Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Johann Glorick (#6856)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 3
Reviewed: 2001-07-26
Reviewed: 2001-07-26
I liked the battle but the plot seemed a bit jumpy. I give it a 4 for gameplay, and a 2 for plot. Overall it is fun but not too challenging, when you use the right tactics.
Reviewed: 2001-06-19
Reviewed: 2001-06-19
This was by far one of the best battles that I have played so far. Although it did require the use of the hints after the first mission, but all in all I loved playing this battle, I hope to see a third installment in the series!!!
Reviewed: 2001-06-16
Reviewed: 2001-06-16
All in all I thought it was a pretty good battle. What I didn't like was the craft that would Hyperspace out of the region and stop you from getting the secret mission goals, and the tedious waves. But other than that I thought it was a good battle although little to no challenge.

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