EH vs UPA: Battle of the Titans!

AD Havoc

30 June, 2000 16:32
Next Saturday, July 7th, beginning at 9 PM EST, ending on Monday, July 10th at 5 am EST the EH will face the United Pilots Alliance (UPA) in a fierce XVT/XWA competition dubbed the Battle of the Titans! The UPA is expecting around 105 of it's finest pilots to meet us in battle! COO Havoc is calling on all multiplayer pilots and is offering the following awards for *EACH* platform (meaning there will be 2 winners in the EH):

1st Place: Bronze Star and a Distinguished Flying Cross
2nd Place: Palpatine Crescent
3rd Place: Imperial Security Medal

In addition, COO Havoc is going to *Double* the Legion of Combat medals earned! Meaning if you get 10 wins you get 20 LoCs!

The Battle will take place on the MSN Gaming Zone, using the Imperial Outpost for XvT and the Melee Skirmishes room for XWA and reporting will be done using Battlestats, the same process used for the WoW games. If you need help signing up for Battlestats, please go to If you have any further questions contact COO/AD Havoc at and WC-COOA/COL Shups at YOU DON'T WANT to miss out on this colossal event!!!

FO's Inbox Empty

AD Nighthawk

30 June, 2000 16:28

After four hours of replying and roster updating, I've finally gone through all the mail in my inbox from my technical leave. The roster should be totally and completely up to date. If you've noticed that something hasn't been taken care of, please email me.

TC News e-mail address fixed

HA Kawolski

30 June, 2000 13:00
The has been fixed. Some news posts in the last few days may have been lost or delayed during that time, so if you haven't seen your news post on here without receiving a reply rejecting the news post, please resend it.

SSD Avenger vs ISD Grey Wolf

VA Cyric

30 June, 2000 12:51
The SSD Avenger and the ISD Grey Wolf have just finished a FCHG points contests where both Avenger Wings battled Wing XIII. From May 22nd thru June 22nd the wing(s) with the most points improvement was named the winner. The Grey Wolf won the Comp by almost 1,000+ pts. A great achievement and doubled its FCHG points. As a result the SSD Avenger must change their nickname and motto for one month. After much thought and deliberation I've chosen the following for the new Motto and nickname for the SSD Avenger.

Motto: First in the Dark Brotherhood, 2nd to the ISD Grey Wolf and the Wolf Pack

Nickname: The Wolf Pack's Whipping Post

ISD Immortal defeats Wing III!

AD Nighthawk

30 June, 2000 12:20
After a hard fought battle, the ISD Immortal came out on top of Wing III.
Both sides showed good participation and both flew hard. In the end, the
Immortal showed her dominance with a big win

ISD Immortal - 98 816
Wing III - 30 385

Scores are total ship/wing scores for Free XWA 12. Complete breakdown can
be found at

FO is back!

AD Nighthawk

30 June, 2000 12:19

After a five-day leave due to a broken and dying monitor, the
Flight Officer, Admiral Nighthawk, has returned from emergency
leave, and is going through his approximately 250 emails. All the
mail, and the FO report should be taken care of by the end of the

TCMC Sort modes

HA Kawolski

29 June, 2000 11:02
The TIE Corps Message Center now has two sort options available. You can sort message threads that have the newest replies at the top of the list, or you can sort message threads in the order they were posted. It also uses cookies to remember your preferred sort mode. You can change your sort type by using the drop-down boxes at the bottom of any forum.

Sector Rangers removed from TC Roster

HA Kawolski

29 June, 2000 01:11

Since the Sector Rangers now handle and maintain their own roster, the various positions related to the Sector Rangers have been removed from the Staff Section of the TIE Corps roster. With this change, the EH Membership Count is properly adjusted so Sector Rangers aren't counted twice. Since the Sector Rangers were never included in the TC Roster count, the TC Membership Count is unaffected by the change.

TCMC View modes

HA Kawolski

29 June, 2000 00:45
The TIE Corps Message Center now uses cookies to remember your preferred view mode so you're not forced to use the default tree view when you view forums.

EH CS Server upgrade

HA Kawolski

28 June, 2000 18:31

The Emperor's Hammer Counter-Strike Server has been upgraded to Half-Life version after VALVe released the patch today to fix a handful of bugs and cheats that surfaced with the last patch.

Roster Counts

HA Kawolski

28 June, 2000 18:27
The Naval Corps now have roster counts displayed on the TIE Corps Roster.

Database problems

HA Kawolski

28 June, 2000 17:28
Well, that took longer than usual to do a simple update. FYI, I put that Flash news post together *before* the database was taken down. I don't want people to get the wrong impression that I'm watching a bunch of stupid movies while you all suffer. :P

The database should be up in about 45 more minutes. This should make the news page load a little faster and some of the groundwork for Naval Corps roster counts and administration tools will also be put into place.

