Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Brukhar (#11259)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 55
Reviewed: 2005-01-07
Reviewed: 2005-01-07
i usually dont submit reviews, only if the battle is really good or really this case bad why did i have to capture a ship in EVERY mission? kill kill kill missions are boring, but so are capture capture capture also, why are A-Wings docking with Muurian transports and Gunboats docking with each other where there are ATRs availible? not to mention half the cap ships are on collision courses too many fighters, not enough killing of anything larger than a TRN
Reviewed: 2005-01-05
Reviewed: 2005-01-05
i dont see why this was rated so high...every ship had starfighter orders, GUNs carrying stormies were boarding Z-95s, and it was a pretty boring battle with a sketchy plot
Reviewed: 2004-11-24
Reviewed: 2004-11-24
i found this battle to be annoying invincible squads of A-wings and invincible CRLs...thats just annoying
Reviewed: 2004-08-21
Reviewed: 2004-08-21
its pretty good, but not exactly my type of battle, and the first mission was ridiculous on hard, too many A-Wings
Reviewed: 2004-06-12
Reviewed: 2004-06-12
stunningly good, i loved it, probably my favorite battle so far, nice work, even if you did use the other dudes plotline :P

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