Medal Mixup

PRF Hemi

30 June, 2005 19:04
13 ABY

For some reason or another when I gave you all the PoC for meeting attendence. You were awarded the LC. Dont worry this will be Fixed.

June 25th Report

Prefect Hemi

28 June, 2005 12:36
13 ABY

HF Domain Report
24 June 2005
Short Report this week not much really to talk about yet.
1) Operation Bright Light goes on Date will remain PRF till the end of this Op to reduce Confusion.

2) Exploreing a New Platform Possiblity. A Battle Front 1942 Mod. Thanks to Everyone who helped evaluate this possiblity.

3) LTC Astix is looking into possibly renting a server for the Hammer's Fist

4) General Staff Postions are being reviewed to possible cut down the amount of people in those postions.

5) Also I would like all the General Staff to post there weekly reports and any status changes on the Webpage to. Still send me the reports also.

6) Live Fire Zone should be up shortly also.

Medals: None

PFC Trido in Team 1, Eclipse Detachment, promoted to Team Leader of Eclipse-1
Corporal Todes Engel Team Leader Umbra 2

Promotions: PTE ND 235 PFC Todes Engel
Member Count (Active Members): 89 Member Count (With Training Platoon): 133 Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 288

Meeting Attendance - 6/25/05


25 June, 2005 23:51
13 ABY
The following officers and men attended the HF meeting on June 25th, 2005.

CM/MG Narthax/GS-4/VSD Reprisal
CI/GN Zsinj/GS-6/VSD Reprisal
CO/LTC Delak Krennel/GS-3/VSD Reprisal
A:CI/MAJ Etras Aglen/A-6/VSD Reprisal
DC/OCad Hlaine Larkin/Nova/Eclipse/TFC Solar Flare
TL/PFC Trido/Nova/Eclipse/1/TFC Solar Flare
TRP/MSG Drak/1st Special Operations/Nightstalkers/TFC Dark Night

Star Wars: Galatic Conquest


25 June, 2005 00:56
13 ABY

I'd like to call your collective attentions to It's an excellent SW mod for Battlefield 1942 (better than SW:Battlefront, I believe).

If you own BF1942, or if you can pick it up cheaply (it's on cheap release in the EU, certainly), then you may want to check it out.

I'm also going to be trying to stir up some MP-type activity over the next few weeks. I'll keep you all posted, but needless to say- get in touch if you're interested.

June 18 05


19 June, 2005 04:56
13 ABY
As most of you know. I have been name Perfect and look forward to working with all of you. Expect many changes for the good in the near future... Also I stress Everyone to get Republic Command and Battlefront. We have a Republic Commando Server up. Its name on Gamespy is

Imperial Storm - Battle for Korriban Results

HA Priyum Patel

13 June, 2005 12:06
13 ABY


After a fierce struggle over the azure skies of Korriban, the Sovereign team has emerged victorious! Decimating the ATF's first wave, they forced their opposing team into a swift retreat, inflicting minor damage on the fleeing ships while securing their position in orbit. This means that the Sovereign team will now have captured the planet at the end of Turn 5.

However, thanks to their Single Player results, the ATF team has managed to save enough points to ensure that a TIE Advanced squadron was saved from the onslaught. Well done to the ATF Pilots. The full details of the losses inflicted on both sides can be seen on the War Office site.

I thought I'd release some statistics from the war game so far:

Number of TIE SP submissions: 50 (who said TIE was dead?)
Number of XvT SP submissions: 34
Number of Battles: 3 (Ryloth, Mon Calamari & Korriban)
Number of participating MP Pilots: 14
Number of losses: M/FRG (x1), E/S (x2), ATR (x7), FRG (x1), TRN (x1), CRCK (x1), DREAD (x2), STRCK (x2), VSD (x2), T/F (x24), T/B (x36), T/A (x87), T/D (x97)

War is expensive.

AES Squadron CMDR Sought

SA Cyric

12 June, 2005 06:49
13 ABY

VA Gidda has decided to start accepting applications for the position of Avenger Squadron Commander from now in order to avoid a lack of leadership in the ASF Elite squadron when GN Nightmare will transfer to Reserves at the end of this month.
Candidates must have passed the SM/3 course (preferred: MP and AMP). They must know very well the multiplayer aspects of XvT and/or XWA and of course they must be active multiplayer pilots themselves. Other than that it is required a fast email response time, the ability to work with other ASF Officers for the creation of multiplayer events and no HCI convictions whatsoever
in your record.
If you met those requirements and if you think to be the right person for the job send your application to BGCOM Gidda including a brief list of activities you would run as new AES CMDR.

