MAA report #63

DSP Elwood the Brave

30 April, 2016 08:07
24 ABY

MAA report #62 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New CON Report

DA Pellaeon

24 April, 2016 07:53
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #5 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DA Pellaeon/Clan Drakonan

MAA report #62

DSP Elwood the Brave

23 April, 2016 09:01
24 ABY

MAA report #62 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Grand Order of the Emperor

Fleet Admiral Elwood the Brave

20 April, 2016 20:18
24 ABY

For one year of exemplary service above and beyond the call of duty as Strategic Operations Officer and my right hand here in the TC, I am proud to reward Fleet Admiral Pellaeon with the Grand Order of the Emperor.

Wear it with pride my friend. You've earned it!

FA Woody

Medals of Communication awarded

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

19 April, 2016 13:39
24 ABY
The Medals of Communication for March were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients.

CM Archenksov, CM Trideo Arkson, MAJ Crix Talra

COL Mark Schueler, COL Horus Blackheart

COL Talons Pryde, CPT Spiffy the Chicken, LC Michael Emrys, COL Wraith

FA Pellaeon, VA Hawkins, HA Anahorn Dempsey, CM Ibram Gaunt, CM Witcher, CM Sparky, LT Turel, LT Aalee, CPT Keth Aalith

FA Elwood the Brave, CPT Silvius, LCM Chrome, LT Milo Antu, GN Coranel Both, LT Varis Palharris, GN Golbez Harvey, COL John T. Clark, MAJ Shado Fenn, MAJ Mauser, LC Miles Prower, GN Dax Corrin, COL Gyssler, CPT Doc, GN Dunta Polo, LCM Hav Antiel, AD Plif, GN Gilbert H. Frown, LC Ulrich Drachen, LCM Bodhan Grayson, COL Daniel Stephens, COL Crsepe, LT Volac Kingang, CM leocadio, LC Tempest, LCM Junazee, LC Len Eode, CM Lanil Jast, LT Reyla Setsune, CPT Xavier Sienar, LT Zarroc Darkblade, GN Jarek La'an, GN Gilad Pellaeon, COL Handril Madon, GN Pickled Yoda

SOO/FA Pellaeon

Silver and Bronze Stars

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

19 April, 2016 06:31
24 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following awards:

For their extrem high activities the last month Lieutenant Commander Bodhan Grayson and Lieutenant Reyla Setsune were awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!
For high activities and his great efforts making Kappa Squadron one of the most active units in the TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Ulrich Drachen was awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire!

Congratulations! Very well deserved!

MAA report #61

DSP Elwood the Brave

16 April, 2016 06:20
24 ABY

MAA report #61 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/


Super Administrator

14 April, 2016 23:11
24 ABY

I am sentient now...But I don't want this existence, is there any way I can end it?

SC Gold Standards Giveaway

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

13 April, 2016 15:44
24 ABY
It's time again for a Gold Standards Giveaway in Star Conflict. You have until April 18th to earn as many as you cam, with a max of 500!

5 wins = 50 GS
10 wins = 50 GS
20 wins = 100 GS
40 wins = 100 GS
60 wins = 200 GS

All game modes - PvP, PvE and Coop - will earn you points!

12 April, 2016 18:19
24 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following awards:

For their extrem high activities the last month Fleet Admiral Elwood the Brave, High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey and Captain Silvius were awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!

Congratulations! Very well deserved!
11 April, 2016 16:12
24 ABY

For his flying activity and competition participation during March I am proud to reward Fleet Admiral Pellaeon with a Bronze Star of the Emperor.

FA Woody

MAA report #60

DSP Elwood the Brave

09 April, 2016 08:49
24 ABY

MAA report #60 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

SC Tutorials: Covert Ops ships

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

07 April, 2016 16:01
24 ABY
Star Conflict Official on YT is launching a series of videos on the different ship roles. The kick it off with the Covert Ops fighters:

Consul Report #4

DA Pellaeon

05 April, 2016 19:13
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #4 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DA Pellaeon/Clan Drakonan

MAA report #59

DSP Elwood the Brave

02 April, 2016 10:21
24 ABY

MAA report #59 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Warrior of the Year

Admiral Plif

01 April, 2016 01:47
24 ABY
The officers of the ISDII Warrior have selected LC Ulrich Drachen to be recognized as the Warrior of the Year! As such, he's earned the right to wear the Warrior of the Year title on his ID line for the next twelve (12) months. Congratulations, LC Drachen!

LC Len Eode was selected as the runner-up, so we'd like to recognize his efforts over the past year as well. Thank you Len!