The Internet Officer (IO) is responsible for providing technical consultancy to the membership of the Emperor's Hammer on matters relating to the Internet, such as web hosting, website construction and other areas. In addition, the position oversees a number of ongoing projects, such as the EH Message boards, Image Archive, etc.
Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Proven experience and knowledge of at least one server side scripting language (ie. ASP, PHP, JSP, etc)
2. Existing general knowledge of a range of computer-related matters
3. Be a member of good standing of the Emperor's Hammer for at least one year
4. Ability to work well with a range of EH members, including the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer
5. High active, online presence, such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Demonstrated application of advanced server side scripting.
2. Proven experience with databases
3. Proven ability in graphic design
4. Good command of the English language
You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yeah, I can do that" is not enough. Include specific examples and situations to back up your claims. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one of these must be a former or, preferably, current superior. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be viewed in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander (fc@emperorshammer.org) and Executive Officer (xo@emperorshammer.org) with the subject "Application for Internet Officer".
Should you be successful in the position, you will be expected to perform core duties of the position to an acceptable level. This also includes tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List. You will be reviewed upon these tasks and based upon that performance, you may be rewarded or punished.