Outer Rim War 2
VA Kyle Katarn
10 ABY
I need people to write articles, reviews, etc for the newsletter. I especially need one or two people to do regular book/game/comic/other reviews of Star Wars stuff. If you're interested, email me stating your interest. Make sure your subject has "I don't need any stinking journalistic integrity!". Thanks.
The site was moved to another server to try to get the email component to work. That didn't work so I've been forced to shell out for the component and hopefully, it will get installed on the weekend sometime. I'm hoping that after that, the site will work without much fuss and we can get on with everything.
Well, looks like the site is back on the air...sorta. In relation to the database, the only thing we lost was the uniforms. This was because I tried 3 times to export them and they just wouldn't play the game. Since the uniforms weren't a critical aspect of the site, I decided to not bother with them. All other information should be intact. In addition to this, along the way, the designation of the index/identity fields seemed to have disappeared. Index/ID fields are those which contain a unique value. Your PIN is an example of this. Right now I'm going through by hand, resetting this on all the tables. The uniform uploading aspect of the site works and I'm assuming the BSF system will work, but DON'T USE IT YET. Just because you can read this page, that doesn't mean the damn site is working. :P When it's done, I'll post a news item saying it's done.