Security Office Report #46 is out, Where writing implements are banned due to possible use as a weapon
Security Office Report #46 is out, Where writing implements are banned due to possible use as a weapon
Security Office Report #45 is out, Guaranteed not to break.
Security Office Report #44 is out, CONSTEST! First person to find the hidden Exploding Microwave wins Free Shrapnel!
Fellow EH, The Fringe Group hosted an in-game meeting last night. I have cleaned up and posted the meeting log in our Message Boards>Fringe>Announcements Forum..../salute
Fellow EHers, I have posted the 3rd Annual EH Trustees Meeting Minutes for the 11/5/10 EH Trustees meeting in the \"Announcements\" Section of our Message Boards.
Security Office Report #43 is out, FREE INSIDE: 1 creepy Jar-Jar tounge lollypop.
Fellow EH, per the stipulations of the EH Bylaws, please be advised that the 3rd annual EH Trustees (Owners) Meeting is being held tomorrow evening (FRI 11/5/10 @ 9-10 PM Eastern) at an undisclosed location. We will post the meeting minutes to the entire EH via our message boards in the next few days for review by the Fleet.
Fellow EH, I am very pleased to announce EH Trademark Certificate Registration #3868245, dated 10/26/10, is now officially registered under Emperor\'s Hammer, Inc. with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The Certification of Registration was distributed to the EH CS on 11/1/10.