Known bug with promotion form

SA Kawolski

31 October, 2000 23:59

I thought I could get this fixed sooner, but it turned out to be a bigger problem than I had expected. There is a bug that prevents Wing Commanders and up from using the promotion form for pilots without a squadron commander. I will try to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Star Wars Quake site updated

SA Kawolski

31 October, 2000 18:09
The Star Wars Quake: Call of the Force site has been updated with a small news report stating that a few of the unfinished maps from the cut Single-Player release were going to be worked on and finished. Unfortunately, there's no word about when the DM Test would be released, what the reason for the delay was, or why it has been over a month since the last news update. You can check out the site at

Updated battles

AD Striker

31 October, 2000 16:09
The following battles have been updated for bug fixes thanks to Vice Admiral Wlodek:
  • IW-TIE 1
  • TC-TIE 61
  • TC-TIE 77
  • TC-TIE 92
  • TC-TIE 94
  • CAB 4
  • CAB 5
NB: is not yet updated due to connection problems.

EH Encyclopedia work

HA Astatine

31 October, 2000 14:54
Persons are required to assist in the construction of the EH Encyclopedia. Your job will be to go through the Newsletters and assemble historical profiles of persons, subgroups, command positions and other parts of the EH. If you're interested in doing this, email the Training Officer with the subject "I want to be a research dude!".

New Training Office page

SA Kawolski

30 October, 2000 22:15
The Training Office homepage got a bit of a face-lift over the weekend with personalization options and a little bit of Flash. Also, the broken pages at the site have been fixed. You can check it out here at:

i6 Lan Party

COL Klick Sabre

30 October, 2000 21:51
There is an upcoming LAN party taking place in the UK in just under 2 weeks on the 10th until 12th of November. I thought that this would be a very good oppotunity for a small EH meet up, and of course some no lag games. Details can be found at . Click on 'I Series' for details. If any of you would be interested in having a meet up there, or you have any questions about it, please e-mail me at, or speak to me on IRC. I think this would be a great oppotunity for UK EH members to meet up, so please feel free to speak to me.

New XvT-BoP Free Missions

AD Striker

30 October, 2000 10:44
The following free missions have been released:NB: is not yet updated due to connection problems.

Updated battles

AD Striker

30 October, 2000 10:32
The following battles have been updated for bug fixes thanks to Vice Admiral Wlodek:
  • FREE-TIE 1
  • TC-TIE 87
  • TC-TIE 107
  • TC-TIE 113
  • TC-TIE 129
  • TC-TIE 160
NB: is not yet updated due to connection problems.

Battlecry contest details released

CPT Werdna Elbee

30 October, 2000 07:35
The Battlecry Website has been updated to show details of the Flying Contest Results. You can now see who took part and what scores they got. I'm sorry that these details were not available upon the release date.

Also, while I'm writing this, there has been an update that will allow you to see when the future issues of Battlecry will be released. You can find both pages at the main news page at

Mission design tip of the day

AD Striker

30 October, 2000 05:38
X-Wing Alliance: How to disable GU Numbering with AlliED: The box you use to disable the numbering is located in the "Edit unknowns" box (under the "option" menu in the datapad). Select 7 in the boxes designated "After WPs", and Global Unit numbering is disabled for this flight group.

TCMC bug fixes and add-on

SA Kawolski

29 October, 2000 18:42

Another bug has been fixed on the TIE Corps Message Center that prevented new post icons from showing up on the NESTED view mode. Also, a new purple folder icon has been added to the LIST and NESTED view modes to indicate "New Hot Topic" since a Red Folder + Blue Folder = Purple Folder

Naval Corps Standing Orders

VA Shawshank

29 October, 2000 13:41
Attention! The NavCOM and COS would like to point you all here. It is also reachable simply at the Naval Corps website from the link entitled "Standing Orders".


You may e-mail either myself or the NavCOM, VA Bargon if you have any questions!

Naval Corps Website Updated!

