Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Lirak Kalist (#6978)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 3
Reviewed: 2004-05-26
Reviewed: 2004-05-26
Note: I only noticed that this storyline had already been done only once I finished the battle and submitted it, so if you find that the story is similar to the one of the other "The Virus" battle (TC-180), that's due more to me not checking the mission compodium beforehand rather than direct copying. I apologize to the creater of that battle for taking his idea. As for the battle itself: it is my first try at making a battle, so I don't really know if it is any good. Any criticism (both good and bad) is welcome.
Reviewed: 2003-06-02
Very good battle. What makes it special is the fact that you get a lot of differentkinds of missions. Each mission is varied and the storyline really encourages you to keep on going. Good job!
Reviewed: 2001-09-04
Reviewed: 2001-09-04
It's a really good battle, and I liked the voices in the missions.

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