Trainee Roster

Aspiring members who join the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet are assigned an initial rank and training duty position for their subgroup(s) of interest. Pilots of the TIE Corps process through the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS) on Sif in the Phare System, while Secret Order members will receive indoctrination through the Shadow Academy located on Aurora Prime.

Trainees are included in the roster count, but cannot be awarded medals or promotions until the completion of their training and assignment to a unit.

Trainees should refer to the respective manual corresponding to their subgroup for additional details on training requirements.

Member ▲ Date Joined Subgroup Recruited By
CT (Hog) Rider [#56366] 2022-07-11 TIE Corps COL Marenta Jean
CT 551971 [#56491] 2023-01-25 TIE Corps
APP 8T88 [#56744] 2021-04-12 Secret Order
CT Aaron Sarcalian [#56773] 2023-09-28 TIE Corps
CT Abella Sio [#56396] 2022-08-12 TIE Corps
CT Adamant-Victory_Class_Star_Destroyer [#56450] 2022-11-16 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Alejo [#56899] 2024-06-13 TIE Corps
NOV Alexander Dœnut [#56843] 2024-03-15 Secret Order
CT Alipheese [#56487] 2023-01-15 TIE Corps
CT Allen Wvin [#56602] 2023-08-08 TIE Corps
CT Andrew Bux [#56874] 2024-05-10 TIE Corps
CT Arath, C. Gohldin (Wrath) [#56532] 2023-04-10 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
APP Arcadian Leontus [#56762] 2023-07-26 Secret Order
CT Aselo Junior [#56351] 2022-06-30 TIE Corps
CT Ava [#56910] 2024-06-26 TIE Corps
CT Azula [#56393] 2022-08-09 TIE Corps
CT baconboy [#56362] 2022-07-11 TIE Corps
CT Bade Horada [#56788] 2023-11-03 TIE Corps
APP Badkid312 [#56069] 2021-06-03 Secret Order AD Sylas Pitt
CT Bellgrande [#56871] 2024-05-05 TIE Corps
APP Beu [#56760] 2023-03-02 Secret Order
NOV Bjornyorn [#56841] 2024-04-04 Secret Order LCM Jai Thorne
CT Blackburn [#56783] 2023-10-23 TIE Corps
CT Blaze1719 [#56839] 2024-03-03 TIE Corps
CT Braylok Gallows [#56457] 2022-12-03 TIE Corps
APP Brent Hebris [#56135] 2021-07-28 Secret Order
CT Brzoskwin [#56360] 2022-07-09 TIE Corps
CT Callaghahoogan [#56359] 2022-07-08 TIE Corps
CT Capn'Sid [#56818] 2024-02-01 TIE Corps CPT Jagged Fell III
APP Captain Frosty [#56743] 2021-01-24 Secret Order
CT Carlos García [#56537] 2023-04-17 TIE Corps
CT Casval Rem Deikun [#56400] 2022-08-17 TIE Corps
CT Cat Dane [#56774] 2023-10-09 TIE Corps MAJ Maston Dane
APP Cataldo Blackstar [#56755] 2023-01-10 Secret Order
CT Ceebee [#56918] 2024-07-12 TIE Corps
CT Chaotic Brain [#56473] 2022-12-31 TIE Corps HA Turtle Jerrar
CT ChevalJ [#56431] 2022-10-11 TIE Corps
CT Cloodie [#56512] 2023-02-22 TIE Corps CM Rui Borges
CT Colt Davial [#56587] 2023-07-13 TIE Corps
CT Condar [#56549] 2023-05-05 TIE Corps
APP Condar Sovar [#56807] 2024-01-07 Secret Order
CT corncob [#56405] 2022-08-25 TIE Corps
CT Coryn Losal [#56369] 2022-07-15 TIE Corps
CT Creative [#56553] 2023-05-12 TIE Corps
CT CrisDarklighter [#56541] 2023-04-22 TIE Corps
CT Crunchy_BF2-YT [#56900] 2024-06-13 TIE Corps
CT Cull Astar [#56506] 2023-02-10 TIE Corps
CT Darian Remo [#56434] 2022-10-17 TIE Corps MAJ DemWookieeCheeks
NOV Darks0rcer0r [#56895] 2024-06-11 Secret Order COL TheBlackxRanger
CT DarkWing2k [#56544] 2023-04-24 TIE Corps CM Rui Borges
CT Dart law [#56522] 2023-03-26 TIE Corps
APP Darth kelith [#56761] 2023-05-03 Secret Order
APP darth pollos [#56751] 2021-11-28 Secret Order
CT Das [#56478] 2023-01-02 TIE Corps