Star Wars Flash movies

HA Kawolski

28 June, 2000 17:17
Warning: This news article contains links that go to a domain which hosts various other pages with adult subject matter containing language, graphic violence, sex/nudity, and other content that may be offensive to most whiny special interest groups and may not be suitable for children. For mature audiences only:

When I get the time to do some pointless random Internet surfing, one of my favorite sites is which features several hilariously funny Flash movies and games.

Here are a few Star Wars related movies I found...they're worth a laugh (provided you have a fast Internet Connection):

Stick Wars - A cute little animation to demonstrate why there aren't any Jedi stick figures.

Episode LXIX - I wasn't going to post this one until I recognized the author of it was our very own Major Fieldmarshall of Epsilon Squadron. >:P If you don't understand the nature of this one (I didn't at first), go here. The Medical Corps will be dispatched Fieldmarshall's quarters shortly.

Star Wars - The Black Menace - Guest stars Pimp Vader and Mr. T.

Star Wars - Episode 2 - A fan-flic Episode II trailer

This Is Not A Test (Part 2) - It's your typical anime style lightsaber duel in the desert with techno music behind it. Too bad it's so short.

Return of the Joint - The ending is cool... >:P

EuroLoC canceled for 01/07/00

CM Goatham

28 June, 2000 11:48

EuroLoC must be canceled this week for I will be unavailable to host it. It will, however, continue as normal the following week.

Newsletter submissions due Friday

HA Kawolski

28 June, 2000 11:47
Keep in mind that the deadline to turn in Newsletter submissions for June 2000 is this Friday. E-mail your submissions to Sector Admiral Compton.

New regulation for new battles

HA Kawolski

27 June, 2000 02:19
The Tactical Manual has been updated with the following:

New Battles and Free Missions - A clarification in the rules of new submissions has been posted. All battles, free missions, and their accompanying plotlines must be suitable for pilots of all ages. Any battle with a theme adult in nature or contains inappropriate language/content will automatically be denied.

TCMC Preferences bug fixed

HA Kawolski

27 June, 2000 01:28

A bug that caused the TIE Corps Message Center preferences page to crash for some people has been fixed. Special thanks go to Commander Toran Dan for reporting the bug.

EH Domain updated

HA Kawolski

25 June, 2000 22:24
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page with the latest fleet news and reports.

Flight Officer on emergency leave

HA Kawolski

25 June, 2000 22:23

The Flight Officer will be unavailable until late Tuesday or Wednesday due to technical problems with his computer monitor.

Signatures on the TC Message Center

HA Kawolski

25 June, 2000 14:15

The "Use Your Signature" feature now works on the TIE Corps Message Center. To modify your signature, simply log in, click "Preferences", and follow the directions to set your signatures.

Wing IV defeats Wing X

AD Nighthawk

25 June, 2000 09:57

Entered into a competition they didn't expect to win with the famed Wing X, Wing IV of the SSSD Sovereign has pulled out an impressive victory, defeating the Challenge crew by over a million points! The scores were based on a total of each wing's top 15 scoring pilots.

Wing IV's Top 15 Total: 4,874,756 points
Wing X's Top 15 total: 3,818,862 points

Congratulations to GN Ricardo and Wing IV for a job very well done.

ISD Grey Wolf COM promoted!

AD Nighthawk

24 June, 2000 13:02

Upon the recommendation of Admiral Priyum, ASF BGCOM, a promotion has been granted to the Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf. Congratulations to Vice Admiral Cyric!

Recruitment Center fixed

HA Kawolski

24 June, 2000 09:14

The Recruitment Center forum has been fixed. It turns out I just forgot to configure it properly and set some colors!

EH Cosmo #5 released!

HA Astatine

23 June, 2000 20:24
EH Cosmo issue 5 has been released. Features of this issue include:
  • "Assault on Mannheim"
  • Interview with the Training Officer
  • Pet Care
  • Sex Tips
  • Regulars such as News and Star Signs
Check it out at

TC Message Center public beta test

HA Kawolski

23 June, 2000 19:07
The TIE Corps Message Center is now open for a public beta test. Keep in mind that during this test, posts may be deleted, edited, or removed to work out the bugs of the new system. All TIE Corps personnel are encouraged to post away and try out the message boards.

There are three different ways to view messages on the message board. If you are comfortable with one particular style, use it! Your browser will remember your preferred format each time you visit. Here are the three different types:

  1. Tree View - This is the traditional TIE Corps Message Board / WWWBoard-style view as seen on and other popular message boards.
  2. List View - This is the Emperor's Hammer Message Board / UBB-style view similar to those hosted on
  3. Nested View - This is a new format that combines the Tree and List view similar to the Internet Office and commentary system.

