Reviewer Rating Profile

Sector Admiral Compton (#689)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.8
Number of Battle Reviews: 5
Reviewed: 2003-02-12
Reviewed: 2003-02-12
Here's the reason why this Battle sucks so bad: Back when it was first created, there was a modified X-Wing called the Excalibur. This ship was supposed to be the Infiltrator Wing's answer to the T/D. But soon after the Battle was released, the patch for the ship itself disappeared. I tried for a very long time to track it down was I was TAC, both in my own archives and by bugging other EH folk, but the ship doesn't seem to exist anymore. So we're forced to fly this crappy Battle in a normal X-Wing, which is NOT the way the missions were designed.
Reviewed: 2000-02-29
This Battle, though some people seem to think it's well designed, sucks. In this day and age, unshielded TIEs are unheard of. It's been years since any unshielded fighters have been issued by the EH. Designing a Battle like this is simply ludicrous.
Reviewed: 1999-12-07
One of the most boring Battles I've ever played. I got shot at more by my own side's fighters than I did by the enemy. Add to this that it looks like folks cheated to get some high scores, and this wasn't too enjoyable to fly. The only good thing about it is that it took about 20 minutes to fly.
Reviewed: 1999-11-27
Reviewed: 1999-11-27
Not a bad battle at all, except for Mission 4, which SUCKS. One objective is to keep LCM Callista alive, but the poor thing keep smashing her T/D into the capital ships she's trying to kill, keeping you from completing the Mission.
Reviewed: 1999-10-14
Reviewed: 1999-10-14
This is the greatest Battle ever created! Where else do you get to fly the XO's personal fighter, the legendary Dagger Engineering Corporation K-20b? Prove your manliness NOW!!!

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