New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 July, 2021 14:49
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 July, 2021 04:54
29 ABY
Captain Highlander has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 July, 2021 01:04
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 July, 2021 16:12
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.
29 July, 2021 13:22
29 ABY
Dark Greetings all,
Yesterday I did my final interview and decided to appoint the new Deputy Grand Master.   I also wrote a fiction to commemorate the event.  It follows.  TLDR: skip to the bottom of the email for the fiction free announcement.
A New Apprentice
Montte stood on top of a rocky hillside and looked over the green valley below him.  A far cry from the low oxygen hilltop on Eos where he had done this before, but traditions develop.  He turned slowly, thumbs hooked into his tactical belt, nearby his kad and lightsaber respectively.  He'd requisitioned a shuttle from the Avenger and flown down to this unnamed backwater while the Fleet was paused in its trek toward the Unknown Regions. He saw other Imperial shuttles in the distance on their own forays for supplies and surveying during the momentary pause in the journey Rapier had ordered. 
Then his head shifted slightly and the antennae attached to his beskar’gam swiveld a bit at the helmet and he nodded slowly and removed his helmet and tucked it under one arm. A few more moments of waiting and a rabed figure came up the hillside toward his position, obviously using the Force to assist the ascent with graceful superhuman leaps and flips as he did.
Montte gave the barest grin. “Show off.”  Then quickly made his face stoic again.
The cloaked man finally reached the hilltop plateau a few moments later and threw back his hood accompanied by an abbreviated military salute.
“You wanted to see me sir?”  Sith Warlord Tygra Shadowclaw asked with a friendly demeanor.
Montte’s frown was as slight as his previous grin and he simply stared mutely back in increasingly uncomfortable silence.
After a few moments Tygra flushed a bit and Montte felt a surge of shame and ...yes, there it was...anger from Tygra. 
Tygra dropped to one knee and bowed his head before saying formally. “You summoned me my Lord?” The mix of shame and anger is still simmering a bit but receding.
Montte couldn’t have that of course, not for what he was planning here. This wasn’t his usual style, but necessary here.  So, he waited, silently. As the seconds passed in tension that grew more excruciating as they went on he felt the dawn of sincere confusion and the anger from Tygra began to take a sharper, more heated demeanor.   Finally Tygra raised his head to look at the Grandmaster, and began to rise.
“I don’t recall giving you permission to rise Warlord!” Tom spat with malice, though his face remained impassive.
Tygra sank back down uneasily, uncertainty, confusion, and much more heated anger rolling off him now.
‘Good’ Montte thought quietly, ‘He primes quickly, useful and promising.’
Then Montte began to slowly circle Tygra, examining him in a kneeling position, pausing ever so slightly a bit longer on each orbit when he reached a position directly behind him.
Then the Grandmaster began to speak in a voice of deliberate mocking praise “I hear great things about you Warlord. You’re dedicated, an...efficient leader...Beloved.” Montte snickered nastily after that last word, and was rewarded with pure rage from Tygra.  
‘Almost ready.’ Montte thought to himself.
“I even hear that you are studying...light side...perversions to seek knowledge and power.”  Montte accused, then spat in the dirt in front of Tygra before resuming his orbit. “Fool.”
Tygra was ready to explode, almost vibrating at this point with rage and anger. The Dark Side literally infusing him cell by cell, burning off any peace or equilibrium.
Montte came to a stop directly behind Tygra with a definitive thud of beskar plated boots, and saw Tygra almost imperceptibly shift his weight.  Montte then smiled a genuine smile and thought ‘Now..Now he is ready.’
Montte shifted his footing and assumed a Juyo Form while igniting his lightsaber with a snap hiss.  “I cannot allow such a thing..”
Time seemed to compress and slow down at the same time. Montte lunged forward with superhuman grace and speed, directing a strike at Tygra’s back.  The warlord reacted only a fraction of a second later and had his red blade ignited and behind his head b;ocking the strike from the Grandmaster’s golden blade before he rolled forward several yards, twisting as he did to end up standing facing Montte with a snarl on his face.
Tygra’s stance was Ataru and Montte could feel the Dark Side surge as Tygra lunged forward with superhuman  power and grace using a sweeping strike that intended to strike Montte down and leave Tygra behind him for a follow up if the attack was blocked or deflected. ‘Excellent form and strategy.’ Montte thought momentarily before closing the fist of his free hand while drawing on the Dark Side. Tygra was caught by the ankle and yanked unceremoniously to the dirt by the Force. Where he rapidly kipupped and stood again breathing heavily and even more full of rage, but now circling warily, and surveying the battlefield. Montte unclenched his fistand subtly waved itagain drawing on the Dark Side and Tygra was engulfed in a miniature dust storm, causing him to cough violently for a moment before he stepped forward closer, blade at the ready. Rage surging...but...yes, there it was Montte sensed.  Control. Tygra had taken control of his rage now.  Time for a final test.
Montte drew his kad, the beskar blade gleaming in the light except where the dark Sith runes seemed to suck up all light. His stance shifted to Jar’Kai as he did and then Montte became a whirlwind of motion, each blade lashing out high and low in an irregular staccato rhythm. Tygra blocked and backpedaled rapidly under the ferocious assault of the golden and silver blades all around him, weaving his red saber in a basket of defensive patterns and consciously channeling his rage to the Dark Side toward defense. Montte continued this assault for a full thirty microns before deliberately leaving an opening in his assault. Tygra sprang upon the opening, thrusting his blade forward in an aggressive attack that seemed to surprise even him as it was an instinctual action the Dark Side directed more than he did.  Montte barely evaded the thrusting blade by sidestepping, but then broke into a ferocious and wolfish grin while waving his hand and ripping Tygra’s lightsaber from his and sending it clattering across the rocks. Tygra stood stock still, the Grandmaster’s golden blade at his throat and glanced nervously at his fallen saber.
“Good Apprentice, very good!”  Montte said deactivating his lightsaber and returning the blades to his belt while still smiling. 
“My Lord… Tygra stammered his anger giving way to sincere confusion and a surreal feeling in the absurd circumstances “I’m not your…”
“Sith Warlord Tygra Shadowclaw,” Montte intoned formally, “You are hereby elevated to the position of Deputy Grand Master with all rights and duties attendant to that position.  We’ll begin to address your lack of lightsaber practice in the morning and I’ll assign you some reading on both strategy and politics when you aren’t performing your other duties. You did well today.”
Montte unceremoniously turned away and began walking down the hill toward his shuttle for the return trip to the Avenger.
Tygra was a bit dumbfounded, angry a bit still, but grateful and more than a bit confused. “Thank you my Lord!” he shouted after Montte.
Montte waved it away as he walked, then paused and turned. “And for Sith’s sake don't just leave your lightsaber laying on the ground like that!  That lightsaber IS your life! Get it out of the dust!”
Tygra was even more dumbfounded and struck motionless for a second then he opened his hand, his blade flew into it and then to his belt, while he stared at Montte’s diminishing back. When he was certain the Grandmaster was out of even Sith earshot Tygra muttered, “I think I hate him a little.”
Tygra literally jumped when he heard the Grandmaster’s voice inside his head, “Good Apprentice that is the perfect way to start.”
Yes folks Tygra Shadowclaw, effective immediately will be assuming the role of Deputy Grand Master.  I think very highly of Tygra and think he will do very well in the position.  That high opinion comes with high expectations which I'm sure he will fill or exceed.  So please everyone, join me in welcoming our new Deputy Grand Master and congratulating him on the position.  Be sure to stop by the Sith Cantina on the Avenger and buy several drinks on his tab in celebration.  I always like to have an Apprentice in debt and a bit desperate . It motivates them. 😈
GM Tomaas Montte/DC-1/
(GLS) (SLx2) (DSx3) (EDx2) (RSx3) (SB) (GCx41) (SoI) (SoI) (SE) (DC-CS) (SNAu) (KS) (Cr-Dx8-Rx24-Ax45-Sx30-Ex211-Tx192-Qx51) (CF-Y) (LSB)
TO/FA Tomaas Montte/CS-5/SSD Avenger
GS/SS/BSx6/PCx3/ISMx7/MoC-2boc/IS-1SW-2BR/LoC-RS-CSx4-Rx1/LoS-Rx1/CoB/OV-19E [Decurion][Officer 3rd] [Beginner] {TCCORE-SM/2-XTM/1/2}
Darth Beskad

