The rank of High Admiral is the highest rank achievable in the Emperor’s Hammer for senior Command Staff Officers and Subgroup Commanders. Members who are already Fleet Admirals, who have achieved almost all merit awards, and who are universally respected by Command Officers and normal membership alike may be promoted to High Admiral.
Since 2020, Jarek La’an has served with distinction as the Communications Officer at the rank of Fleet Admiral. In this position, he has been responsible for all aspects of communication platform management and policy. This role provides a unique mix of maintaining a highly visible presence on our communication platforms, while also working behind the scenes to moderate issues and concerns regarding member conduct. This less-visible portion of his role is vital to resolving potential conflicts at the lowest level and without requiring escalation to more punitive measures. In exercising his duties, La’an has helped foster a positive environment for all Emperor’s Hammer members that is enjoyed across each of our Subgroups.
In in recognition of his consistently high level of performance and dedication to duty in the Emperor’s Hammer, including serving in four unique Flag (Admiralty) positions since 2009, Fleet Admiral Jarek La’an is promoted to the rank of High Admiral in the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet. High Admiral La’an formally joins the Group of Three active High Admirals within the Emperor’s Hammer with an effective date of rank of 1 September 2024 (33 ABY).
Approved by order of the Executive Officer, Sector Admiral Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz, on 26 August 2024 (33 ABY).