The TIE Corps Message Center is now open for a public beta test. Keep in mind that during this test, posts
may be deleted, edited, or removed to work out the bugs of the new system. All TIE Corps personnel are encouraged to post away and try out the message boards.
There are three different ways to view messages on the message board. If you are comfortable with one particular style, use it! Your browser will remember your preferred format each time you visit. Here are the three different types:
- Tree View - This is the traditional TIE Corps Message Board / WWWBoard-style view as seen on and other popular message boards.
- List View - This is the Emperor's Hammer Message Board / UBB-style view similar to those hosted on
- Nested View - This is a new format that combines the Tree and List view similar to the Internet Office and commentary system.
The new TIE Corps Message Center currently features the following:
- Three different ways to view messages
- TC Database-based authentication
- Anti-Spam protection
- HTML/Non-HTML enabled forums
- Access for cadets
- Locked, sticky, and new post markers
- Post editing
- Message Center search engine
- Customizable boards and administration (add/remove new boards and moderators in a snap)
- Unique headers and footers for all boards (compare the TC Message Board to the Mission Creation Forum for an example)
- Posted rules and regulations specific to its forum
The following features are coming soon:
- Working previous/next thread buttons
- [Quote], [IMG], [Link], [Mail] tags
- Auto-highlighting of links and e-mail addresses on HTML-disabled forums
- Private forums with limited access (useful for a specific squadron-only message board)
- Remote administration for moderators with Master access to their forum
- Signature support
- Search results displayed in a nicer format
- Post Tallying
- Post date sorting options
- Titles of registered posts (i.e. position titles "Flight Member", "Wing Commander", "Tactical Officer", etc.)
- Guest posting for unregistered users on forums that permit guests
- "No-HTML" override for selected moderators
- Sophisticated banning system, global and forum specific, IP # and PIN # based
- ...and more!
Since this is a Beta Test, it is vital that you keep your eyes open for and report any bugs or abnormalities you spot either via e-mail or on the bug board, no matter how small! Also, if you have any questions, post them on the bug board as well...eventually the questions will be put together in a FAQ for the TIE Corps Message Center, so feel free to ask anything! Suggestions and comments are welcome too!
Known bugs:
- Previous/Next Topic buttons on List/Nested view don't work
- Messages marked "new" are no longer marked new after making a post
- "Use Your Signature" does nothing
...and finally...what you've been waiting for...I present to you...the TIE Corps Message Center: