Admiral Plif awarded the Silver Star

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

25 September, 2016 16:22
24 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following award:

For his restless work as Editor of our TIE Corps Newsletter "The Commodore" Admiral Plif was awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon - Strategic Operations Officer of the TIE Corps

New CON Report

DSM Pellaeon

24 September, 2016 10:59
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #15 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DSMPellaeon/Clan Drakonan

MAA report #84

DSP Elwood the Brave

24 September, 2016 08:38
24 ABY

MAA report #84 can be found here




MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Star Wars Uprising Shutting Down

Admiral Plif

23 September, 2016 21:02
24 ABY
One of the Star Wars mobile games that we've spent some time in, Star Wars Uprising, will be shut down on November 17th. According to the developer, there were too few players to continue supporting the game.

For those of you playing any of the other Star Wars mobile games like Commander and Galaxy of Heroes, get in touch with me if you'd like to join up with our in-game organizations.


Admiral Hawkins

21 September, 2016 21:03
24 ABY

Battlefront has released its latest patch, ready for the release of the Death Star DLC.

What makes this particular patch interesting is the significant changes to gameplay of the existing Battlefront content, especially Fighter Squadron.

The patch includes:

  • TIE Interceptor and A-wing NPC pilots in standard matches, making player identification more challening

  • Two new Hero ships; a TIE Advanced Mk. 1, and 'Red 5' - both very powerful fighters

  • Updated abilities for the TIE Interceptor (removed Missles, added laser boosts) and A-Wing (removed shield, added speed boost)

  • New power-up - Y-Wing or B-Wing wingmen for the Rebels, TIE Bomber or TIE Defenders for the Imperials

After a few matches, I must say that the balance has shifted heavily in the Imperial's favour. Although team ability and members will still count for a great deal, and you can win or lose as either side, I've noticed Rebel players abandoning their teams in the way Imperial players used to. With two even teams, the Imperials will now win. The TIE Interceptor is a beast. Although they can no longer damage shielded craft, between the speed and laser boost, you can tear through Rebels quicker than they can raise shields in the first place. The TIE Corps character in me is screaming that this is just as it should be! The gamer in me thinks it tipped things a tad to far to the Imperial side. It will be interesting to see how the new Death Star Fighter Squadron content will make use of these changes!

Warrior CMDR Recognition

Admiral Plif

19 September, 2016 07:20
24 ABY
Congratulations to LC Len Eode and COL Wraith, who were recognized for their long-standing service in their CMDR roles and were awarded the Silver Star of the Empire!

MAA report #83

DSP Elwood the Brave

17 September, 2016 20:48
24 ABY

MAA report #83 can be found here

> respectfully



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Medals of Communication for August

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

17 September, 2016 09:23
24 ABY
The Medals of Communication for August were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients.

MAJ Silvius, LC Repulsor, CM Junazee, COL Horus Blackheart, GN Gilad Pellaeon

COL Ulrich Drachen, CM Bodhan Grayson, COL Daniel Stephens, COL Crsepe

HA Elwood the Brave, LCM Drake Thoros, GN Gilbert H. Frown, GN Kaisin Mirtez, GN Jarek La'an, GN Pickled Yoda

CM Archenksov, LC Miles Prower, LT Rachel Drakon, LCM Christopher Winchester, LCM Lucifer Scorpio Romanov, LC Len Eode

FA Pellaeon, AD Hawkins, HA Anahorn Dempsey, MAJ Narven Task, CM Ibram Gaunt, COL Talons Pryde, GN Coranel Both, GN Golbez Harvey, LT Dan-Elin, COL John T. Clark, MAJ Phoenix Berkana, MAJ Shado Fenn, CM Trideo Arkson, LCM Milo Antu, GN Dunta Polo, AD Plif, CPT Sparky, LT Volac Kingang, CM leocadio, CM Lanil Jast, LT Reyla Setsune, CPT Spiffy the Chicken, COL Wraith, CPT Xavier Sienar, COL Mark Schueler, LT Pax Lutwic, MAJ Keth Aalith

Theta Promotion

Admiral Plif

17 September, 2016 06:40
24 ABY
Back on the 15th, SL Pax Lutwic earned his promotion to full Lieutenant!

Commendations of Loyalty awarded

High Admiral Elwood the Brave

15 September, 2016 10:14
24 ABY

For excellent work in the TIE Corps the Fleet Commander, Grand Admiral Rapier has rewarded the following members with a Commendation of Loyalty:

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon
Admiral Hawkins
Admiral Plif
General Golbez Harvey
General Gilad Pellaeon
General Dunta Polo
General Pickled Yoda
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Emrys
Lieutenant Colonel Silvius
Captain Trideo Arkson
Captain Xavier Sienar
Commander Junazee
Commander leocadio
Lieutenant Commander Milo Antu

Well deserved!

HA Woody

High Merit Awards

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

11 September, 2016 11:18
24 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following awards:

For outstanding services to the Empire as Commodore of the ISD II Warrior for now over 1 year,
Admiral Plifwas awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire!
For outstanding activities in August High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey and Lieutenant-Colonel Silvius were awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!

Congratulations! Very well deserved!

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon, Strategic Operations Officer of the TIE Corps

CON Report #14

DSM Pellaeon

11 September, 2016 08:28
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #14 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DSMPellaeon/Clan Drakonan

MAA report #82

DSP Elwood the Brave

10 September, 2016 11:58
24 ABY

MAA report #82 can be found here

> respectfully



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

05 September, 2016 19:26
24 ABY
For his exemplary service as COO over the past 6 months it is my pleasure to promote Vice Admiral Hawkins to the rank of full Admiral.

Wear your new rank badge with pride, Admiral Hawkins!

HA Woody

MAA report #81

DSP Elwood the Brave

03 September, 2016 06:21
24 ABY

MAA report #81 can be found here

> respectfully



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Star Conflict Gold Standards giveaway

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

02 September, 2016 17:54
24 ABY
To celebrate the 2 year anniversary of the game, Star Conflict is hosting another Gold Standards giveaway where you can earn 500 Gold Standards. This weekend only, you can earn them in 5 steps:
  • 50 GS for a 3rd victory
  • 50 GS for a 7th victory
  • 100 GS for a 12th victory
  • 100 GS for a 20th victory
  • 200 GS for a 30th victory