New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 22:36
29 ABY
High Admiral Plif has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 19:37
29 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 16:24
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 11:31
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Trivia Grand Tour Update

High Admiral Plif

31 May, 2021 07:02
29 ABY

Congratulations to RA Zekk Terrik and COL Stryker for taking the top two spots in Week Thirteen!

Week Thirteen was the end of the May round of competition, here's our top three for the month:

  1. MAJ Robert Hogan - IS-GR
  2. GN Picked Yoda - IS-SR
  3. COL Stryker - IS-BR

URL for Week Fourteen:

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 07:00
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 01:03
29 ABY
Captain Aardvark has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 May, 2021 00:48
29 ABY
General Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 114

SBM Earnim Branet

30 May, 2021 22:46
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 114 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 May, 2021 20:34
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 May, 2021 14:56
29 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 May, 2021 02:07
29 ABY
Major Robert Hogan has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 May, 2021 19:10
29 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LT DemWookieeCheeks Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

29 May, 2021 17:49
29 ABY

From MAJ Genie, CMDR of Lambda Squadron:

Wookiee wasted no time in becoming an integral part of both Lambda and the Emperor's Hammer itself. His humor is as deadly as his flying, with two merit awards under his belt and a ton of combat wins. He is steadily mastering the ways of the Emperor's Hammer, as he delves deeper into it.

I unreservedly recommend DemWookieeCheeks to the rank of Lieutenant Commander!

Congratulations, LCM DemWookieeCheeks!

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 May, 2021 01:56
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

CMDR Tour of Duty Completions

High Admiral Plif

28 May, 2021 05:55
29 ABY

LC Alejandro Araujo recently completed his eighth four-month tour of duty as Alpha CMDR.

MAJ EvilGrin of Inferno Squadron and COL Silwar Naiilo of Tempest Squadron recently completed their second four-month tours of duty in their roles.

All three have been awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire for their continued service. Thank you for all you do!

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

26 May, 2021 14:24
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LT Coldsnacks Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

26 May, 2021 06:04
29 ABY

From COL Silwar Naiilo, CMDR of Tempest Squadron:

Over the last two months, LT Coldsnacks has shown exceptional skill as a pilot, initiative in helping the squadron train for anti-capital strikes, and flown in over 200 missions. His contribution to Squadron ReMobilization helped Tempest earn one of the top spots, and for his dedication to the fleet, I recommend his promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Coldsnacks!

LT Cody Lance Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

26 May, 2021 05:55
29 ABY

From MAJ EvilGrin, CMDR of Inferno Squadron:

LT Cody Lance has been a bright flame within Inferno Squadron since joining us. He performs his role as a member of our special forces unit with great enthusiasm, determination and skill. Long may it continue! It is my great honour and privilege to promote him to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Cody Lance!

LT Dougal Ceallaigh Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

26 May, 2021 05:50
29 ABY

From MAJ EvilGrin, CMDR of Inferno Squadron:

LT Dougal Ceallaigh is a stalwart of Inferno Squadron. When ordered to battle, he picks up the flame and performs his duty as an exceptional and exemplary pilot. It is my great honour and privilege to promote him to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Dougal Ceallaigh!

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 May, 2021 23:47
29 ABY
Major Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 May, 2021 22:23
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

The TIE Pilot Podcast #10

Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik

25 May, 2021 04:27
29 ABY
The TIE Pilot's Podcast Episode 10 is now ready for your ears and can be found here! Thank you to all who joined this special popup episode! GN Doyon and I enjoyed chatting with you all. What a great experience!

DGM report #143

DSP Elwood the Brave

24 May, 2021 11:10
29 ABY



The DGM Report # 143 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

24 May, 2021 06:10
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 113

SBM Earnim Branet

24 May, 2021 01:32
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 113 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

24 May, 2021 00:09
29 ABY
Major Taygetta has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 May, 2021 17:45
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

CM TI-40026 Promoted to CPT

High Admiral Plif

23 May, 2021 15:56
29 ABY

From COL Stryker, CMDR of Firebird Squadron:

What can I say about Travis? He has been my right arm since Firebird opened, offering opinions and critiques when necessary and keeping me on-track when my enthusiasm has wavered. A more solid and reliable Squadron XO could not be found anywhere else in the TIE Corps, and for that he has earned a promotion to Captain.

