TCCs appointed

FA Marcin Szydlowski

30 November, 2003 03:17
11 ABY

I've appointed two new TCCs. Congrats to MAJ D.T Hammer new TCC:TIE and CM Chris Cox new TCC:XvT.

EH Census

GN Mordred

30 November, 2003 01:48
11 ABY

The Logistics Office has prepared a short Census for all EH members. Participation is voluntary, but highly encouraged. Help us help you have more fun in the EH!

EH Census @

EH Census

AD Darknyte

29 November, 2003 21:22
11 ABY

The EH Census is finally ready for the Fleet to take part in. If you've kept up with my reports you know that I feel this will be a great tool for those of us in leadership roles in the EH to more accurately gauge what the membership would like to get out of their experience in the club.

All members of the EH are encouraged to participate and asked to please answer all questions with honesty. There are a few regarding thoughts on senior officers, and we assure you that your private information will never be made public, so you may answer without fear of reproach.

The Census can be found at

Thanks in advance for your participation and desire to help us make the EH a better place for everyone.


AD Darknyte

28 November, 2003 00:13
11 ABY
I'd like to hereby congratulate Admiral KHAEN on his promotion. Unlike some FOs that shall remain nameless, I know how to properly spell KHAEN's name. :P


FA Cyric

27 November, 2003 19:24
11 ABY

I have selected my very first TCCOM's OWN! This wing has been extremely active over the course of several months. They have flown, they have been a cohesive unit within the TC, and above all, they took the bull by the horns and recruited their butts off to have the most amount of pilots in a TC WING. Above all, each and every member in this wing is active to some degree and is a great example of what the TC and the EH as a whole represents: Teamwork, dedication,devotion, and having fun. For this I award WING XIII of the ISD GREYWOLF the honor of TCCOM'S OWN! Congrats pilots, you've earned it!

ATF BGCOM Promoted

FA Cyric

27 November, 2003 19:23
11 ABY

I have the honor and privilege to announce the promotion of the ATF BGCOM, VA Khaen. VA Khaen has served as ATF BGCOM for over 7 months. He had the very difficult task of rebuilding, and keeping the ATF in order during the rDB incident. Since then, the ATF has become a very active group, with monthly comps such as the BJ COMP (That's BG Judgment Comp) and managed to bring in new people to the group. This promotion is a long time in coming and very much well deserved. So without further ado, VA Khaen is from this point on granted the rank and privileges of Full Admiral. Congrats AD Khaen!

XvT Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!

AD Ender mBind

23 November, 2003 10:07
11 ABY
The newest version of the EHSP for XvT has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also mends the former EHSP bug that made all bouys look like the probe capsule, fixes the XvT bug that kept the CORTs from firing their lasers, adds 13 new melees to allow MP with the new fighters and adds new models for the Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(The sco mirror site is back up, all patches there have been updated. Especially for MP - always make sure to have the latest version.)

TIE Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!

AD Ender mBind

22 November, 2003 15:25
11 ABY

The newest version of the EHSP for TIE'95 has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also adds new models for the Probe/2, Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(Currently the sco mirror site is down, the moment it gets up again, that will be updated as well.)

BoP Ship Patch VERSION 2.0 Released!

AD Ender mBind

22 November, 2003 15:24
11 ABY

The newest version of the EHSP for BoP has been released to the Patch Archive. It features a new .exe based installer made by AD Darkhill that is far more user friendly. (And works on all Windows versions).
This version also mends the former EHSP bug that made all bouys look like the probe capsule, fixes the BoP bug that kept the CORTs from firing their lasers and adds new models for the Sat/2 and Buoy/2.

(Currently the sco mirror site is down, the moment it gets up again, that will be updated as well. Especially for MP - always make sure to have the latest version.)

Vacancies in Tactical Office

FA Marcin Szydlowski

21 November, 2003 23:28
11 ABY
With resignation of Apophim Kuma and elevation of VA Styles, I am looking for new TCCs. Also, I am looking for testers and engineers for TIE and XW.

Requirements for TCC:TIE:
  • Must own TIE95
  • Rank of LCM or higher
  • Reasonable FCHG rating
  • Proven mission creation knowledge (at least 2 battles made, or free missions)
  • TMs passed
  • Ability to work under high pressure (ie. Mike)
  • great email response time (max 24hrs)
  • familiarity with EHBL

Requirements for TCC:XvT:
  • must own both XvT and BoP
  • rank of LCM or higher
  • reasonable FCHG rating
  • mission creation knowledge (2 battles or few missions created)
  • XTM 1 and 2 passed
  • ability to work under high pressure (ex. Mike)
  • great email responce time (up to 24 hrs)
  • familarity with EHBL

Requirements for testers and engineers are very similar to those stated above, though you don't need mission creation knowledge when you want TCS position.

