Probably the best plotline out of Frodo's work. It has a little Jack Bauer type of feel to it, IMO. Ion cannons are a pain in the rear in a T/F, shields or not :P It felt sort of satisfying to complete the last mission and exit hyperspace to the panoramic view of the SSD...beautiful battle!
Very well written plotline and logical sequence of events. Probably the only problem I found with the battle was the second to last mission...all those mines...:P In any case, the "realism" and logic for the entire battle made perfect sense. Begs for a sequel...
So-so at best. The plot was pretty much pointless, and CT Doomsday had nothing really to do with anything at all. Kinda just seemed like Frodo planned to make a battle about AES, hit a huge case of writer's block, and ended it that way. And boo for flying Y/Ws. :P
Frodo all the way. If there were no name attached to this thing, who else do you think would have created it? Yes, the missions are all dumb, but that's not the point. It is probably one of the most original and well-carried out ideas for a plotline in this whole database. Definitely worth flying once for the quickest 11 FCHG points ever, and worth flying again to catch all the goofball humor mixed into the battle. ... PAR!
Very good storyline, considering how limited you are in creating one in the space alotted by XvT briefings and mission descriptions. Also, a very creative use of containers in one of the missions. My only gripe is that the first mission is the most difficult, and the rest seem to decline in diffculty, but it does fit well in introducing the plot. Considering it is a relatively long battle, though, it's really not a problem. Overall, great battle!
I only wish that the plotlines written to accompany this battle were still available, because I think the combination of the two would have made this battle a 5. Very solid mission design and an anomalous plot twist are a dead giveaway that this is a Frodo battle- two very good calling cards to have. I also like how Frodo uses the actual order of battle for the squadrons he includes in his battles, this one being no exception. Definitely in the upper half of Frodo's work.
Goofball storyline plus funny briefing tidbits make for a fun, short, fairly easy battle. I especially liked the briefing in the first mission, where one half of the map is "clean" Imperials and the other half is the "dirty" looks funnier than it sounds, trust me. A tad challenging to dogfight in a GUN, probably the most difficult part of the battle. Good stuff!
Not too much to say about this one. Not bad, not spectacular. Kind of like prison I guess you could say Frodo did what he set out to do. The only semi-criticism is that the missions were maybe too short, but exactly how long could you really survive in a plain old T/F anyway?
Only so-so. Definitely not Frodo's best work, but not a horrible battle either. We've all found out just how much better Frodo can be, anyway. In any case, the little poems in each briefing were original, silly, and a little sad all at once. Which is a good thing. Once again, a bonus point to Frodo for avoiding the superfighter vs. the universe rut that a lot of missions fall into. Mission 5 was a little tedious, though...all in all, a very flyable battle, but if you're looking for a real gauge of Frodo's work, look elsewhere.
Not bad at all, considering how limited TIE is in general. The dopey Flight Officer definitely gives away that this was wrought by Hobbit hands. :P In any case, pretty solid pirate battle. Definitely not the best Frodo battle, but like I said before, the best word to describe this battle is "solid." Also, hooray for avoiding superfighters as much as possible.