Training Officer's assistant position open for apps

RA Drako

30 June, 2004 18:12
12 ABY
I'm now accepting apps for the TOA position. Requirements are posted below.

- Very good knowledge of english language
- Clean HCI record
- Lots of imagination
- Creativity
- Must be active

Optional requirements:
- Basic HTML/PHP knowledge
- Ability to make GFX

Applications please send to with "Make me the TOA" subject.


LTC Xirok

30 June, 2004 02:13
12 ABY

Listen up guys and gals (if any), Coming up shortly, we'll be having a Siege match with the Dark Brotherhood's Obelisk Order. However, in order to have this, we need JA players willing to participate. So, if you have JA and want to participate and e-mail we with a day of the week and a good time you'll be available to play (along with your name and ID line). If you are in both the Obelisk Order and the HF, inform me and I'll talk to you. So, e-mail me ( With your name, ID Line, a good time to play, and a good day of the week to play (for you!). If you have no preference, simply put down "No preference." Thank you for your time.

Commendations of Loyalty

AD Alex Foley

28 June, 2004 22:44
12 ABY
I realize now that I made a minor mistake in all of this medal re-awarding. Everything has gone more than perfectly but for the Commendations of Loyalty that were added this year. I awarded some, but not all of them, and this has created a problem. So, I ask that all COM/WC duos send to the listings of all their pilots that are owed CoLs, and I will add them into the database. PINs are always helpful. Please try not to double-award CoLs, because as we all know this is just something that will have to be reversed. Thanks in advance for cooperation!

XWA Week of War

AD Khameir Sarin

26 June, 2004 12:57
12 ABY

Go support the EH in XWA Week of War at and the Zone. Defeat the evil and unruly zone clubs in an effort to prove the EH the dominant Zone XWA Force :p

New survey

SA Astatine

25 June, 2004 07:43
12 ABY
There's a new survey up relating to mailing lists/groups. It's asked about whether you would use roster-integrated mailing lists/groups.

Just to clarify the language used in the question, there are already "mailing lists" available for CMDRs and above, which are just generated lists of email addresses. What the latest survey question is relating to is having an egroup-style mailing list/group based upon your current TIE Corps position. For example, members of Alpha squadron would be on the mailing group (or whatever name it would have).

Known bug report:

FA Ender mBind

24 June, 2004 13:50
12 ABY
It can happen that after you install a battle via EHBL, you still get the last battle you played (or the original battle 1) - in these cases the .EHM file is missing the battle1.lfd file (or corresponding .lst ones for XvT and XWA) so the game cannot find your newly installed missions.
May you encounter this, don't panic: just post a bug report saying "missing .lfd or .lst file"(unless one has already been posted on the subject) and TAC will fix it as soon as possible.
iirc You are also still allowed to make your own .lfd or .lst files pointing to the right missions, so you can still fly the affected missions if you really want. :)

Prae Commander Chosen

FA Cyric

22 June, 2004 16:41
12 ABY
With the Promotion of Gelton Torr as GM, It is my pleasure to announce the promotion of Abel Malik to the Commander position of Praetorian!

Good luck Major!

Wing X Commander Resigns

FA Cyric

22 June, 2004 15:58
12 ABY
Col Sephiroth has stepped down from the WC position in Wing X citing personal reasons...

AD Mell Kerrigan and RA Locke Setzer are accepting applications for the position of WC of Wing X

Requirements are as follows:

--good working knowledge of TIE,XvT,and XWA SP platforms
--Able to work well with flag officers and members of the BG, and yes must tolerate Mell
--able to respond to mails no longer than 24 hours
--Be motivated, active, and able to do the required tasks the position demands (see the flight office site for positional requirements)

If you have what it takes, please mail AD Mell and RA Locke with your applications

Command Staff Changes

FA Cyric

22 June, 2004 15:46
12 ABY
A Bunch of new Command Officers have been appointed. They are:

RA Drako to Training Officer
FA Keldorn to Security Officer
DJM Gelton to Grand Master
VA Aseret to Supreme Director

Congrats to all!

Transfer of Personnel

GN Dante

22 June, 2004 03:04
12 ABY

Effective immediately, COL Narthax has been transferred to the position of Commander of Training, and LTC Sirik Xirok will take over as Commander of Operations. This change is being done in order to facilitate an online transformation of the CSMA and to install more of a gaming platform component to our Operations and activities.

More battles

FA Marcin Szydlowski

21 June, 2004 15:28
12 ABY
I've just released one battle and one free mission, something for TIE players:
  • TIE-FCHG #6
  • TIE-FREE #248
Have fun!

Tactical Staff IWATS Course

FA Marcin Szydlowski

20 June, 2004 09:45
12 ABY

Due to database loss, we've had only offline version available. Now it's been fixed, and you can pass this course online. Also, if you are missing this course on your profile, email either me or Traning Officer, RA Drako.


AD Khameir Sarin

18 June, 2004 17:49
12 ABY

I have returned from my brief LoA. You can read all about it in the latest COO report. Please continue emailing Admiral Khadgar with missing LoC information for the next few days until I completely return!