[TO] Edumacation Competition Ends Monday!

AD Stuart

11 June, 2005 15:01
13 ABY
You still have 2 days (until late monday) to earn up to an IS-GR!!

Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR. (This means if you can figure out week 4 and don't have it and pass the course you get a medal!)

Also, if you complete at least 2 of 4 IWATS courses selected every 4 weeks at any point during the 4 weeks, you will get an IS-SR in addition to any IS-BRs you may have obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week.

Anyone who completes all 4 IWATS courses at any point during the 4 week period will receive an IS-GR in addition to any IS-BRs obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week.

IWATS courses can be taken at
TO Reports can be found here:

-No weeks will be CORE or OPT
-No weeks will be courses without professors
-Week 1 was based on a TC Platform
-Week 2 will be in the 'general' category
-Week 3 will be a course that is about to be closed
Week 3 needs some further elaboration. In preparation for the newest course MCBS mission creation courses /2 are being phased out. Check out all the mission creation courses to try and find one that hasn't been phased out yet!
-Week 4 this one is a nasty communication device that is primarily used on UNIX

Medals So far: (medals are awarded at the end of the 4 week period)
Week 1 : 2 IS-BRs
Week 2 : 3 IS-BRs
Week 3: 2 IS-BRs 1 IS-SR

Archived reports that may be of some use:

Alright people, put 2 and 2 together and shoot for those BR, SR, GRs!

EHSP 3.0 for XvT and BoP Released

FA Ender mBind

11 June, 2005 06:58
13 ABY
  • Add the B-Wing*, TIE Defender, TIE Phantom, Pursuer Enforcement Ship, Missileboat, System Patrol Craft*, Scout Craft, Corellian Gunship, Container Transport*, Medium Transport*, Assault Frigate, Modified Corvette*, Modified Frigate*, Passenger Liner, Carrack Cruiser, Light Calamari Cruiser*, MC-90 Calamari Cruiser*, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Probe Capsule, Gunplatform, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery and Pilot. (*= XvT Only)
  • Makes the T-Wing and R41 Starchaser flyable.
  • Fixes bug in XvT and BoP that keeps Corellian Transports from firing their lasers.
  • Adds Melees and Combat Missions to allow usage of added fighters in MP.
  • Replaces datapad and graphics to IA/EH style ones.
  • Does not replace any existing Craft. (EXE Installer - Can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently, also for MP.)

More info and a screenshot in my latest report

New Battles Released!

AD Frodo

10 June, 2005 21:33
13 ABY

TIE TC 224 and XvT TC 116 have been released at a mission compendium near you!  Go and have a look.

Any beta testing files can be sent to me directly.

Temporary Freeworlds Forums

HA Priyum Patel

09 June, 2005 12:37
13 ABY

Following some accounting problems with the host Brinkster (a good reason not to use them), the Freeworlds forums have gone down. However, Gumba has set up some temporary ones:

You will have to register again but unlike the other forums, it's pretty much instant. If anyone has any information from the old forums saved - particularly user lists for the EH, please email me.

Freeworlds: New Republic vs Sith Cult

HA Priyum Patel

07 June, 2005 13:29
13 ABY
Pilots - The New Republic will be launching an attack against the Sith held base of Imperial Sector Command on Sunday 12th June at 8PM GMT / 3PM EST. All loyal Imperial Pilots are expected to attend and aide our allies in their plight. More details will follow in my internal email.

Imperial Storm - Battle for Korriban

HA Priyum Patel

05 June, 2005 07:51
13 ABY

At the end of Turn 5, a large battle has erupted for control of Korriban between Sovereign and ATF Fleets:

Sov Forces

VSD Sovereign (Epsilon T/D x2, Athena T/D x6, Beta T/D x7, Kappa T/D x7), A/FRG Revenge, ESC Eliminator (Omega T/D x12, Sin T/D x12, Sigma T/D x12, Alpha T/D x12, Ares T/A x12), GSP Royal, ATR Pirahna (x6), E/S Merlin

ATF Forces

ISD Star of Hades (Blade T/A x12, Shade T/A x12, Fox T/B x12 w/ Heavy Rockets, Trot T/B x12 w/ Heavy Rockets), ISD Anger (Shadow T/A x12, Whisper T/A x12, Quake T/B x12 w/ Heavy Rockets, Pyro T/B x12 w/ Heavy Rockets), DREAD Fury (Lucifer T/F x12), DREAD Rage (Pyro T/F x12), CRCK TK's Pride

The XWA MP battle will take place on Wednesday 8th June @ 10PM GMT / 5PM EST in #isd_predator. As soon as the SP mission files have been created, they will be uploaded to the War Office site. They will then be due in to your BGCOM / relevant Fleet Leader ASAP (they will then submit the scores to me by Thursday 10pm GMT).