Congratulations, CPT TI-40026!

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 May, 2021 14:51
29 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LCM SkyShadow Promoted to CM

High Admiral Plif

22 May, 2021 17:24
29 ABY

From MAJ Robert Hogan, CMDR of Sin Squadron:

LCM SkyShadow has been a member of Sin Squadron for 3 months and has maintained a high and consistent level of activity. He is often present on the Squadron Discord channels, and has shown great initiative in his work. His work on TIE Corps Tailoring Tool 3 (TTT3) has been a huge asset to both the Squadron and the Fleet, and his contributions during Squadron ReMobilization were critical to Sin’s success. It is with great pleasure and honor that I recommend LCM SkyShadow for promotion to the rank of full Commander.

Congratulations, CM SkyShadow!

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 May, 2021 17:20
29 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 May, 2021 17:02
29 ABY
General Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LT Kazraran Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

22 May, 2021 16:59
29 ABY

From MAJ Robert Hogan, CMDR of Sin Squadron:

LT Kazraran, despite only being a member of the TIE Corps for 2 months, has demonstrated a great affinity for flight operations and has consistently shown high levels of activity. His contributions in Squadron ReMobilization 3 were critical in Sin’s completion of single player flight goals, and he sets a high bar for activity, rivaling many Squadron veterans. It is with great pleasure and honor that I recommend LT Kazraran for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Kazraran!

LCM Wodi Untok Promoted to CM

High Admiral Plif

22 May, 2021 16:24
29 ABY

From LC Pete Mitchell, CMDR of Theta Squadron:

As a LCM, FL, and XO, Wodi Untok has been consistently active, instrumental in Theta's Squadron (Re)Mobilization effort, and communicative. He was an asset on Theta's Chaquila Cup Team, and just has a very positive attitude about everything. Theta is lucky to have him and he more than deserves this Promotion to Commander!

Congratulations, CM Wodi Untok!

LCM Turel Promoted to CM

High Admiral Plif

22 May, 2021 16:06
29 ABY

From COL Stryker, CMDR of Firebird Squadron:

Turel remains one of my most solid and reliable pilots, and is now one of the few original Firebirds remaining. Since joining the Squadron, and especially since becoming Flight Leader, he has been a model for the other pilots - remaining as active as his schedule allows and competing in competitions. For this, he has earned his promotion to Commander.

Congratulations, CM Turel!

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 May, 2021 13:14
29 ABY
Major Robert Hogan has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 May, 2021 00:45
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 May, 2021 16:05
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

18 May, 2021 07:33
29 ABY
Major Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 May, 2021 13:33
29 ABY
Captain Aardvark has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 May, 2021 06:30
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

CM Aardvark Promoted to CPT

High Admiral Plif

17 May, 2021 06:21
29 ABY

From RA Zekk Terrik, Commodore of the ISDII Warrior:

Back in March I quite literally spent hours agonizing between two great candidates over who to pick as Kappa CMDR. I went with my gut and picked Aardvark, and I am glad I did!

Aardvark has done fantastic work engaging folks and setting expectations (thanks to CPT Sparky for this line!). He has set new records in his own personal activity as well.

During the month of April, Kappa posted its best performance yet. I am proud and honored to recommend Aardvark for promotion to the rank of Captain, with my gratitude.

Congratulations, CPT Aardvark!

