Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Morgoth (#55942)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 3
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
A simple mission for a simple time. Its basic and there are more waves than you want to believe. Just keep waiting and keep killing and keep waiting and keep killing and eventually you'll get them all.
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
This is about as easy as it gets. Drop three ships and bug out. Its simple and satisfying as blowing things up is always super fun. Perfect for killing ten minutes.
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Not a bad battle. Simple, quick, to the point. Multiple waves of attackers and a few capital ships to destroy if you are so inclined. I'd recommend it for beginners (if there can be such a thing on a game that was programed using stone tablets) and seasoned veterans alike.

Showing all 3 records