More newsletter cover contest stuff
SA Kawolski
9 ABY only allowed in case of a bug preventing the mission from being completed, which is extremely rare. From now on I will strictly apply the current cheating policy, and I will cancel any BSF with some mission skipped where 1/ there is no mention of a bug or 2/ for which no bug report has been submitted (which are to be submitted before submitting the pilot file), without any notification (until the database supports such a nice feature); the concerned battle or mission will be simply removed from your combat record. Furthermore, I am seriously considering forbidding skipping missions for ANY reason, as I have noticed too many abuses of this policy. If a mission has got a high score, maybe should you consider the possibility that someone did complete it and thus that the mission can be completed.
If your banner won't load for some reason, please e-mail the Executive Officer Sector Admiral Kawolski a copy of the banner and a copy of the error message displayed. (If you get a generic 500 error, turn off "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages" under Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Browsing and try again)
327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online... check out the latest TAC report for the celebrations.
The new CSMA site is up! Currently it is missing the IOTC, and SSITC tests. They will be added soon. Also, the Sniper and Expert Sniper Courses will be up by the end of this weekend... need to get some more info for them, and then they'll be up.
ISD Colossus 24/30 -- 80%
ISD Immortal 17/32 -- 53%
ISD Challenge 13/48 -- 27%
TOP 3:
1) LC Absolut Vodka: 15 points and IS-GR
2) RA MAnitsas: 10 Points and IS-SR
3) MAJ Calvin Numb: 5 Points and IS-SR
1) ISD Colossus: 23 points
2) ISD Challenge: 17 points
3) ISD Immortal: 8 Points
The Tactical Office is finalising the Phase 2 scores. more when we get them in, until then, Colossus relish an early lead... will they hold it? Watch this space.
You can download it at: (N. America - Fast)
You can view it online at:
You must copy and paste this URL to your web browser for it to work.
or access via The Phantom Menace DVD at:
Requirements are that you have XWA, a stable internet connection to play the game online for battles between fleets, willing to send reports/orders for your fleet everyother day and willing to have fun! There are no medals involved, just fun.
This is a first come first serve basis so contact me, LC Stele Pellaeon, at ASAP.
I hosted a game last month between two pilots and it went quite well. The wargame site is at
I apologise for any inconvenience.
GA Ronin and myself would like to extend our congratulations to Combat Operations Officer Brucmack for his excellent performance and being promoted to Vice Admiral! Now go embarrass him on the message board. :P
To view it, open a NEW browser window and copy-and-paste this URL: