Reviewer Rating Profile

High Admiral Frodo March (#5956)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 102
Reviewed: 2015-06-07
Reviewed: 2015-06-07
I'm late to the party... But damn.
Reviewed: 2014-06-14
Reviewed: 2014-06-14
This battle is probably one of the better Dempsey ones I've flown. That being said, there are intolerable acts in my humble opinion. The first mission is basically the equivalent of you Vs 36 A-wings. Not one at a time, that would just be dumb. It's a 1 V 12 and they have advanced missiles. The only way I got through it on hard was with the decoy beam... where I saw wave after wave of A-wing hyper out, because their actual sole purpose in the mission, was to destroy you. The player.

I'm fairly convinced mission 2 is impossible on hard. The dreadnaught blows up way too easy, and I only made it on medium with 9% left on it. Mission three was just disabling one platform. Don't blow up the other ones or you will be deducted points, even though they are enemy. Mission 4 was difficult but fair. And mission six, in a Gunboat... Too hard for me on hard... But on easy, my capture craft ventured too close to a certain platform which completely frags it. Wow. Am I supposed to blow up the platform? No way for me to know until the end of the mission. It's certainly not inviting with its 162% shields...
Reviewed: 2014-06-08
Reviewed: 2014-06-08
Most boredom I've had in years. Where to begin! Not an ion or warhead in sight. Makes your opponents look like they're stronger than the empire on a consistent basis. Why do these T-wings have missiles and I can't? The goals aren't clear, you end up waiting for ships to hyper out for minutes and minutes or for a 5 minute docking operation. Not to mention the extra squeeze time it takes for a CRV to dock to an ISD. The orders most of the friendly cap ships have are questionable...and sending waves of 6 Y-wings armed with heavy rockets after a shieldless ISD that doesn't shoot back, while you're in a TIE Fighter. Classy. All the worst missions involved shooting down rockets. I also didn't get all the Harkov and Thrawn business. This battle feels like it was made prior to the creator joining the EH and then just adapted a little bit.
Reviewed: 2010-01-18
I'm sorry Bruk, but I can tell you didn't try very hard. Firstly, the bug at the beginning is quite frustrating since you cant complete a secondary objective, but I'll leave that out of my review. The main problem here is that you're in a GUN facing targets with Adv. Mis. on hard, and well...thats just not fun. If the bugs and difficulty were fixed this could possibly earn a three, since it has good potential for high scoring.
Reviewed: 2010-01-18
Reviewed: 2010-01-18
I feel like I'm being a little harsh, but I'll justify that. The first thing I want to convey is the whole time travel thing is overused. Every mission creator is guilty of having either tried it or thought about it, since it can potentially lead to an amazing battle... But sometimes creators simply tend to rush things, make the missions just not fun, because their plotline is so solid that they think they don't need something new and exciting. This is the case for this battle, as you are submerged into a crisis with an informant from the future. However, the biggest plot twist is in mission 5, when you accidently pull rebels out of hyperspace with your INT. You get to partake in very basic capture operations, demining, and who could forget the mandatory eternal last mission, which if you actually have the stamina and will to fly without cheats on Hard, you are simply met with a thundering wave of "*BEEP BEEP* MISSILE WARNING KEY TO TARGET!?" Every ...about 5 seconds. Not my idea of fun, or of a challenge...Which leads me to judge that this battle's difficulties weren't properly gauged, or tested (see bug report if it's still there). In one mission you're in a GUN vs. an ISD, a TIE Advanced Squadron and a T/I Squadron both with advanced missiles, in the next you have a missile boat with just a CRS with rebel fighter complement and 20 heavy rockets. There is no balance, there is no fun, this is simply filler for the mission compendium, classic EH TIE TC battle, which is a nice way of saying it's bland and unoriginal.
Reviewed: 2007-11-12
Reviewed: 2007-11-12
Reviewed: 2006-11-04
Reviewed: 2006-11-04
People who give this 0s and 1s should look a tad deeper into this battle. The battle is pretty much made to have four missions that don't exactly follow each other...But thats the Ender style. My point is that it deserves at least a 2 or 3 because it didn't make me want to cry or anything. It didn't exactly make my day either.
Reviewed: 2006-11-04
Reviewed: 2006-11-04
Ingenius to say the least. Disney should hire Mosh to work for them, this would have saved me from watching the movie. Killing rebels should be a disney thing anyway. I believe however that it was a tad strayed from the EH perspective, and a bit simpler than he could have done it. In other words, an excellent battle, but he could have went all out to get that 5.
Reviewed: 2005-12-26
Reviewed: 2005-12-26
All reviews after this one, are that of the UPDATED XvT TC 32, which is waaaaaaay better. All previous to this one, are of the old XvT TC 32. Which blew.
Reviewed: 2005-12-26
Reviewed: 2005-12-26