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 May, 2021 02:41
29 ABY
General Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 May, 2021 23:31
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 112

SBM Earnim Branet

16 May, 2021 23:21
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 112 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 May, 2021 17:13
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 May, 2021 13:01
29 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 May, 2021 11:49
29 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 May, 2021 00:26
29 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 May, 2021 20:23
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 May, 2021 20:08
29 ABY
Major Robert Hogan has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

DGM report #142

DSP Elwood the Brave

15 May, 2021 07:43
29 ABY



The DGM Report # 142 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 May, 2021 04:41
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 May, 2021 23:36
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 May, 2021 09:24
29 ABY
Major Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Lambda CMDR Completes Second Tour of Duty

High Admiral Plif

12 May, 2021 06:53
29 ABY

During his second four-month tour of duty as Lambda CMDR, MAJ Genie's crafted a strong team that's taken on the entire TIE Corps and won in Squadron (Re)Mobilization and is poised to be a top competitor in future events. For his service to Lambda, the ISDII Hammer, and the TIE Corps, I'm proud to present MAJ Genie the Bronze Star of the Empire. Excellent work!

LT Solohan50 Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

12 May, 2021 05:54
29 ABY

From MAJ Genie, CMDR of Lambda Squadron:

Lieutenant Solohan is an exemplary pilot, who wears the Lambda Squadron banner with pride. He is a valuable member of our squad and he has shown his value in the recent Squadron Remobilization and other squadron competitions, such as the TCIB. His only... shortcoming (pun intended) is that he cant handle his booze. But then again nobody's perfect, especially Ewoks.

Congratulations, LCM Solohan50!

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 May, 2021 17:47
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 May, 2021 15:53
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 May, 2021 13:54
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 May, 2021 05:33
29 ABY
High Admiral Plif has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

AD Miles Prower Promoted to FA

High Admiral Plif

10 May, 2021 07:56
29 ABY

Having held the rank of Admiral in the TIE Corps for well over three years now, AD Miles Prower has been operating in high-visibility assignments and doing a lot of good for the Corps. In particular, the Combat Operations Office continues to manage the torrent of multiplayer screenshots from a growing TIE Corps that might be the most active it’s been in online combat in many years. For his service to the TIE Corps and the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet, I’m pleased to present AD Prower with a shiny new rank badge.

Congratulations, FA Miles Prower!

The TIE Pilot Podcast #9

Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik

10 May, 2021 04:12
29 ABY

That's two episodes this week! The TIE Pilot's Podcast Episode 9 is now ready for your ears!

Our last few episodes we've done nothing but interview old farts like SA Kamjin 'Maverick' Lap'lamiz. We're tired of you guys! So instead GN Doyon and I sat down with the new guy, LCM fr0Zen, and got his perspective on what he finds so welcome about the Corps! You can find our special Mother's Day episode here!

Doyon and I are planning Episode 10 in secret...the plans are currently classified. Keep an eye on the Discord, it is possible that YOU may be on the show. Who knows when it could happen??

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 May, 2021 01:23
29 ABY
General Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 May, 2021 01:11
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 111

SBM Earnim Branet

10 May, 2021 00:18
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 111 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




Updated EH Code of Conduct

Fleet Admiral Jarek La’an

09 May, 2021 21:04
29 ABY

Last week the Fleet Commander authorised the updated EH Code of Conduct - the 2021 version is now live and can be accessed at the link in the 'EH Rules & Regulations' section. All members are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with it!

New Communications Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 May, 2021 20:57
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Jarek La’an has submitted a new Communications Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

VA John T. Clark Promoted to AD

High Admiral Plif

09 May, 2021 18:51
29 ABY

In a year of service as the Strategic Operations Officer of the TIE Corps and about half a year before that as its Combat Operations Officer, VA John T. Clark has been doing a lot of the behind-the-scenes work that keeps the TIE Corps moving forward every month. Both positions are key parts of our recognition processes that make sure our pilots are celebrated for their achievements, a critical component of an organization like ours. His contributions to the club as a Vice Admiral have shown me and the Fleet Commander that he’s ready to take on the higher expectations we have of a full Admiral in the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet.

Congratulations, AD John T. Clark!