The new TIE Corps Message Center currently features the following:

  • Three different ways to view messages
  • TC Database-based authentication
  • Anti-Spam protection
  • HTML/Non-HTML enabled forums
  • Access for cadets
  • Locked, sticky, and new post markers
  • Post editing
  • Message Center search engine
  • Customizable boards and administration (add/remove new boards and moderators in a snap)
  • Unique headers and footers for all boards (compare the TC Message Board to the Mission Creation Forum for an example)
  • Posted rules and regulations specific to its forum

The following features are coming soon:

  • Working previous/next thread buttons
  • [Quote], [IMG], [Link], [Mail] tags
  • Auto-highlighting of links and e-mail addresses on HTML-disabled forums
  • Private forums with limited access (useful for a specific squadron-only message board)
  • Remote administration for moderators with Master access to their forum
  • Signature support
  • Search results displayed in a nicer format
  • Post Tallying
  • Post date sorting options
  • Titles of registered posts (i.e. position titles "Flight Member", "Wing Commander", "Tactical Officer", etc.)
  • Guest posting for unregistered users on forums that permit guests
  • "No-HTML" override for selected moderators
  • Sophisticated banning system, global and forum specific, IP # and PIN # based
  • ...and more!

Since this is a Beta Test, it is vital that you keep your eyes open for and report any bugs or abnormalities you spot either via e-mail or on the bug board, no matter how small! Also, if you have any questions, post them on the bug board as well...eventually the questions will be put together in a FAQ for the TIE Corps Message Center, so feel free to ask anything! Suggestions and comments are welcome too!

Known bugs:

  • Previous/Next Topic buttons on List/Nested view don't work
  • Messages marked "new" are no longer marked new after making a post
  • "Use Your Signature" does nothing

...and finally...what you've been waiting for...I present to you...the TIE Corps Message Center:

Wing XIII Commander Sought

RA Cyric

23 June, 2000 18:59
I am sad to announce the stepping down of LC Woobee as the WC of Wing XIII aboard the ISD Greywolf. He will assume a FM role in the newly re-opened Odin squadron after July 3rd.

I will be accepting applications for the WC Position, and hope to have a new one in place by July 3rd. Requirements will be that applicants should have had at least squadron command experience or higher. Please send all applications to me directly.

EH Message Boards online again

HA Kawolski

23 June, 2000 01:06
After a server crash, the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards are back online at Unfortunately, messages posted between June 10th and June 22nd are "temporarily unavailable."

New Wing IX Commander

VA Jarak Maldon

22 June, 2000 16:18

After careful consideration, a new Wing Commander has been chosen for Wing IX. He came very highly recommended by his former Commodore, the BG Battlegroup Commander, the pilots in Nu Squadron and in Wing VIII. So please, from the ISD Colossus, welcome the new IX WC: Major Sekchen Tethys! Since he has an excellent record I am sure we'll see excellent service. Hopefully with some more experienced new blood like Major Tethys, the Relentless can have a serious shot at the prize in the next BG Flagship Comp. So, once again, welcome to Wing IX, Major Tethys!

TIE Corps Message Center Beta 1

HA Kawolski

22 June, 2000 09:11
In case some of you have been wondering where I've been lately, two weeks ago I began construction of the TIE Corps Message Center working with a few conceptual designs I drew up a while back and put on hold and forgot about until now. After several hours of hard work and coding, I'm pleased to announce that by tonight or tomorrow night, the TIE Corps Database will be shutting down for about an hour for an upgrade to work with the new TIE Corps Message Center.

This will initially replace the primary TIE Corps Message Board, TIE Corps Training Board, and Mission Creation Board. The TIE Corps Message Center will also offer Message Board hosting services to all TIE Corps members for whatever reason they would want a message board (i.e. for their squadron, wing, task force, etc.).

More details will be posted along with a full list of features when the Beta 1 version of the message board goes live.

New Recon Officer

HA Kawolski

21 June, 2000 06:46
Grand Admiral Ronin has promoted former CA:RO Admiral Slage to a position on the Command Staff as the Reconnaissance Officer (CS-12). Former RO Fleet Admiral Telf will be on leave in the Reserves until August 8th.

New medal - Medal of Tactics - Blue Hammer

HA Kawolski

20 June, 2000 18:55
Grand Admiral Ronin and Fleet Admiral Howlader has approved High Admiral Kawolski's proposal for a new medal dedicated to the hard workers of the Tactical Office staff volunteers.

Medal of Tactics - Blue Hammer - This medal is awarded by the Tactical Officer to members performing authorized and supervised renovations on official battles and free missions and those under review for official status by the Tactical Office. Counter-Strike server upgrades again

HA Kawolski

20 June, 2000 14:18
Later tonight, the Team EH Counter-Strike server will shut down for a few minutes to upgrade with more server fixes:

  • Out of Handles crash fixed
  • Skin bug should be less prevalent
  • Unassigned in scoreboard fix
  • Fakelag cheat fix
  • Death messages delay fixed
You can play on the server at:

Easier administration

HA Kawolski

20 June, 2000 09:45

Now you have the option for your browser to remember you PIN # for the administration login section so you don't have to remember it anymore.

New graphics

HA Kawolski

19 June, 2000 23:23
Thanks to the work of Vice Admiral Slade, the date separators on the news page now have pictures on them!

