Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Primeous (#7417)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 2
Reviewed: 2001-09-17
Reviewed: 2001-09-17
Wonderful battle, one of the best I've flown. At first I was afraid it was going to be rather cheesy, with the whole temporal rift thing, but very well executed and a pleasure to fly.
Reviewed: 2001-08-28
Reviewed: 2001-08-28
Well, the plot was good, as others have said. The missions and briefings were the problem. The briefings were rather light on mission specifics and there were no clues once you got in-mission, so there were several places where I just had to guess at what I was supposed to do without really being sure. There were many semi-minor things that were really annoying, like in the last missions where you jump to the pirate base and then have to sit there for several minutes before the Imperium forces jump in. I was totally confused, because the briefing claims you're supposed to go with the pirate forces to attack the Imperium prison convoy and then escort them back, when instead you sit at the pirate base while they go attack the convoy on their own and then get followed back. I came very close to ending the mission and trying it again because I thought the hyperbuoy to the convoy was bugged or something. Also invul capital ships in some missions and ones that just sat there while you killed them in others were annoying. This battle shows a lot of promise, the plot is good, but the mechanics are still extremely buggy and confusing.

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