New battles and missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

18 June, 2004 15:17
12 ABY
Once again we are pleased to release new battles. Here they are:
  • XvT-TC #93-98
  • BoP-FREE #31

Combat Operations Office Update

VA Khadgar

18 June, 2004 00:52
12 ABY

An update regarding the Combat Operations Office medal process: A number of people have sent me LoCs, which I have processed. I also went through the Battlegroup rosters and submitted DFC awards for pilots who are currently active. At this point, I will accept missing LoC counts from individual pilots. However, please only mail in DFC counts if you are not in a Battlegroup. If you are in a Battlegroup, your DFC(s) are pending OPS approval.

Mission Creation Wars

FA Marcin Szydlowski

16 June, 2004 14:43
12 ABY
Tactical Office is proud to announce you, another great competition, Mission Creation Wars. Competition starts June 1st, so I will quickly remind you about it.

First phase - groups. They all get plotlines and create battles. Best battles win and they proceed. Next round is cup style and there can be only one :)

GS, SS, BS - yes, you can win it. + MoTs and CoSs. So that's something worth fighting for.

Send them to me and cc my CA:TAC.

TIETC 15,20,21,22,128 bugs fixed!

VA Styles

15 June, 2004 12:24
12 ABY

TAC Office announces that bugs have been fixed for TIETC 15,20,21,22,128 and we will continue to fix all other bugs reported.

Tie Corps Awards

FA Cyric

13 June, 2004 15:25
12 ABY
For their help with the TIE CORPS Roster Crash and their greatly appreciated assistance in gathering the appropriate information so the reprocessing could be completed as fast as it was, the following awards were issued:

VA Khadgar, ASF BGCOM, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
VA Reaper, CA:FO, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
AD Mell, TIEBGCOM, Was submitted for a medal
AD Sarin, COO, Was submitted for a medal
VA Anthol, Former ATF BGCOM, was submitted for a medal
Medals will be issued when the OPS approves them

I have also asked the BGCOM's to award medals where appropriate to all memebers who have made the processing go smoothly.

Domain delegation complete

SA Astatine

12 June, 2004 22:37
12 ABY

The DNS changes for appear to have filtered through the Internet, meaning the domain will now point to the new server.

Combat Operations Office Medals

VA Khadgar

12 June, 2004 02:35
12 ABY
AD Sarin is currently on leave. Therefore, all flag officers submitting missing Legion of Combat or Distinguished Flying Cross awards may submit them to me at I will also do my best to answer any questions or concerns relating to the Combat Operations Office.

New battles and missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

11 June, 2004 14:38
12 ABY
Once again we started to release battles. First is small package containing the following:
  • XW-CAB #1
  • XW-FCHG #1
  • SWGB-DIR #1
More will follow, but you must understand I have to find balance between FCHG restoration, new battles and HSs processing :)

[Reminder] The EHSPs back up all important game files.

AD Ender mBind

09 June, 2004 05:29
12 ABY
The Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches for TIE, XvT and BoP make a full backup of all important files in those games upon installation. This means that you can use it to restore your game installation might you have screwed that up in some way:

After you've newly installed TIE, XvT or BoP and installed any needed update patches (like 1.14 for XvT) install EHSP into a permanent folder ([Game folder]/EHPatch for example.) and keep it installed.
To restore your fresh install of the game: uninstall EHSP, reinstall it, and its all fine again... which saves you having to reinstall the game from CD again.

New ISD Subjugator Command Staff Chosen

FA Cyric

07 June, 2004 06:07
12 ABY
The new Commodore of the ISD Subjugator has been chosen. Please congrat RA TK-7764 !

This left the position of Wing XX Wing Commander open. Here as new wing Commander MAJ Archangel has been appointed.

Both Officers have have done a great work so far and I wish them all the best in their new positions !

Missing Medals

AD Alex Foley

06 June, 2004 17:41
12 ABY
I realize there are probably about 1000 medals missing because of the database loss. The good news is that a couple of smart COMs already re-submitted these medals today, so we're on our way to getting these medals back. COMs/WCs: One of you from each wing is to re-submit the lost medals back into the database. It is up to you how you want to do this (compile them from CMDRs, automated e-mails, etc.), as long as you don't submit the old medals more than once and cause some backlog problems. It is also up to you whether or not you wish to include the old recommendation, but make sure to put as the last line "Due to Database Loss", so I'll be able to tell new medals from old ones. Thanks for the cooperation, and hopefully we'll be able to work through this quickly.

Also, for those of you who have been personally e-mailing me with your lost medals, unless it's a rare case where it's a Command Staffer or BGCOM, these mailings should go to your CMDR and on to the COM so they can be resubmitted into the database. This is the easiest and most efficient way.

Thanks a bunch.

TIE-BHG #3 fixed missing LFD File

VA Styles

03 June, 2004 19:52
12 ABY

TIE_BHG #3 has been fixed!

the LFD file was missing and has now been added back into the ehm file. So TIE should not crash now


FA Cyric

02 June, 2004 13:52
12 ABY
Plese congratulate VA TK 2107, former COM of the ISD Subjugator on being named the new BGCOM for the Avenger Task Force.

I wish him luck!