IWATS Core mirrored

HA Astatine

28 February, 2001 23:50
Thanks to FA AbsoluteK for providing the webspace, I've mirrored the IWATS Core course so cadets can actually read the notes for the test. The URL is http://iwats.emperorshammer.ca/core/.

New Star Wars game in the making

HA Kawolski

28 February, 2001 02:43
LucasArts has unveiled plans for the PC 2D Real-Time Strategy game Star Wars Battleground developed by Ensemble Studios, creators the Age of Empires series...most likely to make up for revenues lost from LucasArts' previous RTS lemon, Force Commander. The game is set to be released in Fall 2001.

Press Release: http://www.lucasarts.com/static/pr/lucasartsensemble_pr.htm
Battleground Interview 1: http://pc.ign.com/news/31839.html
Battleground Interview 2: http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/stories/news/0,10870,2690822,00.html

Wing X CMDR promoted

AD Priyum Patel

27 February, 2001 13:46
Congratulations to COL Darklord, who upon the recommendation of BGCOM Jarak and COM Corran Force, has been promoted to the rank of General. Darklord has served as the Wing Commander of Wing X successfully for several months, showing dedication to his Wing and inspiring his pilots. A very deserving promotion :)

SM/2 hits 500

HA Astatine

27 February, 2001 09:56

Squadron Management 2 has finally made it to the 500 graduate mark. This makes SM/2 the 4th most taken course (only narrowly beating IIC/1 on 496).

EH Ladder is online!

HA Astatine

27 February, 2001 02:06
After many months, the EH Ladder is finally online. The ladder features divisions for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight and X-Wing Alliance. The ladder is pretty much automated. The only human interaction is the reporting of matches (and signing up, of course). The ladder code takes care of all the score/win/loss/draw incrementing, as well as the ladder displaying code and emailing off the pretty match confirmation emails (which are in colour-coded HTML, to match the colours of each ladder.). You can visit the ladder site at http://www.imperialacademy.org/ladder/.

CA:FO selected

AD Priyum Patel

26 February, 2001 06:08
After receiving over 20 applications, mostly from highly qualified people, I've finally decided on my new Command Attaché. Congratulations to the former COO and most recently, CA:TAC, Admiral Havoc! I've worked with him in the past, I know he can successfully carry out the duties that will be assigned to him. When you send routine email to the Flight Office, please be sure to CC AD Havoc (Pellaeon2000@cs.com).

ASF Commander appointed

AD Priyum Patel

26 February, 2001 06:05
Following VitCarp's resignation from the Fleet, I have decided on the new ASF BGCOM. Many congratulations to Vice Admiral Cyric! Cyric is a long-standing member of the Aggressor Strike Force, and has proven his abilities during his tenure as Grey Wolf COM. His has my full trust to bring continued success to the ASF. VA Cyric's first duty will be to select the new Grey Wolf Commodore.


AD StarLion

23 February, 2001 20:49
Due to an unknown problem somewhere within the tc.org, or internet, mailing system, several emails from tc.org (Such as BSF Approval emails) are being returned to me with "Undeliverable mail." If you submit BSF's to your commander, and do not get a BSF Approved email, please check your profile first, and then email the TAC Office if you still don't seem to have it.

Graphics professor appointed

HA Astatine

23 February, 2001 05:15
CM Daisuke Airyu of Cyclone squadron has been appointed to the position of Graphics Professor. The Graphics course will be up and operational in a week or so. There are still lots of IWATS positions open and they're listed at http://www.imperialacademy.org/jobs.htm

Star Wars Timeline help

RA Ian Jackson

22 February, 2001 14:35
I've been assigned to make a webpage regarding all the Star Wars Films. Currently the EH doesn't have one of these and RA Ramos and I feel it would be good. I'm making the current template for it and need some articles and pictures regarding Episode I, II, etc. If you want to help out, e-mail bhgian@home.com while CCing ehian@home.com.

Unit Patches

HA Kawolski

20 February, 2001 21:06
In an attempt to complete the OPS Office's archive of unit patches, it is necessary that all squadrons check http://www.emperorshammer.ca/opsoffice/squadpatches.htm and make sure that if your squadron has a patch and it is not on there, that it be submitted to CA:OPS/VA Wet Willy at wetwilly@jedi.nu as soon as possible. Also, if you have a patch on there, but have a more recent one, please submit the new one.

IWATS positions

HA Astatine

20 February, 2001 16:39
TIE Tactics, PHP and VBS professor positions are now open. If you're interested in applying, check out the details at http://www.imperialacademy.org/jobs.htm.

Battle Change

AD StarLion

19 February, 2001 20:50
Free-TIE 148 has been changed, please see Tactical Report #4 for more information.

OR Pins

AD Zsinj

19 February, 2001 15:23

Just as a reminder, I need your TC.org and ORDB PINS mailed to me at slookabill@home.com(one time) if you want credit for Outer Rim wins! This is to save time for awarding LoC's and credit to TC.org.

Cheating Reminder

HA Kawolski

19 February, 2001 07:18
The database has recently caught several cheaters who were either sharing pilot files or stealing pilot files (i.e. a CMDR takes his FM's pilot files, renames them, and submits them to his WC as the CMDR's own). These cases are currently being investigated.

Keep in mind that the punishment for cheating for FIRST TIME OFFENDERS is a demotion to Sub-Lieutenant, loss of all medals (except the OV), loss of all high scores, and a perm-ban (which applies to all clones as well) off the battle board and FCHG system. Repeat offenders are expelled.

The rule is simple: One pilot file for one PIN # only. Don't share your pilot file with friends. Don't share your pilot file with clones to try to get double the credit for the work done.

Removal form fixed

HA Kawolski

17 February, 2001 09:58

The removal form now properly e-mails the removed pilot's superior officers.

Promotion form fixed

HA Kawolski

17 February, 2001 09:50

The promotion request form has been fixed so you can make promotion requests for pilots with multiple positions.

Competitions and awards

HA Astatine

17 February, 2001 01:01

Just a note that if you submit a competition. If you are not giving out any medals for it, make it clear that this is so. The best way is to put "No medals will be awarded" in the submission. If you do not make it clear, your competition will be denied.

CA:FO position open

AD Priyum Patel

16 February, 2001 14:45
Yes, thats right...I'm looking for a CA! The details:

All applicants must posses the following qualifications:

  • Applicants must have been in the TIE Corps for no less than twelve months.
  • To have held a Command level position (preferably WC or higher) for at least four months and to hold the rank of Major or above.
  • To hold no HCI convictions, nor be currently under HCI investigation.
  • To have a working knowledge of TC regulations and policies.
  • Applicants must have a basic knowledge of HTML.
  • Applicants MUST be able to check their email at least once a day, and be able to reply promptly. Applicants should also have a stable email provider (i.e. NOT Hotmail).
  • Most importantly, applicants must be reliable, mature and in good standing with the TIE Corps Flag Officers and the Command Staff.

The duties of the Command Attaché will involve minor updates of the rosters, acting as a liaison between the Flight Office and Flag Officers, and helping me to update the Flight Office page when required. The CA must be able to work off their own initiative, as well as follow instructions given to them. All applications must be with me by 24th February (next Saturday) and please put "CA Application" as the subject of the email. If you wish, you may include ONE reference in the application, but please don't get people to email me telling me what a great CA you'd make. I'll contact them as and when needed. All applications should be sent to spellfire@btinternet.com and with any luck, I'll have made my decision by the following Monday.

Logistics Office needs a Command Attaché

RA Ramos Kanzco

15 February, 2001 17:24
The Logistics Office is seeking one Command Attaches to upkeep certain duties within the Office. If you are interested in what the job entail read below:

CA:LO2: The First Command Attache will be in charge of maintaining a website and assist in publishing news from around the Star Wars Universe (including Episode II) whether it be from magazines, websites, or other sources for the EH Newsletter. This CA will be charged with revitilization of the Sentinel Project.


1. Knowledge of Star Wars News Sources and where to find good information on Star Wars happenings in General.

2. Web Creation skills- Have the ability to make a site that incorporates all the CA's duties and responsibilites. If possible show former work done on previous sites you have made.

3. Anything else you think is important mention in your application.


-Be a member for more than a year
-Have no HCI record
-Have One Reccomendation
-Any Skills you believe are valuable to the spot
-Good Personality, Easy to work with, Good ideas

Include anything else you wish within your application that you believe would help you.

Mail all applications to LO/RA Ramos Kanzco and CA:LO1/FA Yodavin with the subject: CA Application

The Invisible Enemy

HA Kawolski

15 February, 2001 13:11
Fan Films have hit a new low. "The Invisible Enemy" is a Blair Witch knock-off of stormtroopers doing a survey of Endor's forest moon. You see and hear some of the worst actors and voice overs that'll have you ripping your hair out and grinding your teeth and wondering why the hell you wasted your time downloading 45 megs of crap. The credits have several people under the "voice talent" category, but it's all lies...these people don't have talent...

It was a funny idea, but...yuck...if you're feeling masochistic...here:

TC Database malfunctions and errors

HA Kawolski

15 February, 2001 11:12

The FCHG system is currently being worked on. As a result, the squadron listings and individual personnel profiles may stop working for a short amount of time.

Iron Star conversion chart

HA Kawolski

15 February, 2001 09:04
For all those with competitions running now, use this conversion chart to recommend/award the appropriate type of medal.

Old System New System
Copper Ribbon Bronze Wings
Nickel Ribbon Silver Ribbon
Bronze Ribbon Silver Wings
Silver Ribbon Gold Ribbon
Gold Ribbon Gold Wings
Platnium Ribbon Platnium Wings

New Iron Star system

HA Kawolski

15 February, 2001 08:59
The new Iron Star system has been programmed into the database. Here's how it works:

The Iron Star is awarded for winning a Training Office-approved competition. There are two types of add-ons depending on the type of competition. For all Flying competitions, Wings are awarded. For all Non-Flying competitions, Ribbons are awarded. The type of Wings or Ribbon awarded is dependent on the size of the competition.

Bronze - 1st place in a competition involving at least 6 pilots, runner-up award for Silver competitions, 3rd place/participating award for Gold or Platnium competitions

Silver - 1st place in a competition involving 4 or more squadrons or task units, 2nd place award for Gold or Platnium competitions

Gold - 1st place in a competition involving 3 or more wings/task forces.

Platinum - Training Office competition

Wings are worth FCHG points (1,3,5,10 pts respectively) but Ribbons are not.

Now, some people received awards during the first run of the Iron Star change. Your medal has been converted to the appropriate type. Check your personnel profile to see.

The FCHG point system hasn't been updated yet. I will be changing it today in an effort to redo and fix the FCHG system on the database without having to rely on moving to the new server.

Star Wars Quake DM Test 1 released

HA Kawolski

14 February, 2001 20:07
Posted from http://swtc.telefragged.com/news.shtml:

I really don't think I have to elaborate here. DM test 1 has been released. Check the files section for details. A few comments though. We have limited the scope of this DM test on purpose to better focus on the core design of the TC, namely force use, saber use, and weapon use together with player movement. Therefore the lack of levels among other things. Don't worry though, this is where DM #2 will make your day =) Untill the however, why not do some mapping or modeling for you favorite mod? The Star Wars Universe surely offers a plethora of ideas... In any case, feel free to comment on the mod and send me bug reports or thought. I'm just happy we finally released something. Best of wishes.

Star Wars Quake is about 25 MB large and requires Quake II v3.20 to play. Download it here: http://swtc.telefragged.com/files.html

The Quake II v3.20 patch can be downloaded here: http://www.planetquake.com/quake2/files.shtml

Duality - Fan Film

HA Kawolski

12 February, 2001 20:37
High quality Fan Film here! Actually, a lot of it is showing off the graphic design talents of a team of two guys, but it's amazing what just two people can do! The film is completely shot on blue-screen and shows off stunning special effects and beautifully rendered digital sets.

It comes in low-res (320) and hi-res (480) versions which are pretty big in size, but worth the download!

Star Wars Quake interview

HA Astatine

12 February, 2001 17:16
Stomped has an interview with the Star Wars Quake team, who are developing a modification for Quake 2. According to the interview, the mod is expected to be out this week. You can check out the interview here.

Battlecry #12

HA Kawolski

12 February, 2001 04:46
It's the last issue of Battlecry I'm afraid. Never mind, Issue 12 still has all of this in it...

  • Interviews with GA Ronin, HA Kawolski and HA Astatine
  • Look back to the beginnings of Battlecry
  • BIG Competition Results
  • All entries to the BIG Competition (that work) are published this month
  • XvT & XWA Week of War Stats for January
  • Writing Contest story completed and ready to read
  • Plenty of great submissions

You can download and view it at http://battlecry.emperorshammer.ca

XO returns from unscheduled leave

HA Kawolski

11 February, 2001 21:45
After a brief leave this weekend, High Admiral Kawolski has returned and will be posting the past news that has been submitted over the last few days.

TIE Tactics News

HA Astatine

11 February, 2001 16:01
From the course professor:

"I have been informed that many TIE Fighter Tactics tests and pilot files have not been graded. If you have completed the TIE Fighter Tactics course and have not yet received a grade please send your files to myself at Fondor_bhaal@hotmail.com."