VA Shawshank

29 October, 2000 13:39
The Naval Corps website at has been updated! It now includes a section for NEWS. ALL NC personnel shoudl check here daily for updates and such. The NavCOM and COS would like to extend the deepest gratitude to CPT Quake Harlander, TUC Crusader, for his quick and hard work in getting this up.

Updated battles

AD Striker

29 October, 2000 10:15
The following battles have been updated for bug fixes thanks to Vice Admiral Wlodek:
  • FREE-TIE 75
  • FREE-TIE 100
  • FREE-TIE 134
  • FREE-XvT 13
  • IW-XvT 23
  • TC-TIE 10
  • TC-TIE 11
  • TC-TIE 24
  • TC-TIE 70
  • TC-TIE 148

Tactical Officer back to work

AD Striker

29 October, 2000 10:05

I have returned from my "semi-leave", TAC business should be processed as normal now.

TC Message Center fixes and features

SA Kawolski

28 October, 2000 23:45
The TIE Corps Message Center has been updated to include the following:

Special "new locked topic" and "new sticky topic" icons have been added to the LIST and NESTED view modes.

The "DELETE THREAD" feature has been fixed and should be working properly.

A new ban feature has been added for all boards. If the master moderator of a message board wishes to ban a certain individual, he can do so from the Message Board Administration menu and select the "Ban List" for his board. You can ban by PIN # and, if your board allows "guests" to post, you can ban by IP # as well.

First FCHG Archon

SA Kawolski

28 October, 2000 21:27
A new milestone in TIE Corps history! Congratulations go to Colonel Dras Hempor for being the first Archon in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard flying 1033 custom missions, holding one battle high score and six mission high scores, and earned over 450 Legion of Combat medals in online fleet engagements!

Thanks go to Major Nix for e-mailing me this information.

Training Office comp. sub. form offline

SA Kawolski

28 October, 2000 20:40

The Training Office's Competition Submission Form on (which is linked from administration) along with other pages are broken and have been taken offline. The pages will probably not be reactivated until Monday.

FO Returns!

VA Shawshank

28 October, 2000 18:01
Aye, the FO returned from leave today. She has taken care of all several hundred e-mails in her mail box (those are NOT including the 200 I went through during her leave). All cadets who were awaiting assignment HAVE been assigned, and that number totals somewhere near 15 or so, I would say. Things are back to normal, but I would like to say we should all feel grateful for the work the FO does. It's a lot more than most people can imagine.

Send your e-mail to her again, and please CC me as always. Things'll get taken care of quicker if more than one person knows about it.

EH Poll Update

FA Manesh

27 October, 2000 21:52
There are currently three polls open at the polling center: EH Poll #92, EH Poll #93, and EH Poll #94. I always welcome new poll ideas for the polling center. Oh yeah, the Polling Center recently hit 10,000 votes!! The EH Polling Center can be found at database

HA Astatine

26 October, 2000 22:59

I've made some changes to the database to add extra functionality. The key detail is the Miscellaneous Details field in the competition submissions form is no longer limited to 255 characters. Also, some elements of the site, such as the course and staff lists will not be working immediately, as I still have to reprogram these sections. And lastly, anyone who was subscribed to the mailing system has had their entry wiped. This is to facilitate new features in the new version of the domain that will be going online soon.

FO extends leave

SA Kawolski

26 October, 2000 09:41
Admiral Sarriss will be extending her leave until Saturday of this week.

AOL 6.0

SA Kawolski

25 October, 2000 20:23
If you use America Online for your E-mail (like me) or for Internet access, PC users can upgrade to their latest software version for Windows 95, 98, and ME at and click the Download AOL link. The new software features dozens of great improvements, including better HTML support in E-mails, IM additions that only AIM users had before (like away messages and those annoying smiley faces), additional AOL Plus features for people with high-speed connections using AOL, and other things as well. Thanks to AD Keiran Idanian for the heads-up.

Election 2000

AD Theodore

24 October, 2000 12:25
With the U.S. elections drawing near many people are still trying to decide for whom to vote. Well, I'll make it easy for you. Visit You will find images, issues and advice from the Dark Lord of the Sith. Check it know he has earned your vote and you don't want to let him down.

