Website Updates


30 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

I've updated the competition submission form in order to prevent confusion with dates. I think it's simple enough to use!

Also, I've updated some of the emails so that they should all (I hope) work, and some will be more useful than before. Please report any errors to me as usual.

Grand Moff Report

30 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
A new report has been received from the Grand Moff It can be viewed HERE

Operation: Hair Trigger

XO/MG Keth

29 November, 2008 06:14
16 ABY

Operation: Hair Trigger will end on the 7th December

EH XO Bonini Resigns


29 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
The EH Executive Officer has resigned. His message to the Fleet is posted here. The loss of such a fine officer will be felt throughout the EH. The best of luck to you, Dan.

Short LoA

25 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

I will be taking a very short (i.e. two or three day) leave of absence as I visit family for the Thanksgiving holidays. There should be no interruption in Shadow Academy course grading, as I can take care of those from my mobile. For any other HM-related questions... bug either Keth or Czul.

GMF On Leave

25 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

For the next couple of days I'll be visiting my family for the Thanksgiving holidays. In the interim, Defast Insite is acting GMF (God help us all).

Operation: Hair Trigger - Status

XO/MG Keth

21 November, 2008 09:06
16 ABY

Tylyon has decided to return from his retirement and will be re-instated to hisformer duties. All submissions to be sent to him again. Competition proceeds as normal.

I have returned to my...


21 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

...arms chamber :P
Yes, the Master-at-Arms is back from his leave and beginning to perform his duties again. Also, some more ideas for DIE have been found while lying on the beach, I will see about getting the re-vamped DIE manual (version 1.1 then) out the coming week.

Dark Greetings,
MAA Death

3 New Competitions

20 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

There are 3 new competitions running from the Education Office, check them out on the Competitions page. There are some good medals up for grabs!

New A:MoE and New DGA Course

19 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
Another member has been added to the staff of the Governors Academy, Congratulations to Sam Rajax, the newest Adjutant to the Minister of Education. Courtesy of Mr Rajax, A new course has also been created for the DGA, Basic Reports. This course is designed to help our newer members get a grasp of how to submit Weekly Reports.

Operation: Hair Trigger - Status

XO/MG Keth

18 November, 2008 09:20
16 ABY
Victory Tylyon (Destavol) has resigned his position in the Hammer's Fist for personal reasons. Unless he decides to return, I shall be taking over the Administration of Operation Hair Trigger, the operation is to continue as normal.

Please send all submissions to my email address. hf[DOT]keth[AT}live[DOT]co[DOT]uk

ID Lines Updated


17 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

ID Lines, as well as the full list of medals on Personnel Profiles have, have been updated. I spent about 2 hours today making Crescents and Clusters of Fire display properly (i.e, Crescents now look like: Cr-2A-5Q, and CFs look like: CF-Gx2-R).

If you encounter any errors, please contact me at with the subject "DB Site: Profile Errors".

Important Awards

17 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
I am happy to thank three people for the amazing work that each of them does. First, congratulations to our MoE, Keth D'Jek, on his promotion to the rank of Count. Well done! Next, for all of their hard work with the website, I'd like to recognize Defast Insite and Czulvang Lah. Defast received the Cross of Glory while Czul received the Order of the Directorate, two of our most prestigious awards. Thank you all, and continue the hard work. For the rest of you, these are great examples to live up to.

Minister of Education Report

16 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
A new report has been received from the Minister of Education It can be viewed HERE

Revival: A Run-On

14 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

MSG: The Grand Moff's wife has been kidnapped and is somewhere on the planet Thor. The previously scheduled Second Convocation to recognize Lord Xies' year of service as leader of the Directorate has been postponed. Instead, all Governors and the Ministry Council are to meet the Directorate Battlefleet, in orbit above Thor, for an Emergency War Council meeting.

Krath Phase II Reactivated

13 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

The Krath Phase II is back online as well. For more details, read the news post before this one, and replace every instance of "Sith" with "Krath." =)

Sith Phase II Reactivated

13 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY
The Sith Phase II has been reactivated in the Shadow Academy with edited course notes and a brand-new exam. If you have previously taken the exam, just like with the Obelisk Phase II, please send me either a screen cap of your old profile or forward me something containing your old ID line (or, ideally, the test notification).

Fleet XO's Report

LG Mordechi Wolfe

11 November, 2008 17:12
16 ABY
All Troopers are to read the latest Executive Officer's Report as it contains some important structural changes to the Emperor's Hammer.

Ladies and Gentlemen!


10 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

Your 'beloved' Master-at-Arms is going on a real leave starting tomorrow afternoon, ending the coming week on the 22nd. During this time, it is highly unlikely to find him pester your Consuls, the DGM and GM to annoy you as much as he does ;)
Anyways, all work usually done by me should be re-directed to DGM and GM during the coming days, unless they can wait for my return.

After the leave, the Dueling Institute of Eos will be re-started again, the Manual enhanced to Version 1.1, incorporating the knowledge won during the test-phase (thanks to all participants again).
Volunteers to program an .ASP or .PHP based page using mySQL and other neat things can check in, since a document with the exact (or halfway exact) requirements will be written after my leave.

And now, enjoy the party, Blade will pay for all drinks!


  • Si vis pacem, para bellum -

Shadow Academy Reminder...

07 November, 2008 05:00
16 ABY

Just as a reminder, copying and pasting answers directly from the notes to an exam in the SA will get you no credit for that question.

Operation: Hair Trigger

MG Keth

03 November, 2008 00:43
16 ABY

Operation Hair Trigger has been supsended by Destavol until further notice.

Monthly Evaluations

MG Keth

02 November, 2008 09:43
16 ABY
Greetings One and All,
I am back from my weekend away and now I am expecting you to do work. Thats right!

It is Monthly Evaluation time, I expect everyone to have their Monthly Evaluation on my desk by This time Next week (I shall change it next Month, I shall expect them by the 3rd of the Month, so I can have mine out on the 7th, however this time I am letting you off)

So, Get your Reports and Evaluations in to me and I will see what I can do about making things happen.

N.B. I require all Evaluations to be CC'd to me, not just Platoon Level Evals, Squad Leader send them to me as well!


New Deputy Grand Master


02 November, 2008 04:00
16 ABY

In these times, the DB faces difficulty on all fronts. After consideration, I've determined that several factors contribute to this: (A) the Clans - in several instances - requiring almost daily attention from the DC, (B) lack of project coordination in the Dark Council (i.e., there's very little discussion and a lot of "I don't knows") and (C) the Grand Master player a large role in the day-to-day functioning of the DB to the extent that he cannot fulfill his duties as project manager and coordinator.

After discussion and consideration of the matter over several weeks, Grand Master Emeritus Nocturnus (a.k.a. Gelton Torr) has been hired as Deputy Grand Master. There will some changes in the coming weeks, but the membership should not be affected greatly by this change. The DC and CONs, on the other hand, will have a new mini-boss-man to deal with. ;) In the long run, Gelton will probably be more involved in day-to-day matters while I work on the bigger picture