Squadron Management I updates

HA Kawolski

31 October, 1999 18:33
All personnel profiles should now correctly show whether or not if you completed Squadron Management I or Squadron Management II. IWATS Course Completion information is not available for other courses and corrections are not being accepted for other courses.

tiecorps.org problems

HA Kawolski

31 October, 1999 16:50

The recent problems with tiecorps.org (with insufficent space, server timeouts, and submission form problems) that have been reoccuring all day today should be fixed now.

Outer Rim Night results

LC Havoc

31 October, 1999 15:48
At Outer Rim Night 10/30/99 the RS defeated the EH.

EH - 5 | RS - 12 | Ties - 1

Lack of updates

HA Kawolski

31 October, 1999 15:41

Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I haven't been around much recently because of RL. Some new battles/missions are going to be released soon! Stay tuned...

Help Wanted, Apply Within

AD Ted Tiger

26 October, 1999 18:48
The Logistics Office has taken up the task to compile a new EH Newsletter Archive. Logistics Officer Admiral Ted Tiger needs your help to complete this task. If you want to be part of this project (you will be credited for your work), please e-mail Admiral Ted Tiger and he'll send you more information. Every Newsletter will have it's own section with a short summary and a reference to the online NL Archive. It will also be available to download.

Late Outer Rim Night results

LC Havoc

25 October, 1999 23:18
At Outer Rim Night 10/23/99 the the EH defeated the RS.

EH - 10 | RS - 8 | Ties - 2

TC-TIE Battles #1 - #10 updated

HA Kawolski

25 October, 1999 00:27
Vice Admiral Striker has reported that Project Phoenix has completed fixing TC-TIE Battles 1 through 10 for briefings and bug fixes that were reported.

The updated battles have been uploaded to the EH Battle Center.

Roster drop

AD Eric O'Flynn

22 October, 1999 11:07
Some of you may have noticed the recent drop of 200 or so pilots. The reason for this is all CTs who have not been active in the past 2 months, which includes completing the IWATS core or submitting their pilots files, have been removed. We have found this is a good step to take, since there is currently no other ways of measuring activity on the Daedalus.

Any Cadet removed in the sweeps are free to sign back up again in the future, though if they are not active again, they will end up being removed in the future sweeps.

New Morale Officer

AD Eric O'Flynn

22 October, 1999 10:57
With the recent resignation of MOR Mairin, a new MOR has been choosen. Congratulations to General Wolly.

New Combat Operations Officer

HA Kawolski

21 October, 1999 12:04
Admiral Darkov has been chosen as the new Combat Operations Officer.

Project Faithful

LCM IQpierce

20 October, 1999 00:29
Many of you have probably heard of Project Faithful by now. It's a "wargame" within the EH, based on the XWA platform, that simulates Rebel and Imperial task forces fighting over a star system. Each "Task Force Admiral" orders large-scale fleet movements and makes other strategic decisions (all through a mainly text-based system). When the enemy forces meet, a battle is played out as an XWA multiplayer skirmish, and the results of the battle actually affect the entirety of the campaign. We are pleased that, at last, we have been officially recognized as an operation within the EH Tactical Office. Though not much will really change within the way the Project goes on (yet), this means the idea is no longer an experiment, but established as a great way to have fun. Much more information on this popular operation can be found at http://www.baylor.edu/~Shay_Pierce/. We are currently accepting new members to the staff; to apply, e-mail me, the Coordinator and Head Gamemaster, at ShayPierce@juno.com to apply or ask any questions.

COO Update

LC Havoc

20 October, 1999 00:15
I'd like to give special thanks to CPT Raith for running Outer Rim Night and Major Freelancer for running the XWA Tourny while I was on my leave.

Well at Outer Rim Night the RS defeated the EH. EH- 12 | RS- 16 | TIE- 0

And at the XWA Tourny the winners were:
1st- Arso
2nd- Fondor
3rd (this was a tie)- Dragoon and Vaark

New Battles!

HA Kawolski

19 October, 1999 23:32
The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

  • TC-TIE Battle #117: Resh Battle
  • TC-TIE Battle #118: Omicron's Initiation
  • TC-XvT Battle #1: The Verpine Encounter
  • TC-XvT Battle #2: Capture of a Murderer
  • TC-XvT Battle #3: Preparing for Battle
  • FREE-TIE: Zsinj 1
  • FREE-XvT: Assault on Ravent
  • FREE-XvT: Defense of the ISD Intrepid

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Personnel Profile problem fixed..?

HA Kawolski

19 October, 1999 13:47
There was a server side problem with displaying personnel profiles. Hopefully, the problem has been fixed. If you have any problems accessing personnel profiles, contact High Admiral Kawolski.