Operations Office May Summary

AD Pickled Yoda

05 June, 2005 07:35
13 ABY
Medal of Honor
  • FA Joe - Outstanding work at Celebration III
  • SA Cyric - Outstanding work as FO
Grand Order of the Emperor
  • COL Jan Wemmel - Excellent work at Celebration III
Gold Star of the Empire
  • FA Den Darkhill - IA Work
  • COL Abel Malik - TAC Work
  • LCM Reb "Reblet" Crush - COO Work
  • Demerzel - Senate Leadership
  • SA Sarin - CA:FO Work
  • AD BubbaX - TCBG Leadership
  • VA Locke Setzer - TAC Work
  • VA Master - TAC Work
  • Tuss - BHG Leadership
Silver Star of the Empire
  • CM Timmay - IA Work
  • CM Brukhar - TAC Work
  • VA Locke Setzer - TAC Work
  • LCM Nom Anor - Outstanding MP performances
  • MAJ Drak - TAC Work
  • AD Stuart - Flash intro for SCO
  • MAJ Deimos - TAC Work
  • AD TK-2107 - ATF Leadership
  • AD Gilad - ASF Leadership
  • AD Stele - SOV Leadership
  • GN Nightmare - Work on Hammer Radio

Bronze Star of the Empire - CM Von Predator, COL Abel Malik, MAJ Drak, LC Ric Taldyra(x2), COL Jarek La'an, CPT Hermann, MAJ Talek Pter Dei, COL Mosh, RA Justin, COL Marcin Szydlowski, COL Brucmack, LT Blackrage, COL Astix, LT Katherine Cantor Flyer, CM TK-9780, CM Brukhar.

Most awarded medals

IS-BW : 51
IS-BR : 49
ISM : 41
PC : 35
IS-SR : 33
MoT(Red+Green+Blue) : 53

A great month of awards, keep it up

[TO]Official Release Of MCBS!

AD Stuart

04 June, 2005 20:22
13 ABY
I would like to announce the official release of the newest TAC course, Tactical Mission Creation and Beta Standards.  All TACtical staff will be required to take this, also all mission developers will be required to have taken it before submitting their work. 
Take a look at

Also, please remember to check up on the Fleet Wide Edumacation Competition!
IS-BR through IS-PR are available for anyone to win!!
Details and HINTS are found here:

Mission Release and More

AD Frodo

03 June, 2005 18:07
13 ABY

XWA-FREE 120 has been released! Any betatesters can send their files directly to me.

Also, LT Danel has submitted the most submissions to the Tactical Office during the month of May, his Palpatine Crescent is on route!

Imperial Storm - Turn 4

HA Priyum Patel

03 June, 2005 04:41
13 ABY

After the initial blaze of action that kicked off the game, things have quietened down. The only event of note that took place in Turn 4 - a small ASF ship was seen emerging from hyperspace around the orbit of Kamino, currently an unclaimed planet (worth 4 victory points). The current standings are:

Sovereign: 16
ASF: 8
ATF: 6
Sith: 6
TCBGs: 4


AD Khadgar

02 June, 2005 04:11
13 ABY

I will be on leave until the 5th. However, please continue to send NL submissions during my leave. I will read them when I return.

New CA:FO chosen

SA Cyric

01 June, 2005 17:46
13 ABY

After careful review of all of the applications, I have chosen my new CA. I will first say that there were some very good, very qualified officers who have shown interest in this position.

Without further ado, I would like to announce that AD Proton has been chosen as the new CA:FO. His e-mail address is . Very important that he now get all the reports as he will be the new report monkey for the Flight Office.

Thanks again to all that applied.

New Message Board

SA Cyric

01 June, 2005 06:11
13 ABY

I've created a new message board for the posting of all TC open positions. This being from Commanderspots to Coms. It will be the one place where everyone can go to see whats open, and the requirements.

Please start using it for any open positions!