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 July, 2021 12:44
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 July, 2021 02:49
29 ABY
Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 July, 2021 02:40
29 ABY
Major Taygetta has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 July, 2021 01:51
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Sigma Sigil Competition Winners

Major acetiepilot

28 July, 2021 21:03
29 ABY
Firstly, a big thank you for all those entrants that sent in some amazing graphics! It was such a hard decision for myself and Sigma's flight leaders to pick our winners. Here they are in order:

IS-GR: MAJ Robert Hogan
IS-SR: CPT Kalve Ryder
IS-BR: LC Genie

I have informed each respective entrants CMDR's to let them know to add graphics points to your MSE's.

Again, a big thank you goes out to MAJ Robert Hogan, CPT Kalve Ryder, LC Genie, FA Turtle Jerrar, CM Morgoth and LT Alexanderk9 for their entries!

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

27 July, 2021 22:57
29 ABY
Commander Honsou has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

27 July, 2021 17:42
29 ABY
Commander Garyth Mantisa has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

26 July, 2021 22:01
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Imperial Storm - Turn 16

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

26 July, 2021 13:19
29 ABY
Turn 16 have been completed and we have a battle! The Warrior have arrived at Bunduki to take on the Challenge. Read more about here!

Scores are as follows:
HAMMER: 8,690
WARRIOR: 12,920

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

26 July, 2021 13:16
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Trivia Grand Tour Season Six Final Results

High Admiral Plif

26 July, 2021 06:23
29 ABY

Congratulations to the top two from Week Twenty-One:

1. GN Pickled Yoda
2. RA Zekk Terrik

Congratulations to the top three for July:

1. GN Pickled Yoda
2. RA Zekk Terrik
3. GN Coranel Both

Congratulations to the top four for Season Six:

1. MAJ Robert Hogan Also the title of Trivia Grand Tour Season Six Champion
2. GN Pickled Yoda
3. GN Coranel Both
4. MAJ Aardvark

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

26 July, 2021 01:36
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Clan Drakonan New Elevations!

SBM Earnim Branet

26 July, 2021 00:13
29 ABY


Resultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

Resultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

The Path of the Sith is an arduous and difficult way and that for followers of the dark side has no end.
Now you have taken a further step on this long road to knowledge, and for this reason the Dark Brotherhood gives you this award for your great effort.


SBL Tygra Shadowclaw to Sith Warlord (SWL)
APP EchoVII to Novice (NOV)
APP Taygetta to Novice (NOV)
NOV Highjacker to Acolyte (ACO)
NOV Morgoth to Acolyte (ACO)
NOV Honsou to Protector (PRT)
NOV Coldsnacks to Protector (PRT)
NOV Wreckage to Protector (PRT)


Congratulations on your elevations!

May the Force be with you.


; ;


Consul Report N° 121

SBM Earnim Branet

26 July, 2021 00:01
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 121 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 July, 2021 21:42
29 ABY
Commander Wreckage has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sigma Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 July, 2021 21:12
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Sigma Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 July, 2021 18:21
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 July, 2021 16:07
29 ABY
General Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

25 July, 2021 14:24
29 ABY
Captain Highlander has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 July, 2021 23:20
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 July, 2021 15:32
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 July, 2021 22:14
29 ABY
Commander fr0Zen has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 July, 2021 20:44
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LT TheBlackxRanger Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

22 July, 2021 05:17
29 ABY

From CPT Highlander, CMDR of Delta Squadron:

For accepting the role of Flight Leader and proving himself above all expectations as well as a vital asset to Delta Squadron as well as Wing I and to the Hammer, it is with great pleasure for me to recommend TheBlackxRanger to be promoted to LCM

Congratulations, LCM TheBlackxRanger!

