Good collection of missions creating an overall good battle. I like this though I have to admit being a trifle confused by the Cadet Doomsday reference until the very end. It's serious with a bit of humor and it makes sense which is all I ask for in a battle. Y-Wings vs T/A was fun, not! <-: Good stuff and easy to see why it won the Golden Tug.
I guess it's a simple case of you love it or you hate it and the 10 (11) mission mess is not my taste I'm afraid, if you don't like Frodo's "quirky humor" missions don't fly this. I'm afraid for me it is a bad joke that keeps getting worse. Some of the missions are fun and very challenging to complete but getting killed every other mission became real old, real quick. Didn't make me want to post a review either. Sorry Frodo, not one of your better battles in my opinion.
This is a good battle, the humor is understated yet present and the missions are well put together. The storyline is tight enough, but it seems a shame to destroy rather than capture manufacturing facilities. The inspection mission was a little frustrating as it seemed to take forever and the container escape was, well, aaarrgghhh! The refly button was pressed many times before I sussed a technique so it only gets a 4, but good work.
Everyone seems to like this battle and I'm no different, it's serious, well crafted and has an interesting storyline. Some of the missions involved are difficult to get right and can be quite long; but that said there's enough going on to make it a great battle. A nice twist at the end makes it different, I like it!
It's "funny", which usually puts me off straight away, but the missions are interesting enough to keep me involved. Some of them are quite challenging especially if you get tunnel vision and forget to defend your Cap ships. Thank heavens for XvT's ability to swap ships I really don't like dogfighting in gunboats. The humor is very slapstick and a little tiresome, but if you can get past that you've got a decent mission to fly. 4 points from the English jury.
I don't like TIE Fighters, I'm not ashamed of it, but this is a great mission to fly with them. I've flown enough unshielded "kill everyone" missions to make me sick, but this is straightforward and simple. I didn't feel that I was going to be killed by over 2 wings of superior fighters and with the rolling storyline everything fitted together nicely. Quick and easy FCGH points good job!
Not a favourite of mine but not one I despise either, a middle of the road battle with some interesting plot points. The T/A duel is great fun and the battle is worth flying just for that one mission. Makes a change to destroying thousands of A-Wings and dropping rockets into cap ships. Not bad overall but only a 3 pointer.
A good battle, not a great battle for me but a good one. Plenty of things to do to keep a pilot busy, though it loses a point for the mines. I hate mines and I hate them even more after that little mission, as other people have said there are just a few too many for my liking ad it gets a little boring. Other than that great work.
Now this is my kind of mission, though I'm usually not keen to fly the basic fighters with all their quirks I do like a well constructed series of missions that fit a storyline well. This fits that bill exactly. The mission with the SPC is chalenging to say the least and "invul" is a bonus for the frustrated pilot. A fine battle and one everyone should fly 5 points to the Hobbit.
It's OK, I have to admit that I'm not a massive fan of "funny" mission designs but this one balances humor with gameplay. The flight officers comments are amusing and the missions are very flyable. Lots of action and a variety of mission profiles to kkep you interested. I'm afraid it's not one I'd refly just for fun, but good none the less.