Wing VIII Commander Sought

VA Ari

19 June, 2000 21:19
With a sad face and a heavy heart does Wing VIII bid farewell to a great leader, Lieutenant Colonel Mell, due to RL obligations. But now, in the midst of our ascent, Wing VIII is forced to search for a new WC. I am hereby accepting applications for Wing VIII WC. Applicants should fit the following criteria:

1. Have been enlisted in the TC for at least four months.
2. Must currently be at least of the rank of CM.
3. Have had previous commanding experience, such as CMDR, WC or COM.
4. Be able to handle a large e-mail load and respond to important e-mails within two days.
5. Be extremely active, and able to cope with a rising amount of activity.
6. Able to keep morale up.
7. Preferebly have knowledge of HTML and be able to maintain a Wing website.
8. Have good organizational skills.
9. Have at least two recommendations

These requirements may seem like a lot, but they are necessary for an ascending wing. Please e-mail your applications to Vice Admiral Ari.

EH/TIE Corps mention on

HA Kawolski

19 June, 2000 21:05
Jason Bayne from posted an article on their website mentioning the Emperor's Hammer, TIE Corps, Bounty Hunters Guild, Hammer's Fist, and the Infiltrator Wing as a few of the biggest and best of Star Wars Computer Gaming Club sites! You can view the page at:

Command Attaches to the Flight Officer

AD Nighthawk

19 June, 2000 14:01

Unlike FA Kessler, I do plan on taking a Command Attache. Two, actually. Both will have very specific and important duties, and both will be kept busy. The reason I'm taking on CAs is because I'd like to have as much time as possible to focus on the main problems that affect the TIE Corps, and also to ensure that I don't get bogged down in stuff that can be handled by someone else, so that I can get roster update requests turned around quickly. :)

My first CA position will be in charge of 'Special Projects.' They'll be handling the supervision of any Flight Office Competition I might choose to run, they'll be investigating any problems for me, if I need it, and they'll be managing the 'FO's Think Tank', a group of officers who will work to come up with ways to improve the Corps, and to solve some of the problems the TC has. You'll hear more about that in the FO report. Anyhow, I had a short list of candidates for this was a difficult choice, but please congratulate Vice Admiral Sarriss, the new CA:FO1! (Wolly and Kramer, please don't mailbomb my office, I'm sorry for stealing one of your best CMDRs. :P) Sarriss is an extremely competent officer, and she'll be a great help to me.

Now, as for CA:FO2. This CA will be in charge of keeping track of all the Medals of Instruction (MoIs) for those who recruit our new incoming Cadets, and awarding them when the Cadets pass training. They'll also be doing a few other similar roster-related tasks. I'm accepting applications for this position as of now, and they need to be in by this Friday, at noon, EDT. Applicants MUST at least hold the rank of LCM, must check email at least once every two days, and must be -extremely- reliable and honest. Send your apps in to me at, and I'll announce my decision on Friday. Counter-Strike server upgraded to 6.5d

HA Kawolski

19 June, 2000 07:39
Today the Team EH Counter-Strike server was upgraded to Counter-Strike Beta 6.5d with the following new fixes:

  • Advanced model checking to keep cheaters out
  • Linux server bug of not being able to hear other players' footsteps fixed
  • Faster load times
  • Fixed connection problems
  • Fixed gun-jamming
You can play on the server at:

EH Domain updated

HA Kawolski

18 June, 2000 19:39
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page with the latest fleet news and reports.

Promotions for BGCOMs

AD Nighthawk

18 June, 2000 19:26

Two very hard-working and active Battlegroup Commanders were awarded a promotion today...congratulations to newly promoted Admirals Priyum Patel (ASF BGCOM), and Theodore (TC Battlegroups BGCOM). Keep up the excellent work, gentlemen!

Wing IX Commander Sought

VA Jarak

18 June, 2000 15:21
With Lieutenant Colonel Satai Dukhat stepping down from his WC position upon suggestion Wing IX aboard the ISD Relentless is in need of a new Wing Commander. Currently the Relentless is suffering from a membership lag, but does have a good active base. The new WC must be able to give their all to the Wing. Below are some requirements that I, the ship's Commodore, have requested:

a. Have been a member of the TIE Corps for at least four months.
b. Hold the rank of Commander of higher.
c. Have previous command experience, such as being a former Wing Commander, Commodore, or Squadron Commander.
d. Be able to give a considerable amount of time and effort to the Relentless and Wing IX.
e. Be able to check and respond to E-mail at least every two days.
f. Be able to manage Wing-Based Competitions.
g. All MUST have at least three recommendations from other standing members of the TIE Corps!

Send all applications to myself, Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon, and CC them to Vice Admiral Theodore, the Battlegroup Commander. Please make your application and through as possible and contain any and all information you can.

On a final note, my deepest thanks to Fleet Admiral Kessler for being our FO for the past seven months. He did a bang-up job and he will be missed here on the Relentless and all over the TIE Corps. Cheers to you, Colonel Kessler!