Final NC appointments made

VA Bargon

24 October, 2000 12:23

The Naval Corps new Chief of Staff is Captain Cato, former TFC of Crusader. New Crusader TFC is Rear Admiral Spinx, former TUC in Crusader. With that, all major NC positions are filled and work is progressing on the next Wargame.

Updated Battles

AD Striker

22 October, 2000 13:53
The following battles have been updated for bug fixes:
  • TC-TIE 4
  • TC-TIE 35
  • TC-TIE 77
  • TC-TIE 161
  • TC-XvT 8
  • TC-XvT 9
  • DB-TIE 8
  • DB-TIE 13
  • CAB 2
  • CAB 4
  • FREE-TIE 116
  • FREE-TIE 129
  • FREE-XvT 6
  • FREE-XvT 22

We want more flight sims!

COL Kessler

22 October, 2000 09:21
Lucasarts are conducting a poll at their homepage, asking what our favorite PC Star Wars games were. There's an extreme possibility that they may actually take the results of the poll seriously, and if enough people vote for the X-Wing series the next Lucasarts game developed for the PC might be TIE Fighter Alliance instead of some rubbish like Episode I Super Gungan Bombad Power Battles. :P Cast your vote at

GWC And Wednesday ASF Comps

LC Chrusos Ichthys

22 October, 2000 09:20

The Greenwich Wolf Comp and the Wednesday ASF Comp scheduled for October 25 and November 1 have been cancelled in favor of the XVT and XWA WoWs taking place this week and next. These comps will resume as normal on Novermber 8.

Battlecry 8 released

CPT Werdna Elbee

21 October, 2000 12:04
The latest edition of the TC newsletter, Battlecry, has been released. Now at issue 8, it has all the great things you would expect from a newsletter...except it's better coz I made it.

There are features on WEHR Radio, the servers, the results to last months flying contest, lots and lots of submissions, and plenty more things on top of that!!!

You can view and download the newsletter from the Battlecry website at

Tactical Officer on semi-leave

AD Striker

21 October, 2000 07:15

Some RL stuff took most of my time for the past week, and will as well for the next week... email answers should be minimal until October 28th.

Naval Corps Wargame is over

VA Bargon

20 October, 2000 17:17

The first Naval Corps wargame has ended, and Task Force Monitor has emerged from the smoke Victorious. Congratulations to RA Jack, TFC of Monitor, and to all who participated in this wargame. Necessary appointments will proceed now, the next full-Naval Corps game will not be for a month or so, TFCs now have time to prepare their pilots, and run their own games.

An IWATS Reminder

COL Mell

20 October, 2000 07:16
Here's a reminder from the Training Office. When requesting completed courses to be added to your profile, I must stress that you address the subject of your e-mail "Profile Update #XXXX" (where XXXX = PIN) it makes my job easier and you get your courses updated quicker. Failure to adhere to such a simple request will result in returned course requests.

XWA Upgrade Project

AD Kermee

20 October, 2000 07:14
There are some screenshots of the upgraded TIE Fighter exterior model now available on the XWAUP site (

Also, a recent news item concerning multiplayer:
Q: Can I play with other players whom do not have the patch?

A: It is now proven that it is not truly possible to play against players without the RFP because of the *.exe data difference, which tends result in a major packet loss, almost to the point of making the game unplayable. Of course, you can always do use a favour by promoting the XWAU for on-line, so that more XWA players will know about the upgrade.

What does this mean? Don't have it installed when you go to multiplayer comps!

More Uniform info

SA Kawolski

19 October, 2000 13:51
The 300 pixel restriction on uniforms has been relaxed slightly so some people can go slightly over that limit since some of the more creative people like to put human (and alien) heads on their uniforms.

You can see a listing of people who have posted uniforms at the new Uniform Listings page.