CT Dassem Thannel [#56801] 2023-12-08 TIE Corps LC Alexandre Morgan
CT David Tellez [#56763] 2023-08-30 TIE Corps
CT Dirgen [#56782] 2023-10-20 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Dmitry Sshtompell [#56794] 2023-11-11 TIE Corps
CT Dofus [#56819] 2024-02-07 TIE Corps
CT Dohto Renvar [#56460] 2022-12-11 TIE Corps
CT Draugan [#56836] 2024-02-28 TIE Corps
CT Dreemi Smeeuzzl. [#56403] 2022-08-23 TIE Corps
CT Dreyum Vegas [#56831] 2024-02-20 TIE Corps
CT DuckDQuack [#56546] 2023-04-28 TIE Corps
CT Duke Wellington [#56581] 2023-07-04 TIE Corps
CT Eathon Loikim [#56608] 2023-08-22 TIE Corps AD Sylas Pitt
CT Edgar Eagle [#56429] 2022-10-03 TIE Corps
CT Eriksson Sharpsea [#56552] 2023-05-11 TIE Corps
CT Euglam Woodell [#56565] 2023-05-31 TIE Corps
SL Fixolin [#56507] 2023-02-12 TIE Corps
CT Franz Xavier [#56815] 2024-01-18 TIE Corps
CT Frost [#56830] 2024-02-14 TIE Corps
CT Gius [#56775] 2023-10-09 TIE Corps COL Gytheran
CT Gnome [#56392] 2022-08-08 TIE Corps
CT Hans Spargel [#56540] 2023-04-20 TIE Corps
CT Hanybal Zeros [#56600] 2023-08-08 TIE Corps
CT Hatori Hoorl [#56883] 2024-05-27 TIE Corps
CT Haw Gryda [#56787] 2023-10-30 TIE Corps
APP Hawk [#56752] 2022-01-12 Secret Order
NOV Hector Von Ricmore [#56410] 2024-02-09 Secret Order CPT Turel
NOV Hector Von Ricmore [#56410] 2024-02-09 Secret Order CPT Turel
APP Hunter Wilson [#56508] 2023-02-13 Secret Order
CT Idk what to put everything i go by is taken xd [#56593] 2023-07-29 TIE Corps
APP IG-1648(infereno) [#55975] 2021-01-29 Secret Order
CT Invictus Nox [#56921] 2024-07-16 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Itz Dego [#56409] 2022-09-08 TIE Corps
CT Jacob frost [#56555] 2023-05-15 TIE Corps
CT Jain Creed [#56458] 2022-12-04 TIE Corps RA Genie
CT Jake Böhmi [#56837] 2024-03-01 TIE Corps RA Genie
CT JarJar Plageius [#56495] 2023-01-28 TIE Corps CPT Blaster72
CT Jaro Jeedai [#56790] 2023-11-09 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
APP Jo Flo [#56753] 2022-01-28 Secret Order
CT Joelster007 [#56916] 2024-07-08 TIE Corps
CT JohnnyBoy420 [#56557] 2023-05-21 TIE Corps
CT Johny-Wan [#56502] 2023-02-03 TIE Corps
CT jonathan187 [#56771] 2023-09-19 TIE Corps
CT juliusthread [#56349] 2022-06-29 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Jurro Tane [#56479] 2023-01-05 TIE Corps SL Chuundar
CT Karaya Hartmann [#56461] 2022-12-11 TIE Corps
CT Kazra [#56591] 2023-07-25 TIE Corps
CT Keich "Lucky" Lekei [#56898] 2024-06-12 TIE Corps
CT Kiant’tia’aldtro [#56471] 2022-12-31 TIE Corps
CT Klaus Daniel Leichenberg [#56796] 2023-11-21 TIE Corps
CT KmyKcV8 [#56509] 2023-02-18 TIE Corps
CT Kyrell [#56905] 2024-06-18 TIE Corps
CT L'otherd [#56547] 2023-05-01 TIE Corps COL Gytheran
CT Loog Colt [#56766] 2023-09-07 TIE Corps
CT Lotz [#56488] 2023-01-15 TIE Corps
NOV Ludovicus Gallorum [#56580] 2024-02-04 Secret Order SL Alejandro Araujo
CT Luxley Vance [#56589] 2023-07-21 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Maboroshi [#56811] 2024-01-12 TIE Corps CPT Wildfire
CT Malachior V [#56469] 2022-12-23 TIE Corps
CT Mar Raji [#56779] 2023-10-15 TIE Corps
CT Marc Gary [#56377] 2022-07-20 TIE Corps
CT Markus Stonebridge [#56769] 2023-09-12 TIE Corps
CT Masisolj96 [#56425] 2022-09-26 TIE Corps
CT Michael Beesby [#56521] 2023-03-22 TIE Corps
CT Mifunetoshio [#56606] 2023-08-18 TIE Corps
CT Mikhail [#56398] 2022-08-13 TIE Corps
CT Milenkod [#56412] 2022-09-14 TIE Corps CPT Syntroth
APP MontteTestCadet [#56742] 2020-12-16 Secret Order
CT Moosemansam1987 [#56492] 2023-01-26 TIE Corps