Send all applications to TAC and CA:TAC :) Good luck!

XvT Week of War starts today!

VA Kyle Katarn

21 November, 2003 08:18
11 ABY

Today starts WoW, mp event hosted by BSC and it is taking place on Zone as usual , link is , you also have to be registered 1st at BSC , anyway ...pilots to your fighters and gl!

Flight Officer is Back

FA Cyric

17 November, 2003 15:48
11 ABY

I'm back from my vacation....If there are any outstanding transfer requests that I've missed, please send them along to me again...

Two new free missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

15 November, 2003 23:49
11 ABY
I have just released the following missions:
  • TIE-FREE #239,240

SF Company CC is LTC Hemi

BG Dante

15 November, 2003 11:39
11 ABY

LTC Hemi has been selected as the new SF Company CC. Welcome him back from his time in the HF and US Army Reserve (due to being deployed).

End Of Imperial Storm IV

VA Pel

13 November, 2003 16:13
11 ABY

With the escape of the Sovereign to Aurora, Imperial Storm IV has come to an end. While the Sovereign enjoys it's Minor Victory, the War Officer is already hard at work on Imperial Storm V. Suggestions are being taken via email. Thank you to all who participated in ISIV, and in advance to all who offer suggestions for ISV.

CSMA E-Mail Address

High Burninator, High Colonel Chavez

13 November, 2003 06:44
11 ABY

Okay, for some reason that is COMPLETELY beyond my comprehension, there seems to be some question about what the CSMA E-mail Address is. Why is this so confusing to me? Simple. The e-mail address hasn't changed in years. Put it in your address books, maybe. The e-mail address is . Anything that is not sent to this e-mail address will be ignored, and deleted without notification - as per CSMA policy.

Reports and Money

GN Mordred

10 November, 2003 23:21
11 ABY

The news system do not permit the actual format of my previous text, so please reffer to the Message Board!

If you had problems with your IA credits last week, email ME

XvT-TC 28 unlocked

FA Marcin Szydlowski

09 November, 2003 04:05
11 ABY
EH Ship Patch for XvT has been released thanks to hard work of Sco staff, so now you can all fly XvT-TC #28 again :)

Thanks Ender!

CA:TAC resigns, replacement sought

FA Marcin Szydlowski

09 November, 2003 00:51
11 ABY
Today. I bring you sad news. My CA:TAC, Vice Admiral Philo, has decided to resign his position and transfer to reserves due to extreme time restrictions. I think no comment is needed here.

Here was great CA:TAC and my right hand for all this months. I really considered him as new TAC, and I knew he would do great. But unfortunately, life comes first. For all of us.

I would really like to thank you Philo for all your hard work and support you gave me. You are the model CA:TAC and you can be sure, that it will be damn hard to replace you. Thanks!

Right now. I have to do two things. I make Philo, honorary TACA. I know this is reserves for stepping down TAC's, but I am changing it. And I am looking for replacement. I won't lie, there are no real requirements and if any TCC would like to get it, he gets it. So, mail me and try!

Vice Admiral Philo, until our next meeting!

XvT shippatch released!

AD Ender mBind

08 November, 2003 15:56
11 ABY
Today saw the release of the "Emperor's Hammer Ship Patch" for XvT. This patch adds the B-Wing, TIE Defender, Missileboat, System Patrol Craft, Scout Craft, Container Transport, Medium Transport, Modified Corvette, Modified Frigate, Passenger Liner, Carrack Cruiser, Light Calamari Cruiser, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Probe Capsule, Gunplatform, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery and Pilot to XvT. It also changes ranks and awards to a EH theme.
The patch can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently as it does not replace any existing Craft. It does however replace the B-W, T/D and MIS patches. (As does its BoP counterpart)
This concludes the series of EH Ship Patches, which means that all craft of TIE are now available for XvT and BoP while all craft from BoP are now available for TIE95. :)

New HF Reporting Guidelines

GN Mordred

08 November, 2003 14:36
11 ABY

To be effective Imediately:

-XO and CO will report weekly on wednesdays, and that's mandatory. The XO report should render a general view of his/her activities and
relevant line changes. DL progress as well. The Co will give us a current status on ops, from planning and preparation to execution.

-CT, CS and CI, given the unconstant work, will report when needed, but will report at least once a month, even if it's just to say "Eleven o'clock and it's all fine". A comprehensive list and status of the CT's progress on course develpment is also required

-DCs will report tuesday, mandatory. CCs will report Wednesdays.

-Also, I want to every DC to create a excell or txt file with a detailed table fo the troopers activities, so we can have a precise track of who's really active. It's to be very simple, using keys: EM= Email; RO= Run ons... And this sheet is to be emailed monthly to the PRF.