Recon Officer on Leave

FA Telf

19 October, 1999 00:49
As I predicted, I'm going to have to take an emergency inactive leave of absence due to a death in the family. I will return to full active duty on 10.23.99. CA:RO Vice Admiral Kaek will be responsible for submitting a short Recon Office Report in my place. Sorry for the inconvenience.

IWATS Course Corrections are NOT being accepted!

HA Kawolski

19 October, 1999 00:47
The following IWATS Courses are listed on personnel profiles:

  • Squadron Management
  • Squadron Management II
  • IWATS Core (for new Cadets after Oct. 1st, 1999)

Squadron Management course graduates are still being entered into the database (by someone else [not me] who's taking his sweet time because he's too busy getting drunk at the cantina). All other IWATS Course information will not be displayed on the personnel profiles. Please stop submitting profile requests regarding IWATS Courses!


HA Kawolski

18 October, 1999 23:26

The bug where high scores for Free Missions were counted as 7 FCHG points instead of 2 has been fixed.


AD Eric O'Flynn

18 October, 1999 15:19
Well after much delay a person for CA:FO has been choosen. Congratulations to Vice Admiral Chandler, the newest CA:FO. Also, he is to be CCed on all Flight Office email.

It was a hard choice though, and I had many many qualified applicants, and it took me a long time.

FO Reports

AD Eric O'Flynn

16 October, 1999 16:09
Well I have recently been thinking this over and I have decided. I have decided to do TIE Corps wide FO reports only once a month (or every 4 weeks, which ever comes first). The reasons are, it is quite a big deal of work, and I don't always have tons of news, so I feel like I'm wasting my and everyone else's time by doing them when I could be doing other more time efficient duties.

I do plan to make more news related postings on here to balance out the lack of TIE Corps wide reports so there won't be a lack of communication.

New Commodore

AD Eric O'Flynn

16 October, 1999 15:16
With the removal of Rear Admiral Motti, a new Commodore for the Vanguard has been choosen. Congratulations to Rear Admiral Priyum of the ISD Vanguard.

COO Medal Update

LC Havoc

15 October, 1999 03:41
As you all know Vice Admiral Starlion has stepped down as COO. Because of this, I have taken it upon myself to reward all Outer Rim and XWA Tourny medals (which is two weeks worth of medals). If you haven't received all your LoCs e-mail me at Pellaeon85@aol.com. Also, I would like to announce XWA Tourny winners for 10/3/99 and 10/10/99.

For 10/3/99:
1st- Delplancq
2nd (this was tied)- Bip and Archon

For 10/10/99:
1st- Havoc
2nd- Vaark
3rd- K'Tehmok

* Note: the winners of the XWA Tourny shall receive their medals within a day or two.

Tactical Challenge #3 solved

HA Kawolski

15 October, 1999 02:24
Rear Admiral Sarok is awarded the Imperial Security Medal for being the first to submit the remaining Battle 59 missions. Unfortunately, some of these missions require a custom patch, so they will need to be redone eventually so the battle will work without them.

COO VA Starlion resigns

HA Kawolski

13 October, 1999 11:41
Combat Operations Officer Vice Admiral Starlion has resigned from his position.

New Internet Officer

HA Kawolski

13 October, 1999 11:25
Former Command Attaché to the Internet Officer Vice Admiral Kryder has been selected to become the new Internet Officer.

TO Comp Results

FA Astatine

13 October, 1999 04:17
The 3rd Training Office Competition has concluded. The results can be viewed here.

Battle Completion Corrections Reminder

HA Kawolski

13 October, 1999 02:13

After Tactical Briefing #3 is released, the Tactical Office will no longer accept any more database corrections for "missing battle records" without proof of completion from a previous newsletter.

Tactical Challenge #3

HA Kawolski

13 October, 1999 01:18
Battle #59 is supposed to have eight missions. Currently, we only have four of them on the mission compendium, and they don't even appear to belong with the battle in the first place!

The Imperial Security Medal will be given to the first person to locate the original Battle #59 and mail it to High Admiral Kawolski with all eight missions.

Squadron Citations

HA Kawolski

12 October, 1999 14:09
A temporary page is online so people can now view the fleet's listing of Squadron Citations.

Battle Bug Reports

HA Kawolski

12 October, 1999 13:39
Working similarly on the same system Battle Reviews do, you can now formally submit a bug report for a battle for the Tactical Staff to investigate and look at after logging in through Administration.

FCHG Listings

HA Kawolski

10 October, 1999 16:31
A test-page of the FCHG Listings has been put up. The page doesn't describe how the FCHG system works, but that's something I'll do when I get home. Improvements to the page will include a second, more detailed listing showing point totals for everyone in the FCHG system side-by-side (i.e. high scores held, LoCs earned, etc).