Battle of the Day

HA Kawolski

18 June, 2000 13:32
Today's Battle of the Day is a rather creative TIE Fighter battle:

Retirement of Fleet Admiral Kessler

COL Kessler

18 June, 2000 13:06
After nearly seven months as Flight Officer of the Emperor's Hammer and Commander of the Imperial TIE Fighter Corps, the time has arrived for me to step down and hand over my responsibilities to someone new. My enthusiasm for the job hasn't waned, but the amount of time I'm going to have to spare over the next six weeks is going to be extremely limited. Therefore, rather than see the level of service that the TIE Corps deserves suffer, I'm going to do the responsible thing and hand over to a replacement.

After consultation with the Fleet Commander, my chosen successor will be an officer who has served in the TIE Corps at almost all levels, from Flight Member up to Commodore. He was the founding Chancellor of the Imperial Senate, assisted Fleet Admiral Ricaud in revitalising the Corporate Division, played a part in the opening of the Fleet Naval Corps, and was a highly dedicated Rollmaster of the Dark Brotherhood. In addition to all of the above, he's an exceptionally mature and responsible officer and has my complete trust to look after the TIE Corps in the manner which it deserves.

Your congratulations please, for the new Flight Officer of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet and fourth in command of the EH - Admiral Nighthawk Ciarus Arconae. To Admiral Nighthawk I entrust the care and command of the finest, meanest, deadliest gang of scumbags the galaxy has ever seen - the TIE Corps. Serve him the way you did me and I'll retire happily.

As for me, I'll be taking a voluntary demotion to my old rank of Colonel, and going home as a Flight Member to my one true love - Tornado Squadron, Wing X, ISD Challenge. There's life in this old dog yet :)

FM/COL Kyle Kessler/Tornado Squadron/Wing X/ISD Challenge
MoH/IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx4/BSx7/PCx2/ISMx10/MoI-DC/ISx3/LoC-PSx34/OV-2E [GALL]
Ex Commander of the Imperial TIE Fighter and Naval Corps

HCI website updated

HA Kawolski

17 June, 2000 20:49
The High Court of Inquisitors homepage has a new graphics and new overall look to the site. Check it out at

SSSD Sovereign Summer Free-TIE Challenge

GN Ricardo

17 June, 2000 19:43
Pilots of the SSSD Sovereign- it's not too late to sign up for the Sovereign Summer FREE-TIE Challenge. This challenge issued by myself and FA Kramer is for you to complete 90% of the 124 FREE-TIE missions between now and September 15th. Doing so will earn you a Palpatine's Crescent. Visit for more details, and email me to sign up!

Pilots who've completed 30 or more FREE-TIE missions need -not- apply

Beta Period #16 begins

HA Kawolski

17 June, 2000 19:20
The Beta Testers have been assigned a new set of battles and free missions:

  • [TIE] Capturing Specialists
  • [TIE] Strike of the Hammer
  • [TIE] Threshold - Escort
  • [TIE] Typhoon Pranks
  • [TIE-FREE] A Quiet Little Patrol
  • [TIE-FREE] Brothers at Arms
  • [TIE-FREE] Recovery
  • [XvT] The Black Sun Incident
  • [XvT] The Jan Donner Story
  • [XvT-FREE] Arrival of VA Priyum to ISD Grey Wolf
  • [XvT-FREE] Defend the Maw
  • [XvT-FREE] Interception of Rebel Scouts
  • [XvT-FREE] The Aldegrad Incident
  • [XWA-FREE] Clearing the Way For the ISD Intrepid
  • [XWA-FREE] Recon at Semag

IWATS Naval Staff Course

FA Kessler

16 June, 2000 15:25

The Training Office has given approval of the IWATS Naval Staff Course Code. All 44 Naval Officers who have passed the course may now add [NS] to the IWATS Section of their ID lines.

New XWA Competition

AD Havoc

16 June, 2000 10:41
The ISD Immortal is proud to announce the Kämpfergemetzel, an XWA Comp open to everyone and hosted on the Zone every Saturday at 1 PM EST by Lieutenant Colonel Dras Hempor. The comp will run for 2 hours, and it's primary purpose will be training and practice for less experienced pilots in he subtlities of XWA melees. Rules will be standard OR, with LoC's awarded for each win so bring your pin #'s. Also be sure your Zone name begins with EH_ .

Battle of the Day

HA Kawolski

15 June, 2000 22:09
Today's Battle of the Day is a set of the Emperor's Hammer first two official Balance of Power Free Missions: problems with

HA Kawolski

15 June, 2000 16:34

It seems that the TIE Corps Database has been having problems sending mail to members with e-mail addresses. If you're experiencing this problem, please contact your service provider to see if has blocked from receiving mail to their servers.

AlliED 1.43

HA Kawolski

15 June, 2000 07:24
Registered users of AlliED can download AlliED v1.43 with fifteen more wireframes: Pirate Shipyard, Asteroid Laser Battery, Asteroid Warhead Launcher, Large Gun Emplacement, Large Gun/Warhead Emplacement, Gun Platform, Cargo Tanker, Firespray, Supafighter, Pursuer, Toscan fighter, Preybird fighter, Cloakshape fighter, TIE Experimental M4 and the Planetary fighter.