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 July, 2021 22:47
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 July, 2021 13:41
29 ABY
Commander Honsou has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LC Phalk Sturm Promoted to COL

High Admiral Plif

21 July, 2021 07:25
29 ABY

From CM Honsou, CMDR of Tempest Squadron:

It is with great pride that I recommend Phalk for his promotion to COL. Phalk was my Flight Leader and has been my mentor since joining the TC. It was by his support that I am now CMDR of Tempest Squadron. A well deserved promotion for a dedicated pilot, Flight Leader and mentor.

Congratulations, COL Phalk Sturm!

LCM Morgoth Promoted to CM

High Admiral Plif

21 July, 2021 07:24
29 ABY

From CM Honsou, CMDR of Tempest Squadron:

A proud moment indeed, to recommend such a dedicated pilot as Morgoth for his promotion to CM. Very few fly more sorties than Morgoth and fewer still do so with the grit and determination that Morgoth shows in the face of the enemy!

Congratulations, CM Morgoth!

LCM EchoVII Promoted to CM

High Admiral Plif

21 July, 2021 07:24
29 ABY

From CM Honsou, CMDR of Tempest Squadron:

I am pleased to recommend EchoVII for her promotion to CM. Echo has been a great asset to Tempest Squadron and continues her duties as XO admirably.

Congratulations, CM EchoVII!

CM Richlet Promoted to CPT

High Admiral Plif

21 July, 2021 07:24
29 ABY

From CM Honsou, CMDR of Tempest Squadron:

It is with great pride that I recommend Richlet for the rank of CPT. Great administration, communication and flying efforts across all aspects of the Flight Leader role during his time as a CM. Very well deserved.

Congratulations, CPT Richlet!

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

20 July, 2021 19:00
29 ABY
Commander Garyth Mantisa has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

20 July, 2021 15:51
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

CM Promotion in Sigma Squadron

Admiral John T. Clark

19 July, 2021 18:12
29 ABY

Quoting the Commanding Officer MAJ acetiepilot:

Epicedion and I have been Wingmen for a while now, he is always there to watch your six, puts in the hard work when you need him to and helps make
of Sigma run like a dream. Rebel and pirate pilots all fear him, and rightly so. It is with great pride that I am hereby recommend his promotion to Commander.”

Congratulations, CM Epicedion!

CPT promotion in Sigma Squadron

Admiral John T. Clark

19 July, 2021 17:53
29 ABY

As his CMDR MAJ acetiepilot puts it:

“Since our time together in Rho and now Sigma Squadron,
Frenchie6 has been an exemplary squadron XO. He is always checking in with other pilots, flying missions and genuinely cares about his squad mates. Without his help, my job would be a lot harder. For all the hard work that he puts in, I am hereby honoured to recommend his promotion to Captain.“

Congratulations, CPT Frenchie6!

CM Promotion in Thunder Squadron

Admiral John T. Clark

19 July, 2021 17:32
29 ABY

From LC Tygra Shadowclaw:

LCM LegionX of Thunder Squadron has been a major force for keeping activity in the Squadron moving. He has also been been one to lead by example. Over the past 3 months he never once failed to step up for the squadron. He has brought great honor to the Emperor's Hammer, the TIE Corps and to Thunder Squadron. I expect great things from him. He is more than ready to step into leading a squadron of his own!

Congratulations, CM LegionX!

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 16:12
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 15:45
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 13:30
29 ABY
Major Aardvark has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 13:30
29 ABY
Major Aardvark has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 07:20
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 July, 2021 05:50
29 ABY
High Admiral Plif has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Dark Brotherhood July elevations.

SBM Earnim Branet

19 July, 2021 02:52
29 ABY


Resultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

Resultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

The Path of the Sith is an arduous and difficult way and that for followers of the dark side has no end.
Now you have taken a further step on this long road to knowledge, and for this reason the Dark Brotherhood gives you this award for your great effort.


PRT Jarion Renalds to Guardian
SK John T Clark to Sith Warrior
SBL Coranel Both to Sith Warlord
SW Golbez Harvey to Sith Battlemaster
GRD Pete Mitchell to Jedi Hunter

SBL Talons Pryde to Sith Warlord
SW Zekk Terrik to Sith Battlemaster
PRT Sparky to Guardian
GRD Coremy Jertese to Jedi Hunter
ACO Highlander to Protector
APP Shoma Nav'aal to Novice


Congratulations on your elevations!