Wave 1, Monitor versus Crusader

VA Shawshank

18 October, 2000 21:45
It was a hard fought battle between Zack Johnson (Crus) and Sticky (Mon) but in the end, Monitor pulled out the victory with only the loss of 12 TIE Bombers. Wave 2 is in the workings and should prove more exciting than the first! Current statistics:

TF Crusader: Less than 25% strength but still with Cruisers intact.
TF Monitor: Short only 12 T/Bs, otherwise at full strength of 32 capital ships.
TF Claw: They took the brunt of the Crusader onslaught. Praise to them for sacrificing themselves to help Monitor win. They are at one Corvette.

Uniforms on Personnel Profiles

SA Kawolski

18 October, 2000 00:51
You can now have your TIE Corps uniform on your personnel profile! Log in to Administration and click the Upload Uniform link. All uniforms are reviewed by me personally prior to posting, though it says OPS Office right now...after I'm confident that the system works, I'll be turning over reviewing authority to the OPS). This is to make sure that no inappropriate pictures are uploaded.

Uniforms must follow these guidelines:

  • .gif, .jpg, or .png file
  • No larger than 200 pixels in width
  • 50KB max file size
  • TC Uniform only, no other pictures accepted

If you have any problems using the new form, contact Sector Admiral Kawolski.

Regarding CA:RO

AD Slage

17 October, 2000 17:53

Due to the recent AWOL status set to Vice Admiral Draye C. Maaric, the Command Attaché position to the Reconnaissance Officer is now open. However, as I have been recieving many unrequested applications for CA:RO, I would like to say that the position is considered closed. This has been decided because the position of CA is really not necessary at the moment, and I prefer not to hold assistants unless absolutely necessary.

Imperial Survey Corps (ISC)

CM Dansin Wolver

17 October, 2000 16:59
Despite the loss of VA Maaric, the ISC will soon become active. A manual detailing the duties and activities of the ISC can be found at This manual will soon be updated.

Due to the loss of Maaric, the roster of the ISC has been lost. Because of that, the ISC will soon be opened again to general membership. Effective now applications for membership will be taken by me at Here is what we would like you to include in your application:

- Your full ID Line, of any and all current Subgroups
- What division of the ISC you'd like to join (check the ISC Manual), if you have a preference.
- Your EH career history, as detailed as you can make it
- Why you'd like to join the Imperial Survey Corps
- Anything else you think I should know.

Please keep in mind that the number of open positions within the ISC is extremely limited, as there will only be 10 members in each division when the ISC first opens. However, membership will not be based on a first come, first serve basis. Those people with the most desirable applications will be admitted. Thank you and please continue to support the Imperial Survey Corps!

Testers Needed

LT Akira Vorsahyer

17 October, 2000 16:41
In an effort to get Mac users into the multi-gaming scene, we've identified a plug-in for Myth II: The Fallen Lords that provides each player with an Imperial Army, doing battle on Tatooine. I'm looking for Myth II players (both on the Macintosh and PC platforms) to help tests its Internet capabilities. If you've got the game and wouldn't mind donating an hour or two to help in this endeavor, please contact me. The plug-in can be found here.

SSS Reminder

LC Ace Pilot

17 October, 2000 15:39
A reminder that all reports for the trivia phase of the SSS are due tonight at Midnight (EST). Reports should be from WCs and should contain all the answers that each squad was able to come up with. If you have any questions please email me at

Applications being accepted for NC Positions

VA Bargon

16 October, 2000 18:41
The Naval Corps positions of Chief of Staff, and Task Force Commander Claw, are currently open to applications. Requirements for both positions are:

  • Must be in Naval Corps
  • Must have passed Naval Corps IWATS Exam
  • Must have some command experience.

Send all applications to NavCOM Vice Admiral Bargon

New Pulp Phantom episode

SA Kawolski

15 October, 2000 22:25
Pulp Phantom: The Animated Parody - - The site got rid of those annoying pop-up porn banners and put up a new Pulp Phantom episode (#13)!

Warning: The site contains language, adult subject matter, cheap movie crossovers, and nude yellow aliens. For mature audiences only.

New IWATS Course grading system

SA Kawolski

15 October, 2000 22:13
A new IWATS Course grading system on is undergoing open testing with the Squadron Management II course. While closed testing results show the form appears to be working perfectly, I would like to remind everyone that every submitting your IWATS test, you should always save the HTML page that that says "Keep this for your records" which gives you a copy of the test and your answers just in case your test is lost for some reason.

