The Shadow Academy seeks to train young Dark Jedi in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. The Shadow Academy, located on Aurora Prime, is the primary training facility for new members of the Secret Order. At the Shadow Academy, Apprentices through Grand Masters will find what they seek to gain power and knowledge in the ways of the Dark Side.
From these listings you can access any course and its exam by clicking on its course name. Links to course notes, current graduates, and assigned Professors (PROF) are also available. Active courses with no Professor assigned will be graded directly by the Training Officer.
Name | Abbr. | Academy | # Graduates | Professor |
Artifacts of the Force | AF | SA | 35 | LC Honsou |
Dark Brotherhood Core | DBCORE | SA | 55 | LC Honsou |
General Leadership | LDR | SA | 24 | GN Triji Boliv |
Graduate of the Dark Arts Capstone Thesis | CAP/GDA | SA | 6 | AD Sylas Pitt |
History of the Dark Lords | DL | SA | 61 | LC Honsou |
History of the Jedi Order Part 1 | JO1 | SA | 44 | LC Honsou |
History of the Royal Guard | RG | SA | 36 | LC Honsou |
Lightsaber Construction | LSC | SA | 59 | GN Aardvark |
Lightsaber Techniques | LST | SA | 46 | GN Aardvark |
Lightsaber: Training Saber | TLC | SA | 41 | GN Aardvark |
Nature of the Darkside, Part I | DS1 | SA | 31 | GN Aardvark |
Nature of the Darkside, Part II | DS2 | SA | 24 | GN Aardvark |
Nature of the Darkside, Part III | DS3 | SA | 21 | GN Aardvark |
Battleteam Leadership | BTL | SA | 6 | N/A |
Master/Student Program | MSP | SA | 1 | N/A |
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood | C/DB | SA | 102 | N/A |
Sith Phase II | SITH | SA | 23 | N/A |
The Guide to Competitions and Medals of the DB | GCM | SA | 0 | N/A |