May the Force be with you.


; ;


Consul Report N° 120

SBM Earnim Branet

19 July, 2021 02:45
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 120 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Sigma Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

18 July, 2021 22:00
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Sigma Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

18 July, 2021 21:02
29 ABY
Commander Wreckage has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 July, 2021 21:02
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

CPT Aardvark Promoted to MAJ

High Admiral Plif

17 July, 2021 06:58
29 ABY

From RA Zekk Terrik, Commodore of the ISDII Warrior:

Aardvark, what can I say! I know I've said it before, but I agonized for hours over who to pick as Kappa KMDR. I finally went with my gut and picked you, and boy am I glad I did!

Since March you have led Kappa by example and with honor. They are truly back from the dead, with medal numbers I have not seen before and sizable contributions to our Imperial Storm battles.

It is my great honor and privilege to call Aardvark friend, and to recommend him for promotion to the rank of Major, with my gratitude.

Congratulations, MAJ Aardvark!

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 July, 2021 04:03
29 ABY
Captain Highlander has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 July, 2021 02:03
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 July, 2021 00:56
29 ABY
General Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 July, 2021 23:07
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 July, 2021 19:28
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 July, 2021 22:50
29 ABY
Major Taygetta has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 July, 2021 17:50
29 ABY
Commander Honsou has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Imperial Storm - Turn 8 & 9

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

14 July, 2021 16:49
29 ABY
Turns 8 & 9 have been completed, despite ample manoeuvring by your Team Captains we do not have a battle from this set of turns and are carrying swiftly on with Turn 10.

Scores are as follows:
HAMMER: 5790

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 July, 2021 15:11
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 July, 2021 01:41
29 ABY
Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

14 July, 2021 01:11
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

13 July, 2021 22:52
29 ABY
Commander fr0Zen has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

SL AlexanderK9 Promoted to LT

High Admiral Plif

13 July, 2021 06:09
29 ABY

For earning a Legion of Combat and several Legions of Skirmish, SL AlexanderK9 of Sin Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT AlexanderK9!

Imperial Storm - Scoring & Damage

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

12 July, 2021 21:35
29 ABY
We've made some adjustments to the Imperial Storm scoring and damage system.

You can find out more here to read about it.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 July, 2021 21:34
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 July, 2021 18:51
29 ABY
Commander Garyth Mantisa has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sigma Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 July, 2021 10:07
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Sigma Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 July, 2021 06:45
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Imperial Storm - Battle of Bukundi!

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

11 July, 2021 15:22
29 ABY
The Battle of Bukundi has come to a close, and an epic one it was!

You can find out more here about the details of the latest conflict between the Hammer & the Warrior!

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 July, 2021 15:21
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 July, 2021 14:06
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

11 July, 2021 07:41
29 ABY
Commander Wreckage has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 July, 2021 21:15
29 ABY
Captain Highlander has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Star Conflict Approval Criteria Has Been Clarified

Fleet Admiral Miles Prower

10 July, 2021 18:54
29 ABY
In order to receive LoC/LoS credit in Star Conflict while in the TIE Corps, you must be a member of our Star Conflict corporation, displaying the club's tags. Submissions that lack this will be criteria for denial.

The following pilots have Officer status and can send you invites to the Corporation in Star Conflict:
LC Alejandro Araujo
CPT Aardvark
AD John T. Clark
FA Miles Prower
HA Plif
VA Silwar Naiilo
GN Stryker
MAJ Taygetta
RA Zekk Terrik

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 July, 2021 18:53
29 ABY
Fleet Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 July, 2021 03:37
29 ABY
General Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

10 July, 2021 01:13
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 July, 2021 23:28
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 July, 2021 22:09
29 ABY
Major Taygetta has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Imperial Storm - Turn 7 - Battle Alert!

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

07 July, 2021 16:25
29 ABY
Turn 7 of Imperial Storm has been run, and we have a Battle!!!

You can find out more here about the details of the latest conflict between the Hammer & the Warrior!