More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at

Polling Center News

FA Manesh

14 June, 2000 21:57
Remember, the final round of the Mr/Miss EH Competition will end on June 22nd, so make sure you get your votes in by then.

I've received 209 votes so far, but something is shocking me. I know this'll be a surprise, but we have some EH Polls open right now, and out of those 209 people, only about 90 have voted in the polls? So what's going on people? Come on, make your opinions heard! Vote vote vote!

Also, I could use some new poll ideas, after EH Poll #74, I have only two reserve ideas. So e-mail any ideas you have, and make them smart ideas!

The EH Polling Center can be found at And vote in the polls!!!

Battle of the Day

HA Kawolski

14 June, 2000 01:56
We haven't had one of these in a while and I apologize for it. While there is no shortage of battles for me to finish flying and fixing, I have been pressed for time since my summer semester at the university has started. Today's Battle of the Day is a five-mission X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter battle:

ID Line update

HA Kawolski

14 June, 2000 00:55

The Distinguished Flying Cross medal's Wing Add-ons are now being shown on Personnel Profiles and on the ID Line generator.

Updated battles

HA Kawolski

14 June, 2000 00:12
Admiral Striker and Project Phoenix has provided me with the following updated battles:

  • TC-TIE Battle #35
  • TC-TIE Battle #61
  • TC-TIE Battle #83
  • TC-TIE Battle #84
  • TC-TIE Battle #85
  • TC-TIE Battle #92
  • DB-TIE Battle #9
  • IW-TIE Battle #1
  • IW-TIE Battle #4
  • IW-TIE Battle #6
  • IW-TIE Battle #9
  • IW-TIE Battle #10
  • IW-TIE Battle #13
  • IW-TIE Battle #16
  • IW-TIE Battle #20

EH Domain updated

HA Kawolski

13 June, 2000 22:35
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page with the latest fleet news and reports.

Squadron mission opportunity

CM Jourdain

13 June, 2000 06:35
Recently a new Corperate Division corperation has been set up: The Simcom Corperation. Its job is to make missions for squadrons and other such organizations. Does your squadron need a mission, on any platform, from TIE to Starcraft for competitions, etc.? If so e-mail CEO Jourdain or visit our site at CS server back online

HA Kawolski

12 June, 2000 10:06

After discovering and fixing the cause of the crashes on the Counter-Strike server during map changes, I'm pleased to announce that the server is back online and operational!

SSSD Sovereign SL CR#10

GN Wolly

11 June, 2000 10:22

Combat Run #10 will be announced at July 01st, 2000. Let's have a summer break and try to compile all missing results first.

Navy Task Force Claw Opens

FA Kessler

10 June, 2000 05:11
In order to cope with the growing numbers of applicants to the Naval Corps, Task Force Claw was opened today with the appointment of Rear Admiral Trazenbach Coursca as the latest Task Force Commander. Task Force Claw is assigned to escort and support the ISD Intrepid of the Aggressor Strike Force, and consists of four Cruisers, four Frigates and four Squadrons of Corvette-Class Warships.

CS server down until further notice

HA Kawolski

09 June, 2000 12:13

With the problems the Counter-Strike server has been having with crashing on map changes, I have taken the server offline until the buggy Linux patches are fixed or a work-around solution to the map change crashes are found. If you're able to connect to the server, it's because it's current being tested to try to fix the crashes.

Battle of the Day

HA Kawolski

08 June, 2000 10:14
Today's Battle of the Day is a six-mission TIE Fighter battle:

CS Server upgrades

HA Kawolski

07 June, 2000 19:00

The new Half-Life patch is out for server owners! The server will be shutting down later tonight to be upgraded to Counter-Strike beta version 6.5. Unfortunately, the server cannot be played on until 2pm EST on Thursday. The patch will be released to the public on that date.

CS Server problems

HA Kawolski

07 June, 2000 14:52

While the Half-Life multiplayer community anxiously awaits the release of the newest Half-Life patch, Team Fortress Classic 1.5, Opposing Force Capture-The-Flag, and Counter-Strike b6.5, the continues to have problems with crashing every now and then in an odd manner nobody has seen before on another server. When the server is upgraded with the release of the new patches, hopefully this problem will be done with and make the server much more playable.

Battle of the Day

HA Kawolski

07 June, 2000 13:40
Today's Battle of the Day is a four-mission TIE Fighter battle:

SWCA Mod Help Wanted

AD Eric O'Flynn

07 June, 2000 13:17
Star Wars: Call to Arms is a multiplayer modification for the game Half-Life. It is based upon the military aspects of Star Wars, with 2 teams being the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. There are an assorted number of weapons (with more to come as it progresses). For more information please visit

The positions I need help with are mappers/texture artists and weapon modelers.

The mappers should have experience with mapping for Half-Life, and the weapon modelers should be able to model and skin the weapons.