If the open testing of this new system is a success, you can expect to see other IWATS tests (like IWATS Core) using this system in the near future to speed up the entire grading process for everyone.

FO on leave

AD Sarriss

15 October, 2000 14:34
I will be away from the 18th to the 25th of October. During this time, I will have NO Internet Access whatsoever, so please do not spam me with requests! If there is anything urgent requiring processing, please forward it to Vice Admiral Shawshank. If he deems it not to be urgent, he will wait until my return. So, if there is anything that needs my attention immediately, you have 2 days to get it in to me. Thank you all.

More TCS/TCT sought

AD Striker

15 October, 2000 05:49
I am looking for additional Tactical Surveyors and Tacticians for the Tactical Staff in charge of beta testing new battles. As described in the Tactical Manual:
Tactician (TCT) - Makes battle corrections and bug fixes, reports to the appropriate Tactical Coordinator

Tactical Surveyor (TCS) - A beta tester who finds the bug fixes, reports to the Tactical Head Coordinator with reports.
Send your applications to Admiral Striker and Rear Admiral Shadd, please report the game platforms you use with detail (XvT with/without BoP, TIE Disk, CD or 95 etc) and/or on which platform you have some mission design/editing skills.

Position badges

SA Kawolski

14 October, 2000 20:58
Position badges have been added on the profiles of Imperial Fleet Advisors (such as myself) and Subgroup Commanders. Also, the EH Staff page has been cleaned up and sorted to more closely match the EH Command Staff page.

Reminder on mission skipping

AD Striker

14 October, 2000 13:32
Excerpt from the Tactical Manual:
"If you encounter a battle that has a fatal bug in it that prevents you from playing the rest of the battle, you may edit your pilot file ONLY to skip the mission. However, if you edit a pilot file to skip a mission, you MUST notify your superior that you skipped a mission, you MUST fill out a Bug Report on the Battle Center to explain why you skipped a mission, and you cannot receive any high scores for your pilot file. You may not skip more than one mission. You may NOT skip Free Missions. You may NOT skip a mission just because you do not want to fly it."

Personal craft

SA Kawolski

14 October, 2000 13:29

Certain EH Staff members now have access once again to have their personal ships displayed on their profiles.

TU Roster change request form

SA Kawolski

14 October, 2000 12:45
Task Unit Commanders can now submit rosters changes for their Task Unit (Motto, Nickname, Homepage URL, Message Board URL) to the Flight Office via an online administration form. This form is untested, so please report any errors to Sector Admiral Kawolski.

CA:SCO Wanted

AD Kermee

14 October, 2000 09:00
I'm looking at taking on a CA:SCO to aid with various projects.

The requirements are as follows:

1. Have some basic slicing knowledge and/or scripting/programming knowledge (please note languages/platforms and examples).
2. Must be able to answer emails within 24 hours or so.
3. Must have a good sense of EH protocols and procedures.
4. Be willing to learn new skills as appropriate.
5. Have initive to work on own projects as well as other Science Office projects.

The successful applicant will be responsible for assisting in the upgrading of facilities provided by the Science Office (file archive, fleet manual etc.) as well as expanding the areas covered. This is not just a spot with a VA rank, and anyone simply looking for a promotion would be advised not to apply. Please send all applications & recommendations to Please have all applications in by 21st October.