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 May, 2021 10:42
29 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 May, 2021 03:03
29 ABY
Major Robert Hogan has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 May, 2021 01:32
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 May, 2021 00:19
29 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Chalquilla Cup Season 1 Results

Colonel Silwar Naiilo

08 May, 2021 19:11
29 ABY

The first season of the Chalquilla Cup has concluded. The winners are:

  • 4th place: Club Pew Pew from Epsilon Squadron, with 7 wins and 194 kills. CPT Witcher, MAJ Taygetta, LCM BatSpoggy, and LCM Gytheran will earn IS-BWs for their performance.
  • 3rd place: The Flockers from Lambda Squadron, with 8 wins and 198 kills (9 wins and 224 wins including their tiebreaker.) CM Highlander, CM Xye, and MAJ Genie will earn IS-SWs for their performance.
  • 2nd place: Operating Thetans from Theta Squadron, with 8 wins and 202 kills (9 wins and 240 kills including their tiebreaker.) FA Turtle Jerrar, FA Pickled Yoda, LCM Wodi Untok, and AD Miles Prower will earn IS-GWs for their performance.
  • 1st place: FogHorn LegHorn from Firebird Squadron, with 11 wins and 229 kills. CM TI-40026, COL Stryker, COL Ricaud, and LCM Turel will earn IS-PWs for their performance. In addition, CM TI-40026, COL Stryker, and COL Ricaud will earn Distinguished Flying Crosses for winning the tournament with an 11-1 ratio.

Most kills by a single pilot:

  • MAJ Genie, 101 (K/D 2.45) will earn an IS-GW
  • CPT Taygetta, 95 (K/D 2.43) will earn an IS-SW
  • COL Silwar Naiilo, 89 (K/D 1.30) will earn an IS-BW

Other interesting stats:

  • CM TI-40026 had the most wins, having played 12 games and winning 11
  • COL Stryker had the most assists, with 73
  • 30 pilots from 7 teams will earn IS-CWs for being active members of teams with at least 80 kills
  • Yavin Prime was the most popular map (10 games) and Sissubo the least (2 games.)
  • The New Republic faction was picked about 75% of the time. (Although, only Firebird teams have an excuse.)
  • 148 reports came in from pilots about their matches, with detailed stats- about 60% of matches; of those, reports came in about 60% of the time from winners. The TIE Interceptor was the most popular Imperial ship (50%), and the TIE Reaper the least (5%). The most popular New Republic ship was the A-Wing (35%), and the least the B-Wing (4%). Pilots who switched ships mid-game most often chose the TIE Bomber, while most New Republic pilots didn’t switch at all - though those who did most often chose the Y-Wing or B-Wing. Bombers overwhelmingly used burst cannons, but the interceptors varied from the standard lasers (roughly 55%), rapid fire (30%) and pasburst (15%). Most supports carried beacons, and additionally either resupply droids or turret mines. Frenchie6, Epicedion, and Pickled Yoda were the most dutiful reporters.

Congratulations to all winners! The full results and pilot stats can be viewed here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 May, 2021 19:39
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

DGM report #141

DSP Elwood the Brave

07 May, 2021 18:54
29 ABY



The DGM Report # 141 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




CPT acetiepilot Promoted to MAJ

High Admiral Plif

07 May, 2021 01:35
29 ABY

From RA Zekk Terrik, Commodore of the ISDII Warrior:

Ace has been a CPT now for two months, and it is past due time for his promotion to Major. Ace has had to learn to be a CMDR the hard way, with very little help other than an equally confused COM to show him the way. Despite all that, he is continuing to do great work. Regularly communicative and engaging, and doing everything in his power to lift Rho up. I truly appreciate his efforts!

Congratulations, MAJ acetiepilot!