Anyone interested should mail

Naval Corps Wargaming Manual

FA Kessler

07 June, 2000 12:14
After a lot of effort from many officers, the Naval Corps Reference section is now almost fully up to date. New features include:

Naval Corps Wargaming Manual
Naval Corps Strategy Guide
Naval Corps Ship Data Chart
Slade and Weasel's Guide To Capital Ship Combat

All Naval Officers should read the Naval Corps Wargaming Manual. It provides essential information on how to be an effective Naval Gamesmaster, Strategist, Tactician and Pilot, and will be of invaluable help to Naval Officers participating in Operation Wildfire. The Manual should be read in conjunction with the other reference titles, especially the Strategy and Capship Combat Guides.

In addition, minor improvements and clarifications have been made to the Navy rank and position descriptions, particularly with reference to duties of certain positions. The only addition remaining to the Wargaming Manual is the Core Rules of the wargaming system, but these should be added this weekend, and will be updated on a regular basis as new rules options are approved.

The Wargaming Manual will also be of interest to TIE Corps Officers wishing to run their own Naval-style wargames, such as the Operation Dark Hammer, currently being planned by the Aggressor Strike Force.

Battle Creation information

HA Kawolski

06 June, 2000 19:00
Personnel Profiles and the Battle Center are now equipped to list what battles and free missions a person has created. The listings will be put into the database during this week, so please do not e-mail the Tactical Office about missing battles off your profile. Obviously, the creation stats are for official battles and free missions only.

Note: Battles or Free Missions designed by multiple authors will not show up on personnel profiles.

Print View mode for Naval Corps rosters

HA Kawolski

06 June, 2000 18:43
The Print View link is now operational for all Naval Corps rosters.

Dimeclicks banner removed

HA Kawolski

06 June, 2000 09:06

Some people may or may not have noticed the banner on the navigation bar. It was a tiny little button with annoying large text below it that rested on the lower-left corner of the screen. Seeing how the text link size (that was larger than the button) was non-negotiable and the text link was rather more of a scam against me (because clicks on the link weren't registered, only clicks on the banner, and both went to the exact same place), I discontinued putting the button on there.

Updated Battles

HA Kawolski

06 June, 2000 03:31
Admiral Striker and Project Phoenix has provided me with the following updated battles:

  • TC-TIE Battle #40
  • TC-TIE Battle #58
  • TC-TIE Battle #69
  • TC-TIE Battle #70
  • TC-TIE Battle #88
  • TC-TIE Battle #110
  • CAB Battle #2
  • CAB Battle #3
  • DB-TIE Battle #10
  • DB-TIE Battle #13
  • FCHG Battle #1
  • IW-XW Battle #2
  • IW-XW Battle #3
  • IW-XW Battle #5
  • IW-XW Battle #6
  • IW-XW Battle #7
  • IW-XW Battle #15
  • IW-XW Battle #19
  • IW-XvT Battle #23
  • IW-XWA Battle #23

New Beta Testers, Beta Period #15

HA Kawolski

06 June, 2000 03:21
The following personnel have been added to the Beta Testing Team in alphabetical order: Actar Vanas, Astarosta, Bobman, Brucmack, Calvin Nunb, Carl Lost, Cray Mikalen, CrazyR2, Crix Madine, Ender mBind, Eugene, Ixion, Juve, Khadgar, Marcin Szydlowski, Mini Minkus, Monaghan, Rana Grande, Spearhawk, Syn Kaek, Treb Helfest, Troutrooper, Turtle, Wlodek, Xura Verr, Zsinj

Thanks to all that applied. Basically anyone who followed the exact directions on my news post was accepted (a simple form of a "competency test").

Beta Period #15 has begun for all current and new testers to include the following battles and free missions:

[BoP-FREE] Attack on Rebel Base
[BoP-FREE] Battle for Planet X
[BoP-FREE] No Way Out
[CD-TIE] A New Start
[TIE] The Destruction of Rogue Squadron
[TIE] The New Shipyard
[TIE-FREE] 1.00 AM
[TIE-FREE] Cutting Out
[TIE-FREE] Noname Squadron
[TIE-FREE] The Slaughter of Phantom Squadron
[XvT] Krayt Squadron Bomber Training
[XvT] The Loshen Resistance
[XvT-FREE] Attack on WarHammer
[XvT-FREE] Hyperdrive Repairs
[XvT-FREE] Stop a Rebel Fleet and Destroy It
[XvT-FREE] Strike on Facility
[XWA] Hammer to Anvil

EH Domain Updated

HA Kawolski

05 June, 2000 08:28
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page with the latest fleet news and reports.

Emergency Leave

FA Kessler

05 June, 2000 04:39

Fleet Admiral Kessler will be unavaliable all day today due to unforseen circumstances. This means that no promotions, transfers or assignments will be processed until Tuesday. The Flight Office apologises for the inconvenience, but the situation is unavoidable.

The Atmospheric Project page updated

HA Kawolski

04 June, 2000 20:31
After several months of no updates and broken download links, the people at The Atmospheric Project have updated and fixed their homepage at They also include a picture of some of the Coruscant buildings and promise new things to come in the next few summer months.