Smart ID-Lines

HA Kawolski

10 October, 1999 15:54
Some new coding has been put into place that cuts down space with ID Lines.

For example: General Wolly's ID Line used to state:
WC/GN Wolly/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign, FOA/GN Wolly/SSSD Sovereign, IOA/GN Wolly/SSSD Sovereign

Now it states:
WC-FOA-IOA/GN Wolly/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

FA Thedek named new GM

HA Kawolski

09 October, 1999 01:29
Fleet Admiral Thedek, former Internet Officer, has been chosen to be the new Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood.

Tactical Officer on leave

HA Kawolski

08 October, 1999 19:04
High Admiral Kawolski will be on leave until late October 12th. E-mail contact and response time may be slow during that time. Tactical Briefing #2 will be released upon his return.

tiecorps.org problems

HA Kawolski

08 October, 1999 18:43

The domain has been going up and down for the last two weeks and has remained extremely unstable during that time. If the problem isn't corrected by next week, tiecorps.org will be switching to a new web provider.

XvT-XWA Academy update

FA Astatine

08 October, 1999 01:52
The XvT-XWA Academy site has gone through some updates. In addition, the Academy has also moved to a new location - http://fly.to/training_academy.

AlliED v.1.0 released!

HA Kawolski

07 October, 1999 19:11
Troy Dangerfield, author of XvTED, has released a shareware version of AlliED 1.0. The new version comes equiped with .WAV file management for missions, a full briefing editor, and several fixes from the previous AlliED .35beta version!

You can visit the AlliED homepage at http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/troyd/ or download the file directly here.

Unfortunately, the Shareware version has a lot of annoying restrictions.

tiecorps.org gets upgraded, problems occur

HA Kawolski

06 October, 1999 16:37

tiecorps.org's server was just upgraded today and the administrators are still working out the bugs and problems that occurred due to the upgrade. Please be patient as they are working as hard as they can to make sure everything is up and running again shortly.

Mission Beta Tester application process closed

HA Kawolski

06 October, 1999 02:29
Due to the overwhelming response of people wanting to test new missions, I must regrettably stop accepting applications for Beta Testers and turn down the remaining applicants at this time. If you haven't been invited to the Tactical Staff mailing list yet, I'm sorry to say your application was denied.

However, if you didn't make it in the program the first time around, don't despair. Later in time, applications will be reopened as people leave the beta testing program. It's normally first come, first serve, so be vigilant for when application time opens again!

Newsletter #57 submissions due

HA Kawolski

04 October, 1999 23:02
If you have any last-minute submissions for NL #57, e-mail them to Sector Admiral Compton tonight!

Tactical Challenge #2 solved

HA Kawolski

04 October, 1999 22:12
Colonel EmpReach is awarded the Palpatine Crescent for uncovering the lost plotlines and titles to Battle 43 and Battle 44!

A brief walk through EH history:

Battle 43: "Where Did They Come From?" (8 missions) was created by Lieutenant (General, in the old rank system) Sygrod. The missions were under development and the plotline was approved by Grand Admiral Ronin and Tactical Officer Fleet Admiral Havok to be Battle #43 when it was completed. The battle was never completed nor mentioned since NL #31.

Battle 44: "The Verpine Encounter" (11 missions) was created by Major (Lieutenant General, in the old rank system) SureFire. However, because Internet access was too expensive at the time, MAJ SureFire retired from the Emperor's Hammer and abandoned the battle midway in design. Several months later, MAJ SureFire rejoined as Sub-Lieutenant (General, in the old rank system) Kawolski, finished the missions, and submitted them to Tactical Officer Fleet Admiral Talon. Because there was a new limit on the size of battles (no larger than 8 missions), the battle had to be split into two parts as was assigned to be TC-TIE #77 and TC-TIE #78. At that point in time nobody (including Kawolski) knew that the battle plotline had already been approved and assigned to be TC-TIE #44.

For those of you who were scrambling through past newsletters trying to find this information, it was in Newsletter #31 in file NL31PLOT.WRI which was contained in NL31.ZIP.

Mission Testing Applications

HA Kawolski

04 October, 1999 19:15
If you're interested in testing missions for the Tactical Office (as highlighted in Tactical Briefing #1), please specify which game platforms you own and would like to use to test battles. E-mail applications to High Admiral Kawolski.