Relentless Commodore promoted

AD Priyum Patel

10 February, 2001 11:08
Many congratulations to Rear Admiral Andronicus, Commodore of the ISD Relentless, who was today promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral following a recommendation from VA Jarak.

New Flight Officer

HA Kawolski

08 February, 2001 18:56
Former Command Attaché Admiral Priyum Patel has been promoted to the position of Flight Officer and TIE Corps Commander of the Emperor's Hammer! Congratulations Pri!

High Score listings

HA Kawolski

08 February, 2001 09:21
The FCHG Listings may still be broken, but in the meantime you can check out the new High Score Listings.

Congratulations to the Baron, Major Mini Minkus!

Flight Officer resigns

HA Kawolski

08 February, 2001 04:27
Looks like I forgot to post it here:

Flight Officer Admiral Theodore is hanging up Command Staff position badge to retire to tend more time with his family and newborn, but he'll stay on board as our Imperial Counsel.

All roster changes and such inqueries should go to the Command Attaché, Admiral Priyum.

Encyclopedia Reseachers needed

HA Astatine

07 February, 2001 21:48

Researchers are urgently needed for the EH Encyclopedia project. If you're interested, contact the Training Officer at jpboyce@indigo.net.au

New Battles Released

AD StarLion

06 February, 2001 15:11

Star Wars Quake DM Beta Test coming soon?

HA Kawolski

05 February, 2001 05:51
According to the Star Wars Quake: Call of the Force website, the first release will be on Valentine's Day (02.14.01).

The first release is expected to have one or two player models, DM related models, and three maps.

NL correction

HA Kawolski

04 February, 2001 18:40
Some of the uploaded newsletters have the wrong sidebar. You can download the updated sidebar and put it in your NL71/images directory here:

EH Poll News

FA Manesh

04 February, 2001 13:12
There are currently four polls open at the EH Polling Center: EH Poll #104, EH Poll #105, EH Poll #106, and EH Poll #107. The EH Polling Center can be found at http://www.emperorshammer.ca/polls/.

New RO appointed

LCM Khan

04 February, 2001 11:58

After the resignation of Admiral Slage, Admiral Keiran Idanian, former CA:FC, is the newly appointed RO. Congratulations.

EH in January XWA Week of War

VA Chrusos Ichthys

04 February, 2001 11:57
EH wins 5th place among all clubs in the January XWA WoW.

EH wins it's first BattleStats Week of War medal (first BSC medal period).

Special congrats go to pilots Colonel Dras Hempor/Immortal and Major Brucmack/Grey Wolf for bring this medal home to EH.

I hope this is a sign of more BSC medals to come.

Naval Staff Course is Currently Offline

VA Goatham

04 February, 2001 10:30
A matter that has been raised to me on numerous occasions in the past week, so i thought its time to make it clear to everyone:

Naval Staff is Currently Offline, so please do not take the test :)

We're currently redoing the test, and it should be back up sometime in the next 3 weeks.

Phoenix Engineer's Team Open

AD StarLion

03 February, 2001 22:15
This is to announce the opening of the Phoenix Engineer's Team. Essentially, it will be the Team's job to pick up where Project Phoenix left off, correcting the bugs our pilots find in Emperor's Hammer Battles.

Currently, the team is searching for testers for all platforms. Interested applicants should email RA Arso Slyth for more information.

Wing XV CMDR appointed

AD Priyum Patel

02 February, 2001 16:42
Congratulations go to Major Khadgar who has been selected as the new Wing Commander of Wing XV. Congrats MAJ :)

Small database update

HA Kawolski

02 February, 2001 15:55
Actually, there have been a ton of database updates in the past few days, but they're all on the administration side so the general public can't really see them (until the new Newsletter is released).

However, I did add position badges (thanks to VA Goatham for submitting the pictures) for Naval Corps personnel on their profiles.

New TFC of Crusader Appointed

VA Goatham

02 February, 2001 13:21
My congratulations extend to Rear Admiral Renier on his promotion to Task Force Commander of Crusader!

Plot comp!

HA Astatine

02 February, 2001 08:19
A new competition is up and running. Details are available here.

New Wing XIV WC

VA Chrusos Ichthys

01 February, 2001 06:16

Intrepid Commodore Pel selected Major Brakka, formerly CMDR of Valkyrie Squadron, to lead Wing XIV. We trust Major Brakka will lead Wing XIV to unprecidented heights of fame and glory.