EH Poll News

FA Manesh

13 October, 2000 12:52
There are currently three polls at the EH Polling Center: EH Poll #89, EH Poll #90, and EH Poll #91. Remember, I'm always looking for new poll ideas, so if you have ideas, email them to me, and I'll get back to you. And don't forget, the EH Polling Center can be found at

BSFs get easier

SA Kawolski

13 October, 2000 11:00
Attention CMDRs, CDRs, and Flag Officers! Doing Battle Submission Forms has gotten easier! Right now, to fill out a BSF for a TIE Fighter battle or free mission or CAB, you don't need to enter in scores, laser counts, and warhead counts anymore. Here is the new procedure:

1. Make sure you have an updated 4.x or higher browser (IE or Netscape)
2. Log in to's administration and click "Battle Sub. Forms"
3. Fill out the necessary information: PIN #, Battle Type, Battle # and click submit.
4. Click the "Browse" button in the "Attach a Pilot File" field. A dialog box will pop-up for you to select a downloaded pilot file on your hard drive. (If you're using Netscape, it defaults to look for *.htm files, so you have to put in *.* for the filename and click "open" for Netscape to display ALL files in the directory)
5. If there's a special circumstance (listed in the Tactical Manual - that calls for all 0s in scores, click the "No High Scores" box and put in additional comments.
6. Click submit. You're done.

If you want to view a pilot file before submitting it, you can use the new online pilot viewer at to see what's inside your pilot file.

You can only submit one pilot file at a time and you can submit it as-is (example.tfr) or if your pilot file is .ZIP'ed, you can upload the .ZIP file and the database will extract and read the pilot file inside the archive. This will be especially useful for XvT and XWA pilot files which are 250k and 150k in size respectively and compress down to small 1K files when put in a .ZIP.

Currently there is only support for TIE pilot files (because it was easiest to program). XvT, XWA, and XW will be supported in the future after it is confirmed this system works for TIE. This system and the pilot viewer should work with PCs, MACs, and UNIX systems! If there's a problem with the form, click "Manual Score Submission Form" for the old fashioned way, and let me know at what the problem is.

TO Communique 10 posted

HA Astatine

12 October, 2000 02:28
Training Office Communique 10 has been posted. If you're in the TIE Corps or Naval Corps, it should be in your Inbox soon. It's also available online here. Read it as it contains important information regarding TO Comp 5. mention

SA Kawolski

11 October, 2000 17:32
Colonel Callista recently contacted a German Star Wars Fan Club Magazine and they posted her announcement about the EH and TC! You can view the short ad (in German) here.

Translated: "I'm looking for TIE Fighter/XvT/XWA/Jedi Knight loving Star Wars Fans, who want to support our Imperial Fleet 'Emperor's Hammer' as pilots, commanders, stormtroopers, smugglers, senators or dark jedi! More info at and or contact me! I'm also looking for Fans living in Wiesbaden/Mainz for a monthly meeting! May darkness prevail!"

New battles released

AD Striker

11 October, 2000 14:35
It is my pleasure to announce you the release of some new (bug free) battles:

Updated battles

AD Striker

11 October, 2000 14:27
The following battles have been updated for bug fixes:
  • TC-XvT Battle 1
  • TC-XvT Battle 3
  • TC-XvT Battle 4
  • TC-XvT Battle 6
  • TC-TIE Battle 88
  • TC-TIE Battle 156
  • FREE-TIE Battle 21
  • FREE-TIE Battle 43
  • FREE-TIE Battle 44
  • FREE-TIE Battle 45
  • FREE-TIE Battle 46
  • FREE-TIE Battle 47
  • FREE-TIE Battle 48
  • FREE-TIE Battle 91

PA Wars: Duel of the Fakes

SA Kawolski

11 October, 2000 12:13
The exciting conclusion of PA Wars is now available for download! Download your copy today and see if Sponican Sponewalker and Qui-Stay-Gon can defeat the evil Executive Palpitadd!

Prae hits 100 citations

SA Kawolski

11 October, 2000 05:17
Congratulations go to Praetorian Squadron for being the first squadron to hold 100 squadron citations!

Star Wars Asciimation

SA Kawolski

10 October, 2000 08:33
Someone with a lot of time on their hands made a java applet featuring the Star Wars: A New Hope movie in ASCII format! The graphics are crude but the animation is great (from what can be expected from ASCII characters) and it's the full film up to when Ben Kenobi goes off to deactivate the tractor beam. If you like it, e-mail the guy to let him know and he might get around to finishing the rest of the movie! You can view the movie at:

Mac Update

LC Inkwolf

08 October, 2000 21:03
Thanks to the hard work of TAC Admiral Striker and Vice Admiral Wlodek, the main source of Macintosh crash bugs has been identified--too many radio messages! TAC Striker has announced his intention of providing an alternate download for battles, with suppressed radio messages. A big salute and thank you to both AD Striker and VA Wlodek!

