Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Mosh (#6372)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 6
Reviewed: 2006-09-18
Reviewed: 2006-09-18
Great plot, I really enjoyed flying this mission.
Reviewed: 2005-08-23
Reviewed: 2005-08-23
Excellent battle with an original plot - I liked the last mission particularly.
Reviewed: 2005-05-03
Reviewed: 2005-05-03
I know I'm bound to say it but this battle really is excellent. Great humour and fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2002-09-05
Reviewed: 2002-09-05
Superb Battle, great plot.
Reviewed: 2001-10-21
Reviewed: 2001-10-21
No need to worry about the mission objectives, just loads of dogfighting which is fun. Didn't find much difference between Medium and Hard.
Reviewed: 2001-03-14
Reviewed: 2001-03-14
My first battle from EH. I had no real problems with most of the primary objectives, mission 2 though!.. with support this useless who needs rebels shooting at you? :)

Showing all 6 records