Week1 Week2
TRP SPL Strong Dred RO, EM, VS2 EM, SN2

-CRO and Special Units will report weekly as well, Wednesdays.

-Failure to report twice will receive an XO inquiry, and if the situation continues, s/he'll get booted by the 3rd week.

-I'll write my reports on Thursday and prepare the meeting, to be emailed to hfgs yahoogroup. If for any reason the report is not done by friday morning, the XO will do it.

STAR WARS Trilogy DVD Release date

AD Darknyte

06 November, 2003 17:15
11 ABY
It's just been posted on Slashdot that the original trilogy is slated for a 9/04 release date. You can read more details at Slashdot or Aint It Cool News.

ISD Vanguard Website Creation Comp

FA Cyric

04 November, 2003 18:32
11 ABY
A new competition is open to everyone in the TC, the Vanguard needs a new website, design a new one and the best one chosen will recieve a IS-GR, or if quality is of such excellence a higher medal maybe awarded:)

Contact myself for further details or look at the comp url at:
Please contact VA Sickman for more details


Master Burninator, High Colonel Domingo Chavez

04 November, 2003 10:22
11 ABY

As a result of undue work related stress, I'm officially on leave for the next week at the minimum. For those less intelligent members out there, this means that for the next seven days, no one is to even talk to me regarding EH business. Long and short of it... go to hell. I'll see you in a week. :P

BoP shippatch

AD Ender mBind

04 November, 2003 07:40
11 ABY
Today saw the release of the "Emperor's Hammer Ship Patch" for BoP. This patch adds the TIE Defender, Missileboat, Scout Craft, Passenger Liner, Carrack Cruiser, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery, Probe Capsule and Pilot to BoP. It also changes ranks and awards to a EH theme. The patch can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently as it does not replace any existing Craft.

FOA Chosen

FA Cyric

03 November, 2003 09:30
11 ABY
After careful consideration of each and every aaplication that came to the Flight Office, both myself and VA Reaper have decided on LC Styles as the new FOA.

Thanks to all who applied!

TIE Fighter Ship Patch Released!

AD Ender mBind

01 November, 2003 08:26
11 ABY
Today saw the release of the "Emperor's Hammer Ship Patch" for TIE fighter '95.
This patch adds the Shipyard, Repairyard, Medium Transport, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Gunplatform, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery, Super Star Destroyer and Pilot to TIE95. It fixes the bug in TIE Fighter that keeps Imperial Star Destroyers from firing their lasers.
The patch can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently as it does not replace any existing Craft.

This patch replaces the earlier "ISD Lasers Patch" for TC flying. Go check it out on the Patch Archive.

Design The XO Site Competition

SA Astatine

01 November, 2003 05:53
11 ABY
The current XO site isn't very good and hasn't been updated for a while. By the nature of the office, the XO site should be a nexus for some very important information within the EH. To address this, I'll need a new design, as the current one (at is pretty basic.

The basis of the competition will be to design a "template" for the site, which should include graphics, menu elements, etc. The menu items on the current site can be used as a guide for the template. Everything else is left to your creative whims. Final submissions can either be hosted online, with the URL emailed to me, or the files themselves can be emailed to me. Submissions close on 30th November. The competition is open to all EH members. First place gets an Iron Star Gold Ribbon (or subgroup equivilant). Second and third, if up to scratch, will get a Iron Star Silver Ribbon and Iron Star Bronze Ribbon respectively. Submissions should be sent to with the subject of "I have l33t w3b skillz".

IWCOM open for applications

SA Astatine

01 November, 2003 05:07
11 ABY
The position of Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM) involves the day-to-day operations and oversight of the subgroup, as well as development, implementation and followthrough of competitions and other activities for the entire subgroup. Appointment and review of IW command staff are also key duties for this position.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer.
5. Experience at some level of command, preferably at least at TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivilant.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Proven evidence of exceptional performance in a command position
2. Prior experience in the Infilrator Wing.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Outline examples of experience and situations for each point. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't bother applying. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( and Executive Officer ( with the subject "Application for IWCOM".

Combat Action Ribbons

BG Dante

01 November, 2003 02:56
11 ABY
Combat Action Ribbons have now replaced the old Operation ribbons. The old ribbons will be removed from your profiles, so don't freak out if you suddenly lose some awards on your profiles. Everyone who was awarded an old operation ribbon should have received a corresponding Combat Action Ribbon award. If anyone was passed over please email me at

Brigadier General, Special Forces
Commander of Operations

New battles and free missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

01 November, 2003 01:39
11 ABY
Some TIE stuff:
  • TIE-TC #213-215
  • TIE-FREE #238