HA Astatine

03 June, 2000 22:54

Well, I finally found out why noone was submitting competitions and what this mysterious "error" was all about. I deleted the form for some reason. Silly me. It's back up now, so start submitting those comps again. :P

Operation Wildfire - Naval Corps

FA Kessler

03 June, 2000 21:57
Today marks the beginning of Operation Wildfire. The purpose of the Operation is to allow Naval Corps Officers to show their strategic and tactical skills off to their Task Force Commanders. The choice of who will be promoted to fill the vacant Task Unit Commander, Frigate Captain and Minor Warship Squadron Commander positions will be determined by your success in Operation Wildfire. For those officers who are happy to remain in their current positions, early promotions may be authorised for those who do well in the Operation.

Full details have been mailed out to all Naval Officers, and can always be found under the Operations section of the Naval Corps Command Site

Jedi.Net EH link changed

FA Kessler

03 June, 2000 17:39
The Link to the Emperor's Hammer at Jedi.Net's ratings page has been wiped and changed. Thanks to anyone who already voted for us, but the vote counter has been reset and we need to get people to vote again. Please register your votes for the EH at, look for the Emperor's Hammer, and vote us a big fat 10 :)

TO Comp closed

HA Astatine

02 June, 2000 12:47

Training Office Competition 5 has closed. Results are being tabulated and awards will be given in due time.

MAC FAQ Updated

CM Inkwolf

02 June, 2000 12:19
These updates have been flying pretty thickly lately, eh? Well, let's hope that new problems stop cropping up for a while now....

TFR Fixer!
Some TFRs, when e-mailed or unzipped, lose their creator codes and become unrecognizable and unusable by TIE Fighter, appearing as text or other files. Previously on the Mac FAQ, a tutorial was added on how to use Netscape as a configuration tool to fix the problem.
This method doesn't seem to work for everybody.

Good news, though! We now have our own Applescript application to repair those TFR files! TFR Fixer can be downloaded direct from the Mac FAQ in either .zip or .sit (5.5 or higher) format. Just drop the uncooperative file on the TFR Fixer icon, and it will be transformed back into a TFR. (Or your Great Imperial Novel will be transformed into a TFR--Be careful what you drop!)

TFR Fixer can be downloaded from either the Pilot File page, or the Links page of the Mac FAQ.

CS Server upgrade delayed, mods installed

HA Kawolski

02 June, 2000 07:40
The Counter-Strike server upgrade to the Half-Life patch and CS 6.5 Beta patch has been delayed due to Valve Software doing a last-minute delay on fixing a critical problem with cable modem connections. The expected release date will be Monday (with the files being made available for server administrators on Sunday to give them time to upgrade). The patch is expected to be HUGE... The Valve patch alone is around 20mb (at least, the "leaked" beta version of it is 20mb). I'm not sure how large the CS 6.5 upgrade will be (expect around 15mb), but the CS 6.5 Stand-Alone appears to be around 52mb.

In the meantime, yesterday I completed installation of the statistics script Log Anal and the administration tool Admin Mod. Then I accidentally locked myself out of the server and forced a reboot. :P I guess I should've stuck around longer because after that, the server continued to keep crashing during map changes thanks to Admin Mod, which I uninstalled a few minutes ago. Now that that is out of the way, the server should remain up! I apologize to everyone who had problems yesterday with it.

If you have ANY problems with the server whatsoever, contact High Admiral Kawolski immediately. The server is only three days old so I need to know how often it crashes and when.

And now for something completely different

FA Kessler

01 June, 2000 13:36
In news totally unrelated to the previous post, the TIE Corps is proud to present you with an advertisement, courtesy of our sponsors. Please click here.

Mr and Miss EH in the Finals

FA Kessler

01 June, 2000 12:40
The Mr and Miss EH Contest is now in the finals, only the following contestants remain:

FA Kessler vs DP Trench
LC Sarriss vs CHS WhiteTiger

I'm not at liberty to comment on who you should vote for as far as Miss EH is concerned (otherwise the XO would have me shot :P), but a piece of advice for all those who want to vote for Mr EH...

Go to this page. Take a good, long look at the ugly old fart who is your TIE Corps Commander. Not very pretty is it? No. Now go here, and vote for Dark Prince Trench or I'll have you all grounded pending psychiatric evaluation and eye tests :P

Rate the Emperor's Hammer

FA Kessler

01 June, 2000 12:24
The EH has just been registered at JediNet.Com, and you can help to make us one of the TOP rated Star Wars sites on the Net. Simply click here, look for the Emperor's Hammer, and vote us a big fat 10 :)

Naval Corps Essential Files

FA Kessler

01 June, 2000 12:08
A new version of the file has been made available which allows officers to take command of the Assault Frigate in X-Wing Alliance. ALL Naval Officers must download and install this version of the patch, TIE Corps pilots may use it at their discretion. The patch can be found here.