CPT Robert Hogan Promoted to MAJ

High Admiral Plif

07 May, 2021 01:35
29 ABY

From RA Zekk Terrik, Commodore of the ISDII Warrior:

I cannot recommend this promotion for Robert fast enough. He has served 4 months as CMDR of Sin Squadron, and it's clear I picked the right person. Rob is one of those people that never needed any engagement or communication, he just stepped right up and did what great TIE pilots do - lead. I appreciate Rob's great work with Sin, and I know the rest of the admiralty does too.

Congratulations, MAJ Robert Hogan!

TIE Corps in Battle April Results

High Admiral Plif

06 May, 2021 07:08
29 ABY

Top two on TIE-TC 138: Battle of the TIE Interceptor

  1. MAJ Genie - IS-SW
  2. LC Phalk Sturm - IS-BW

Top two on XvT-TC 70: Cyclone Squadron operations I (Battle of Hoth)

  1. MAJ Genie - IS-SW
  2. HA Anahorn Dempsey - IS-BW

Top two on XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera

  1. LC Pete Mitchell - IS-SW
  2. MAJ Genie - IS-BW

Top three overall

  1. MAJ Genie - IS-GW
  2. LC Phalk Sturm - IS-SW
  3. CM Aardvark - IS-BW

May assignments:

The TIE Pilot Podcast #8

Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik

06 May, 2021 00:27
29 ABY
Everyone please welcome The TIE Pilot Podcast back on the air! In episode 8, which you can find here, GN Doyon and RA Zekk interview FA Turtle and LCM SkyShadow about the development of our new uniform generation tool, Tempest Tailoring Tool 3.

Stay tuned for episode 9, coming soon!

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 May, 2021 16:41
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 May, 2021 16:40
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 May, 2021 14:34
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Warden of the Imperial Archives report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 May, 2021 01:11
29 ABY
Major Genie has submitted a new Warden of the Imperial Archives report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

May 4th Games Giveaway

Fleet Admiral Turtle Jerrar

04 May, 2021 00:59
29 ABY

May the 4th is coming up and there are some great sales on Star Wars games. To help encourage folks to play some of the older games and in case we have anyone out there that would purchase them but doesn’t have that kind of expendable income right now, CPT Witcher and COL Silwar Naiilo have put together a giveaway! If you don’t own a copy of TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, or X-Wing Alliance, head over to to enter your name for the drawing. Keep in mind that these are PC-only and best experienced with a joystick or other game controller, though the required system specs are pretty low by today’s standards. (Must be a current Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps member, Active or Reserves, in good standing to enter.)

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 May, 2021 16:37
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 May, 2021 14:15
29 ABY
Commander Aardvark has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 May, 2021 13:08
29 ABY
Major Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 May, 2021 06:34
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 110

SBM Earnim Branet

03 May, 2021 00:22
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 110 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 May, 2021 18:36
29 ABY
General Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 May, 2021 18:32
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 May, 2021 12:06
29 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Internet Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 May, 2021 03:20
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Turtle Jerrar has submitted a new Internet Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LCM SkyShadow Awarded Grand Order of the Emperor

Fleet Admiral Turtle Jerrar

01 May, 2021 23:24
29 ABY
For his extensive work in the development of TTT3, I am proud to be able to announce that LCM SkyShadow has been recognized with the Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE):

'Presented in recognition of LCM SkyShadow's efforts in development of the TIE Corps Tailoring Tool 3 (TTT3), a modern platform for generating Emperor’s Hammer member uniforms.

While TTT2 and the efforts of LC Tempest have served the Emperor’s Hammer well for many years, certain elements of the aging application have also constrained efforts to update aspects of our awards and recognitions. The development of TTT3 builds upon Tempest’s work, and has provided a modern system for generating Emperor’s Hammer uniforms.

Although a team effort, it was only through LCM SkyShadow’s initiative that the project was started in the first place. LCM SkyShadow served as the lead coder on the project, ultimately responsible for more than 95% of the coding within the application. Before coding could even take place, he performed significant analysis and reverse-engineering of the uniform system to determine how it could be re-implemented in the new code. Along the way, SkyShadow’s willingness to accept and implement feedback and suggestions has resulted in a tool superior to its predecessor.

