By far the weirdest battle I've flown. But I think every mission here demonstrates the limits of creativity in XvT. From the strange objectives and triggers to having to die almost every mission, this one was a challenge yet fun.
Excellent storyline though at one point during the mission where you are supposed to get disabled the transport kept crashing into my fighter and killing me. So I finally turned off Collisions (though it still collided with me) and it could dock with my fighter. Paul Crownan is no longer a problem >:P
For some reason I had a hard time getting the 2nd mission to work, it would start but if I hit the target nearest enemy key or waited 11 seconds, it would crash XvT, I re-installed the EHSP (after trying other options) and it worked fine again. I'm guessing the EHSP wasn't fully installed and the gun battery was messing with the setup. Overall decent battle.
Interesting way to plotline a battle. All around selecting a new WC, maybe a wing should try that one day, just for fun. The missions were simple (in a good way), and I never encountered any difficulties.
Surprisingly for a battle where you fly a TIE Fighter the whole time, this one was fun. Though the Executioner mission was really difficult, the T/A kept getting destroyed before I could even get within gun range on the T/I's.
I've never been a big fan of XWA, I still haven't figured out how to change my flying style from the earlier games to this one. But, this is a good XWA mission (despite capital ships giving me a pain.)
This battle ran pretty good for the most part though the 2nd and 3rd missions gave me a bit of difficulty but the storyline was good (as usual), and motivated me to find out what was going on.
Well constructed missions, all the missions but the last decent introduction missions for someone new to flying EH Battles. The last mission was quite drawn out with the capital ship battle as the Rebel ships weren't all destroyed in one pass and I had to wait (not too long thanks to time compression) for the ship (CRL) to turn around and get destroyed, might be too much of a wait if it was a XvT or XWA mission, but it works for TIE. Excellent Battle!
Battle 4 is tough but just get rockets pop two into each cruiser and then disable the one the INT is firing at then work on the other. Remember to send your squad after the b-wings. 5 was tough. Adv. Mis. Hurt!