Potential applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Must own any ONE of the following: X-W 95/TIE 95 [X-Wing Collector's Series] or TIE Fighter Collector's CD (older Disk versions not acceptable), X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter with Balance of Power, X-Wing Alliance
  • Must know how to install and play custom missions for their game platform
  • Must be active and on call to play and complete new untested battles promptly
  • Mission creation knowledge not necessary!

tiecorps.org upgrading or changing servers

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 16:10

LCO Internet will attempt to upgrade the tiecorps.org with new Access 2000 drivers (so we can have our FCHG listings)! If the upgrade fails, tiecorps.org will be moving to another LCO Internet server that already has the Access 2000 drivers on it. Because of this, outages or slowdowns with the domain may occur throughout the day.

New FCHG System Approved

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 10:22
Grand Admiral Ronin has approved the new Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank and point system:
The Fleet Commander's Honor Guard is a special ranking system that rates pilots and officers by combat activity and performance using a point system to determine a pilot's place in the Honor Guard. For combat activity, points are awarded for flying and completing missions or winning online combat engagements. For performance, pilots compete against each other for points for holding high scores for missions and battles, adding a more competitive element for pilots trying to hold the higher ranks.

Below is the point system used for the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

One point
- Complete a mission (either in a battle or a Free Mission)
- Earning a Legion of Combat medal in an online multiplayer combat engagement or event

Two Points
- Currently holding a mission high score for a [Free] Mission

Five Points
- Currently holding a total high score for a Battle

* Note: If a pilot's high score is beaten by another, then he or she will no longer be eligible for the FCHG points for holding that high score until he or she beats the new high score.

The new FCHG rank system is as follows:

Imperator 500 points
Centurion 400 points
Paladin 300 points
Knight 250 points
Gallant 200 points
Cavalier 150 points
Dragoon 100 points
Fusilier 75 points
Hussar 50 points
Lancer 25 points
Grenadier 10 points

New BSF system working

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 07:02

As some of you may have seen, the new Battle Submission Form processing system is up and running! Details on what has changed with the new system will be outlined in tonight's Tactical Briefing.

Battle Board updates complete

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 03:53

The Battle Board has been fully updated with the correct scores.

Mos Angeles (A Wretched Hive of Fun and Merriment)

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 03:01
Pulp Phantom: The Animated Parody - http://www.pulpphantom.com - The site has been updated for a movie that combines the first five episodes together into one long sequence.

Warning: The site contains language and adult subject matter. For mature audiences only.

Tactical Challenge #2

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 01:00

If you have noticed, there is no TC-TIE Battle 43 or TC-TIE Battle 44. Nobody knows what the name of those battles were. Nobody knows why they're missing! The Imperial Security Medal will be awarded to the first officer who uncovers the mystery of what 43 and 44 are (with proof!, i.e. a posted newsletter plot-line). The Palpatine Crescent will be awarded to the first officer who uncovers each of the missing battles, if they even exist!

New Free Missions

HA Kawolski

03 October, 1999 00:47
Three new free missions have been added to the EH Battle Center:

  • Gibbs 1
  • Eugene 1
  • Dactyl 1

FCHG Points on Profiles, no listing available

HA Kawolski

02 October, 1999 21:10

FCHG points now display on your personnel profile. However, the FCHG listings page will not be available until LCO Internet upgrades the tiecorps.org domain with Microsoft Access 2000 drivers.

Database going offline...

HA Kawolski

02 October, 1999 15:53

The database will be going offline in about 30 minutes for a few updates.

XvT/XWA Competition

CM Ace Pilot

02 October, 1999 01:33
A new competition is being organized. You may sign up for XvT, XWA, or both. It will be a tournament where you will be paired of with another pilot and the winner advances. The time of the matches will be decided by me and the two pilots playing each other. The Bronze Star will be given out for first, Palpatine Crescent for 2nd, and Imperial Security Medal for 3rd. Every pilot that wins a match will be awarded a Legion of Combat. Please E-mail Commander Ace Pilot if you wish to participate.

Flight Office Report #3

AD Eric O'Flynn

01 October, 1999 23:52
Flight Office Report #3 has been posted to the fleet. The current TIE Corps membership is 1221.

TO Comp deadline extended

FA Astatine

01 October, 1999 22:51
Due to the Training Officer, Fleet Admiral Astatine, moving house, the current Training Office Competition (#3) will be extended to 10th October. All other details of the competition are the same, and are available on the Training Office site (http://www.impstar.net/to/)

New BSF System online late this weekend

HA Kawolski

01 October, 1999 12:12

Sorry about the delay in the BSF processing. A new system is being worked out so BSFs and high scores can be done together using just one form. Any BSFs submitted prior to today or before the new system is online WILL be looked at, so please don't make duplicate submissions. Details on how the new system works will be described in my weekly Tactical Briefing, which will also be distributed this weekend.