While intentionally visually similar to TTT2 at a glance, the efforts that have gone into making this application a useful tool now and into the future cannot be overstated. From an easily extensible system for defining medals and ribbons, to the implementation of Emperor’s Hammer API functionality to automatically update fleet structure and unit patches, these improvements have resulted in a tool which is easier to maintain and use. LCM SkyShadow’s use of freely available languages and libraries, with full source code maintained in the Emperor’s Hammer Internet Office code repository, provides for a means of supporting this application into the future.

The result of hundreds of hours of labor, this tool is likely to be touched by nearly every Emperor’s Hammer command and TIE Corps member. Given the fleet-wide impact of his extensive work building this modern platform to generate Emperor’s Hammer uniforms, it seems only fitting that LCM SkyShadow be recognized with award of the Grand Order of the Emperor, with all the rights and privileges associated with such recognition, including display of the ceremonial dagger on his Emperor’s Hammer uniform.

Recommended by IO/FA Turtle Jerrar and approved by verbal order of the Fleet Commander, FC/GA Rapier, 25 April 2021.'

TIE Corps Tailoring Tool 3 (TTT3) Released

Fleet Admiral Turtle Jerrar

01 May, 2021 23:01
29 ABY

The Internet Office TTT3 Team is pleased to release the TIE Corps Tailoring Tool 3! TTT3 is the next-generation utility for generating Emperor's Hammer and TIE Corps dress and duty uniforms, as well as pilot helmets.

TTT3 supports live updates from the Emperor's Hammer database. When you launch the application, it will retrieve the current fleet structure, uniform parameters, and unit (squadron) patches and cache this information locally.

Special thanks to the following members that assisted in the development of TTT3:

  • LT Braz Ile for development of new 3D assets including lightsabers, blasters, and misc. accoutrements.
  • CPT Robert Hogan for the development of various ribbon designs and updated ribbon devices.
  • SA Maverick, COL Stryker, and CPT Robert Hogan for volunteering to serve on the beta test group, and contributing bug reports and feature suggestions.
  • AD Jedi Eclipse and COL Silwar Naiilo for assistance in alpha testing and feature development.
  • And last, but absolutely not least, LCM SkyShadow, whose personal initiative led to the project being established in the first place, and who completed the vast majority of coding in support of the effort. Special recognition for his efforts will shortly follow this posting.

Major highlights of TTT3 include:

  • Implements the new TIE Corps awards including the Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR), Iron Star - Copper Wings and Copper Ribbon, TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award (TUA), and TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA).
  • Implements the Legion of Skirmish and Letter of Achievement as wearable awards, as well as 21st Echelon Flight Wings and Order of the Vanguard up to 39th echelon.
  • Additional lightsaber models, as well as blasters for display on the duty uniform.
  • Implements several new visual options rendering options.

For full details on all changes and additions, please see the TTT3 Changelog. Changes to display of uniform elements/awards as generated in TTT3 and documented in the Changelog are authorized effective 1 May 2021.

Get it: Download your copy of TTT3 to get started:

Reporting issues: Although TTT3 has been tested in both alpha and beta stages, bugs are an inevitable part of software development. Please report any issues encountered at the IO issues incoming queue.

Known issues: Upon launching the application for the first time, Windows 10 users may receive a blue Windows Defender SmartScreen warning. This does not mean that the program is malicious, only that it has not yet established enough reputation with Microsoft to avoid the message. Because we are effectively a small independent software publisher, it takes some time for our application to gain reputation and be viewed as trusted by Microsoft?s algorithms. Clicking "More Info" and then "Run anyway" will allow you to launch the application.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 May, 2021 21:36
29 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 May, 2021 20:06
29 ABY
Captain Robert Hogan has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 May, 2021 08:48
29 ABY
Captain acetiepilot has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 May, 2021 00:09
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.