New Uniforms
FA Kawolski
Special thanks goes to Rear Admiral Eric O'Flynn for creating and designing the new uniforms!
Special thanks goes to Rear Admiral Eric O'Flynn for creating and designing the new uniforms!
The Combat Operations Officer?s primary duties include running the EH vs. RS Minos Night competition against the Rebel Squadrons every Saturday evening on IRC, organizing Internet Gaming Zone tournaments and competitions against other Zone-based clubs, welcome and assist new incoming ASF TDA pilots, and host other XvT or XWA Multiplayer events for the TIE Corps. The COO is a Command Officer level position and reports to the TIE Corps Commander (Flight Officer) and Fleet Commander.
The requirements for the position are as follows:
Applications for the position must include how you meet the requirements and a layout of future plans and ideas you would undertake if you received the position. Apply to Fleet Admiral Kawolski if you?re interested.
In order to pursue other interests in the Fleet, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has personally asked the EH Communications Officer (FA Threat) to resign as Communications Officer and allow a newer Member to step in. Due to some mishaps on IRC, this action has become necessary as determined by the EH High Inquisitor (HA Paladin).
Applicants for the Position of EH COMM should review the following job description:
The Communications Officer is responsible for overall communications within the organization...Specifically, the COMM maintains and approves Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels, weekly meeting and Message Board activities and is a first contact with complaints and problems regarding other online persons or clubs...
In addition, prospective Applicants should be able to demonstrate the following:
Qualified Applicants should email the Fleet Commander ASAP...!
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
The clones and inactives in the ASF TDA roster have been removed resulting in a large 70-person drop in membership count to 508 pilots as opposed to 578.
Says Admiral Thedek, "I plan to uphold the tradition of activity that the previous Internet Officer began. And anyone interested in becoming a IOA and help with graphics is free to email me."
Congratulations to everyone that participated! For more information about how to attend Minos nights, visit the Aggressor Strike Force section.
The TIE Corps homepage redesign process is underway to remove most of the frames and give a new look to the entire site in general.
With the near completion of the Platform Daedalus pages (including the automated PLT Daedalus roster), the platform will open for staffing shortly!
Last weekend's Minos Engagement against the Rebellion was victorious for the TC/ASF! The Emperor's Hammer triumphed against the Rebel Squadrons 12 to 11 with one draw. It was close, but we did it!
The News Page was reset last night.