors hammer itself being a prime example of its might.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Was requested to join the fleet after the losses of a previous battle.
Other comments: None
Last updated: 2024-07-27

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-11-16 Competition approved: Vendetta Art Competition 2 - Frigate Nose Art
2024-11-06 Medal awarded: Ruby Scepter (RS)
2024-11-01 Competition approved: Vendetta Art Competition 1 - Sith Artefacts
2024-08-03 Course passed: Graduate of the Dark Arts Capstone Thesis [CAP/GDA] - 100%
2024-07-27 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2024-07-21 Competition approved: The Crest of House Valkorion
2024-04-14 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2024-03-16 Competition approved: The Crest of House Palpatine
2024-02-21 Medal awarded: Crescent - Emerald Star (Cr-E)
2024-01-20 Medal awarded: Emerald Dagger (ED)
2024-01-12 Medal awarded: Letter of Achievement (LoA)
2023-11-09 Awarded the qualification Certificate in Force History from the Dark Jedi Shadow Academy - Imperial University (program level: Certificate).
2023-11-09 Course passed: History of the Royal Guard [RG] - 91%
2023-11-09 Course passed: History of the Jedi Order Part 1 [JO1] - 100%
2023-11-09 Awarded the qualification Certificate in Force Application from the Dark Jedi Shadow Academy - Imperial University (program level: Certificate).
2023-11-09 Course passed: Dark Brotherhood Core [DBCORE] - 84%
2023-10-01 Competition approved: Symbols of Clan Drakonan
2023-09-01 Course passed: History of the Dark Lords [DL] - 96%
2023-08-31 Course passed: Nature of the Darkside, Part III [DS3] - 100%
2023-08-30 Course passed: Artifacts of the Force [AF] - 100%
2023-08-30 Course passed: Nature of the Darkside, Part II [DS2] - 100%
2023-08-30 Course passed: Lightsaber: Training Saber [TLC] - 100%
2023-08-24 Course passed: Nature of the Darkside, Part I [DS1] - 100%
2023-08-24 Course passed: Lightsaber Techniques [LST] - 100%
2023-08-21 Course passed: Lightsaber Construction [LSC] - 100%
2023-08-19 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2023-08-19 Course passed: Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood [C/DB] - 91%
2022-11-04 Course passed: Squadron Management 5 [SM/5] - 79%
2022-10-04 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 6th Echelon
2022-10-02 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 2nd
2022-06-22 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 3rd
2022-04-25 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 5th Echelon
2022-04-25 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Private 3rd
2022-04-22 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 4th Echelon
2022-04-19 Course added to academic record: [TCCORE] - 79%
2022-04-15 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Private 4th
2022-04-14 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 3rd Echelon
2022-04-14 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Qualified
2022-04-14 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 4th
2022-04-13 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 2nd Echelon
2022-04-07 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-03-28 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Beginner
2022-03-26 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-02-27 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 1st Echelon
2022-02-27 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Certified

Showing all 45 records


Fiction Submissions (1)
How Sith in the past Have Utilised methods of Intrigue and Subterfuge to Achieve their Goals 2024-09-15

Graduate of the Dark Arts Capstone thesis

Category: Imperial University Graduate Thesis
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Emerald Dagger

Emperor's Hammer Merit Awards


Outstanding Achievement and General Awards
Competition Awards
Other Awards


Campaign Medals


SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 5
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (2)
Competition Award End Date
The Dark Council's Great Hunt! Crescent - Emerald Star 2024-02-17
Dark Voice #1 Letter of Achievement 2023-12-17
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
Certificate in Force Application 2023-11-09
Certificate in Force History 2023-11-09
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Artifacts of the Force 100% 2023-08-30
Dark Brotherhood Core 84% 2023-11-09
Graduate of the Dark Arts Capstone Thesis 100% 2024-08-03
History of the Dark Lords 96% 2023-09-01
History of the Jedi Order Part 1 100% 2023-11-09
History of the Royal Guard 91% 2023-11-09
Lightsaber Construction 100% 2023-08-21
Lightsaber Techniques 100% 2023-08-24
Lightsaber: Training Saber 100% 2023-08-30
Nature of the Darkside, Part I 100% 2023-08-24
Nature of the Darkside, Part II 100% 2023-08-30
Nature of the Darkside, Part III 100% 2023-08-31
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood 91% 2023-08-19
Squadron Management 5 79% 2022-11-04
TIE Corps Core 79% 2022-04-18

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name