In order to provide Macintosh pilots with the opportunity to take part in multiplayer gaming, the MacUsers of the TC are working on Star Wars conversions for the Ambrosia shareware games Ares and Avara. If you would like to help, let us know!

IWATS feedback areas

HA Astatine

07 October, 2000 19:59
I've started a few threads on the various message boards about feedback relating to IWATS. Basically, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns about IWATS (and the Training Office too), post them there. There's a thread on the EH board here. You can also post your feedback, etc. on the "IWATS" thread on the General TIE Corps Forum. Lastly, there's also a thread on the DB board in case you don't like either of the first two options.

XvT Mission Design position open

HA Astatine

07 October, 2000 19:32
The position of Professor, XvT Mission Design is now open. You must have working knowledge of XvT mission design and the associated applications used in mission construction. Other duties of the position include:
  • Report any and all course changes and/or updates
  • Report any changes to your email address
  • Report significant graduate numbers for your course, ie. 50, 100, 150, etc.
  • Mark tests in a timely fashion, ie. every 3-4 days
  • Be proactive with your course, looking for ways to improve or expand it
The current course is online at Applications should be sent to with the subject like XvT Mission Design application. Outline your relavent experience and include at most two references.

Orders of the Fleet Commander

SA Kawolski

07 October, 2000 13:22
Grand Admiral Ronin has announced to the fleet that all relations with the club Rebel Squadrons are to be terminated immediately and has issued the following orders to the fleet:

1. The RS is now to be considered an EH "Enemy" and have been listed as such on:

2. NO RS Members are allowed in ANY EH channel...they are to be permbanned IMMEDIATELY...NO EXCEPTIONS...

3. EHers with dual memberships shall renounce their RS membership or be ejected from the EH...

4. NO OR nights or ANY other cooperative EH/RS combats, plotlines or events are to be held...ANYONE violating this will answer to me personally...

5. EH Intel is herein authorized to initiate intel gathering within the RS...we'll leave that at that...:)

6. ANY EH Command Staff or EHers found to be supplying the RS with info or private EH emails will be summarily terminated from the EH...

This is NOT an open-invitation for TIE Corps members to start additional conflicts with the RS! The orders call for no contact, not a retaliatory strike! The Rebel Squadrons have been a long-time ally of the Emperor's Hammer and the TIE Corps have had several competitions with them in the past and if the relationship between the two clubs must come to an end, it should be done in a civil matter to prevent further hostilities and conflicts.

More details can be found on the Emperor's Hammer News page.

OR Night Canceled

AD Zsinj

07 October, 2000 12:11

OR Night has been canceled permantly til relations with the RS have been restored. Sorry for any inconvienence.

SM/2 reaches 400 grads

SA Kawolski

07 October, 2000 00:34
Lieutenant Colonel Guthwulf and myself are proud to report that the Squadron Management II course has hit the 400 graduates mark!

WoW Awards for September

GN Shups

06 October, 2000 18:04

Tonight I have done the Week of War awards for September. If you don't know what these are, e-mail me. This was an awesome turnout. However, chaps, you must keep your BSC stats up to date, including e-mail addys. It took me 3 hours to do these tonight. Congrats to Brucmack with 46 wins in the comps!

EH Ladder

VA Adrenaline

06 October, 2000 18:04
Medals were awarded for the EH Ladder (from May)! Congratulations to the following pilots for their achievements:

XWA -- COL Dras Hempor (GS), VA Adrenaline (SS), MAJ Nix (BS)
XvT -- CPT Brucmack (GS), LC Chrusos Ichthys (SS), CM Raven Arestar (BS)
JK -- LT Pain_then_Death (GS), Dreadnaught (SS), VA Tuojas D'Eraii (BS)

More information can be found here:

New little Battle Center feature

SA Kawolski

05 October, 2000 16:37

On the Battle Center, you can view detailed information about each battle including seeing reviews, bug reports, and other information. Now you will be able to view the date the battle was last updated by the Tactical Office.