CT Moss [#56854] 2024-03-28 TIE Corps LT Alexander Dœnut
CT Multiverse [#56877] 2024-05-20 TIE Corps
CT MurphyBuns [#56338] 2022-06-23 TIE Corps
CT My-Favorites [#56533] 2023-04-11 TIE Corps
CT Myria Kordes [#56564] 2023-05-29 TIE Corps
CT Nej Anagonye [#56419] 2022-09-19 TIE Corps RA Genie
NOV Nix Varro [#56785] 2024-04-11 Secret Order
CT Patchy [#56864] 2024-04-19 TIE Corps
CT Pope [#56575] 2023-06-24 TIE Corps
NOV Primepk [#56816] 2024-01-20 Secret Order
CT Quon [#56570] 2023-06-09 TIE Corps
CT Ragnir Zeilek [#56411] 2022-09-13 TIE Corps
CT Rambo [#56560] 2023-05-23 TIE Corps
CT Rand Hamas [#56548] 2023-05-04 TIE Corps
CT Reaper lock [#56494] 2023-01-27 TIE Corps
CT reaperhb [#56518] 2023-03-14 TIE Corps LT darkpatatoes
CT ReaperZeroSix [#56483] 2023-01-07 TIE Corps COL Gytheran
CT Redfield [#56472] 2022-12-31 TIE Corps
CT Revenant [#56536] 2023-04-17 TIE Corps
APP Reyla Setsune [#55576] 2016-03-10 Secret Order CPT Victor O‘Brien
CT ReZeR [#56511] 2023-02-22 TIE Corps
CT Rhel Synott [#56482] 2023-01-06 TIE Corps
CT Rip Van Winkle [#56851] 2024-03-23 TIE Corps
CT Risyo [#56875] 2024-05-10 TIE Corps
CT Rix Vancil [#56914] 2024-07-02 TIE Corps
CT Roy Fokker [#56800] 2023-12-03 TIE Corps
CT Runek Turner [#56562] 2023-05-25 TIE Corps
CT Rusty Antari [#56890] 2024-06-04 TIE Corps
CT Ryner Treznor [#56868] 2024-05-02 TIE Corps
CT Saaw [#56413] 2022-09-14 TIE Corps
CT Sanem Caavi [#56878] 2024-05-20 TIE Corps
CT Sasori [#56505] 2023-02-10 TIE Corps
CT Savan Desyk [#56888] 2024-06-01 TIE Corps
CT Shaks [#56516] 2023-03-11 TIE Corps
APP Shang Khan [#56745] 2021-05-07 Secret Order
CT Sheffield77 [#56920] 2024-07-15 TIE Corps
CT Sheik Santo [#56582] 2023-07-08 TIE Corps
CT Silas Vaylen [#56904] 2024-06-17 TIE Corps
NOV SirCaleb [#56053] 2024-05-05 Secret Order LC Honsou
CT Skander [#56543] 2023-04-24 TIE Corps
CT smm2303 [#56924] 2024-07-24 TIE Corps
CT Smurf [#56554] 2023-05-13 TIE Corps
CT Solid [#56422] 2022-09-24 TIE Corps CM Odin Strongheart
CT Spanks [#56567] 2023-06-02 TIE Corps
CT SpazAdeus [#56907] 2024-06-19 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
CT Suro [#56436] 2022-10-21 TIE Corps
APP Swainteth Lortan [#56510] 2023-02-21 Secret Order
APP Swainteth Lortan [#56759] 2023-02-27 Secret Order
CT Sysyphe [#56394] 2022-08-09 TIE Corps
CT Talon Rockfist [#56897] 2024-06-12 TIE Corps
CT Talvan Marte [#56804] 2023-12-26 TIE Corps
CT tayloraj42 [#56876] 2024-05-11 TIE Corps
NOV test for db [#56778] 2023-10-15 Secret Order
CT testaccount [#56490] 2023-01-21 TIE Corps
CT Tex [#56832] 2024-02-23 TIE Corps
CT Tex Starhopper [#56465] 2022-12-14 TIE Corps
CT Thalion Solas [#56609] 2023-08-22 TIE Corps MAJ Maston Dane
CT The Venatorian [#56925] 2024-07-24 TIE Corps
CT TheRedMat2000 [#56475] 2022-12-31 TIE Corps COL Gytheran
CT Tojo Wolfe [#56561] 2023-05-23 TIE Corps
CT Tracer Hanzo [#56594] 2023-07-31 TIE Corps MAJ Maston Dane
CT Ultimatetooth [#56569] 2023-06-04 TIE Corps
APP UltrasaurMini [#55987] 2021-02-13 Secret Order
CT Valen Wulf [#56879] 2024-05-23 TIE Corps
CT Valton [#56767] 2023-09-09 TIE Corps
NOV Vidarr Kesyk [#56845] 2024-03-12 Secret Order
CT Vilor Antarilo [#56350] 2022-06-30 TIE Corps COL TheBlackxRanger
NOV Wheelzmckay [#56803] 2024-02-26 Secret Order
CT Wynter Rayne [#56538] 2023-04-19 TIE Corps
CT Xarovit Rost [#56464] 2022-12-13 TIE Corps
CT Xell Orelous [#56601] 2023-08-08 TIE Corps
CT Zaval Shaar [#56777] 2023-10-14 TIE Corps
CT Zeph [#56872] 2024-05-06 TIE Corps
CT Zyn Vexal [#56923] 2024-07-22 TIE Corps