I'm giving this a three. 1 point for idea and originality, 1 point for making it almost bugless...And one last point for realism. However, realistic is rarely very amusing, especially since the realism we're talking about involves a universe which doesn't likely exist itself. The creator manages to build a battle that seems to be endless, yet is so filled with effort. The asteroid field in mission 1 for instance, is a masterpiece...Many aspects like this pump up battles and make them awesome, however, in this case, the gameplay tends to be boring and repetitive...Why can't the rebels that have to be destroyed so often be there while your ships are hypering out? I realise that long waits are usually what you'd expect in an escort mission, but it isn't what I'd call fun. If you pay attention to detail, you will adore this battle. If you're looking for a fun battle to fly, I wouldn't recommend this. If you want FCHG points, I hope you have 3 hours to spare...If you want high scores, you'll hate it for the Time Limits. Basically, I admire this battle for its accurate design and originality, but dislike the rest. Still, a welcome addition to the mission compendium, and hopefully the first of many XvT-CD battles!
Reviewed: 2005-12-07
Reviewed: 2005-12-07
This just lacked a small bit of spzazz to be a 5. Its got Kate's usual perfection incorporated into the design...However the plotline left me juuust a bit bored. Having said that, it is better than any regular mission designer's battle, But this is a 4 in the Flyer scale :P Good work.
Reviewed: 2005-09-05
Reviewed: 2005-09-05
I'm only giving this a 4 instead of a -1 because there was mention of Ace Ventura Pet Detective...hence, deserves a 5.
Reviewed: 2005-06-24
Reviewed: 2005-06-24
As usual Kate gives us a magnificent mission. I would have given it a 4 or a 3.5, but I LOVE TIE fighters as well. Except Kate hasn't caught on that its even cooler when the player has to die too...The inflight messages were pure gold, I got caught up with them so I failed the mission the first time I flew it, but its not difficult at all if you know how to fly a T/F.(for once Kate's difficulties were good ;P).
Reviewed: 2005-06-24
Reviewed: 2005-06-24
This mission was at Daar's usual standard of creation, it had a very precise goal, and it was made to the best of his ability. Although it required a few corrections, once the wingman stayed in the area for the duration of the mission the mission was a classic assassination mission. Good work Daar.
Reviewed: 2005-06-24
This mission was simple. In the end all it requires you to do is destroy a few freighters and containers, which is slightly boring, considering anybody can do that even without having ever flown any TIE. I believe that this mission should have had different goals, and that even though the pirates did get in the way, they should have been made to be destroyed. The rebels on the other hand should have been the extra secondary goals. However, I did find the Secret order dress dude pretty funny since I reconized the Star Wars gangster rap immediatly. Good enough work for a first try at building though, don't give up Ted.
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
A bit boring, but it was bugless from the start, which I like. Excellent work Locke.
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
This battle had alot more potential, if it went on a date with two good friends: 3D missions, and more effort. Still, an excellent first battle from Brukhar.
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
This mission is too well made if thats even possible. I like how the rebels have an equal chance of winning, but the superiority of the MIS (And my uber skills with Adv. Mis.) simply destroys them.
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
Blarg...hyperspace fighters...Not Bruk's best work. Seems to have been hastily made.
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
I'm giving this a three because I finished it easily, and I felt extremely powerful while literally RUINING the rebels. A tad too easy.
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
Reviewed: 2005-05-27
This deserves a 5 just because of the backdrops...beautiful Gidda, absolutely wonderful. This mission was perfect in every last detail.
Reviewed: 2005-05-26
Reviewed: 2005-05-26
Usually I rarely find points on which to complain about Ender's battles, but this one is simply the worst I've seen from him. Its too patchy for one, I don't remember the plotline much for two, and three...ick, I just had a hard time getting past it. I may be biased because I flew it before it was fixed and released but I just have to say this: Ender, only use your own plotlines :)
Reviewed: 2005-05-21
Reviewed: 2005-05-21
Two words: "Too easy". Its abnormal to not be able to fly this battle without even shooting a lazer, unfortunately, its manageable. I didn't have the S-Foils patch on and still managed to fly the whole thing...Other than that, I can't find anything to complain about :P Good work Ender.
Reviewed: 2005-05-21
Its rather easy. But its like, the first ever TIE mission converted. Since its important to have these kinds of historic missions on the compendium, it deserves at least a three. Besides, its always nice to fly a TIE Fighter, and it gave the TAC a break from the 'kill 1 bzillion' craft missions.
Reviewed: 2005-05-15
A wonderful mission by CPT Daar Skeloria. He accentuated the plotline I gave him magnificently, making this mission as a result, he used all the ressources he had...As you can see by the uses of patches and he attempted to the best of his ability to give us a EH feeling to it. Funny in some bits, and my only reproach to Daar is...Why wasn't I there? :P

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