Recent passing

SA Kawolski

04 October, 2000 20:33
Captain Phoenix Berkana e-mailed me this earlier today:

Earlier this morning it was made known to the Star Vipers that Direwolf, a long time SV member and an EHer, died on Sunday the 1st of October.

His details :

Though only a SL, he was a friend to many people in several different clubs. I would like to say I hope we brought some good and happiness to him.

More Details...

Supreme Squadron Series fiction results

LC Ace Pilot

04 October, 2000 11:22
The points for the participation phase of the Supreme Squadron Series have been added up and the top 3 squads are as follows:

Ranger - 5 points
Dagger - 4 points
Inferno - 4 points

Right now the race is very tight and the full results can be found here. Keep in mind these do not include the scores for fiction quality yet. If you don't see your squad there and you'd like to participate e-mail Lieutenant Colonel Ace Pilot.

Rank Rec. Form and Elites

SA Kawolski

04 October, 2000 11:12
The Rank Promotion Recommendation Form does NOT work for promoting members of elite squadrons (Omega, Tau, Praetorian, and Avenger). Elite squadrons do not have the same rank promotion rules and restrictions as standard squadrons and currently the form is not built to handle those.

And despite IRC rumors, the form is open to use. If you have a promotion request, use the form!

Star Wars exhibit

AD Theodore

04 October, 2000 09:03
Having visited the Chicago Field Museum to see the Star Wars Exhibit and having developed my film, I began to make a virtual tour for the members of the EH. I discovered, however, that the Air and Space Museum had already done it and included the audio narration by James Earl Jones. I have linked the site for the virtual tour of storyboards and production models and costumes at Enjoy!!

Combat Profile page fixed

SA Kawolski

04 October, 2000 08:59

You can now view your combat record once again. Thanks go to Major Goatham for reporting this bug. Over the next few days, the Personnel Profiles are going to be changing a bit to include more information that the database is now capable of efficiently tracking.

Rank Promotion Recommendation forms

SA Kawolski

04 October, 2000 05:50
Squadron Commanders, Wing Commanders, Commodores, and Battlegroup Commanders can now submit a promotion request the same way you would submit a medal or BSF! Log into the database and enter the PIN # of the person you wish to recommend. The database checks for command authority so a Commodore of one ship cannot promote a Flight Member on another ship.

The form hasn't been properly tested, so if you find any bugs or you have any problems, report them to Sector Admiral Kawolski.

Message Boards fixed

SA Kawolski

04 October, 2000 03:53
A real stupid coding mistake I made several weeks ago reared its ugly head and was the cause of all the recent posting anomalies. The bug has been fixed and now double-posting, empty-thread posting, and other general weirdness is finally gone. Apologies go to everyone whose message boards hosted on were affected by this bug. There are a few "left-over" old empty threads floating about and these should be cleaned up soon.

If you find any other strange problems, please report them immediately to Sector Admiral Kawolski.

Rank dates

SA Kawolski

03 October, 2000 15:00
The dates of when an active officer was last promoted in rank is now available to be seen on the Personnel Profiles. This should also fix the bug that misreported the wrong length in months/years in some cases. Report any bugs in the system to Sector Admiral Kawolski.

Mac News

LC Calzeo Inkwolf

03 October, 2000 09:07
Major Ford Prefect's new troubleshooting method has been partially approved by TAC/AD Striker. Battles that crash in the middle can be flown by dividing them on to two TFRs. However, all scores must be entered as zero when filing BSFs. This new troubleshooting method will be added to the Mac FAQ at the next update. (Soon, I hope!)

Vice Admiral Wlodek is working to try to identify and eliminate Macintosh battle bugs! A great big to him!

To read the full news stories, go to

A slow couple of days or what...?

SA Kawolski

03 October, 2000 09:03
Am I the only one who posts here anymore? The TIE Corps fleet can't be THAT dead! If you have announcements, e-mail them to