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 July, 2021 16:24
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 July, 2021 15:47
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

06 July, 2021 11:19
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Trivia Grand Tour Update

High Admiral Plif

06 July, 2021 07:50
29 ABY

Congratulations to VA Phoenix Berkana, GN Stryker, and MAJ Taygetta who tied for first place in Week Eighteen! RA Zekk Terrik took second place.

Week Eighteen was the end of the June round of competition, here's our top three for the month:

  1. RA Zekk Terrik - IS-GR
  2. MAJ Robert Hogan - IS-SR
  3. GN Coranel Both - IS-BR

URL for Week Nineteen:

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

06 July, 2021 01:21
29 ABY
Commander fr0Zen has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 July, 2021 19:15
29 ABY
Commander Garyth Mantisa has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Imperial Storm - The Battle of Kammia

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

05 July, 2021 16:13
29 ABY
Turn 6 of Imperial Storm threw up a battle between the Challenge and the Hammer that has finally been resolved!
You can find out more here about who won the Battle of Kammia as we prepare to move into Turn 7 tomorrow (GMT).
Special thanks to FA Pickled Yoda for help with the scoring API.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 July, 2021 16:10
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 July, 2021 05:09
29 ABY
Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 119

SBM Earnim Branet

05 July, 2021 01:07
29 ABY


The Consul Report N° 119 can be found here.


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Sigma Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 July, 2021 21:04
29 ABY
Major acetiepilot has submitted a new Sigma Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 July, 2021 19:53
29 ABY
Commander Wreckage has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 July, 2021 17:19
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 July, 2021 23:06
29 ABY
General Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 July, 2021 16:50
29 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LT Critical Hit Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

03 July, 2021 07:05
29 ABY

From COL Horus Blackheart, CMDR of Eagle Squadron:

Lieutenant Critical Hit has always tried his best to be active, he has performed well in Eagle. His recent uptick in mp flying is particularly encouraging. he also completed the core exam. It is my recommendation that he be promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Critical Hit!

LT Cupcake Promoted to LCM

High Admiral Plif

03 July, 2021 07:05
29 ABY

From COL Horus Blackheart, CMDR of Eagle Squadron:

Lieutenant Cupcake has settled in to the squadron well. Over the past few months, he has flown a fair amount of custom missions, earned medals consistently, and taken the tc core. I feel that he is ready for promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Cupcake!

SL Monk Promoted to LT

High Admiral Plif

03 July, 2021 07:00
29 ABY

For earning several Legions of Combat, SL Monk of Sigma Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Monk!

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 July, 2021 00:28
29 ABY
Colonel Horus Blackheart has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Sin Squadron Change of Command

Rear Admiral Zekk Terrik

02 July, 2021 19:01
29 ABY

With the resignation of MAJ Robert Hogan, LCM Wreckage of Tempest Squadron has become the new Sin CMDR. Good luck on your new assignment, and we wish MAJ Hogan well (and we are crushed that he did not reach the rank of Colonel)!

Tempest Squadron Change of Command

High Admiral Plif

02 July, 2021 06:33
29 ABY

Promoting the previous Tempest CMDR to ChalCOM left us with one last open CMDR role. As requested by VA Silwar Naiilo, CM Honsou has become the new Tempest CMDR. Good luck on your new assignment!

Imperial Storm - Turn 6 - The Battle for Kammia

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana

01 July, 2021 15:22
29 ABY
Turn 6 of Imperial Storm has been processed, it's thrown up our first encounter between two opposing teams, in this case the Challenge & Hammer. You can find out more here as we pause the game for three days to see who will win control of the Kammia System,.

New Simulations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 July, 2021 15:20
29 ABY
Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Simulations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

ISDII Challenge Change of Command

High Admiral Plif

01 July, 2021 06:31
29 ABY

As you all might have seen in recent reports, HA Anahorn Dempsey has stepped down from the role of Commodore of the ISDII Challenge. HA Dempsey, now GN Dempsey, has been assigned to a Flight Member role in Tempest Squadron.

The new Commodore of the ISDII Challenge is VA Silwar Naiilo, formerly Tempest CMDR. Congratulations, Admiral!