Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Atmos Myremod (#9903)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2003-04-17
Reviewed: 2003-04-17
Very fun! I enjoyed playing misisons even after completing them more than once! Hard to get this kind of battle these days. Very different missions also help this battle to be one of the best I've flown
Reviewed: 2003-04-01
I found this battle very good. I appreciated a lot fighting different type of craft, like CORTs, Patrol crafts and Muurian TRNs. The only problem was the quantity of crafts. While fighting 6 X-ws is piece of cake, fighting 3 waves of 6 Patrol crafts can be very hard and boring, especially on mission 3, where you also have to fight Scout crafts and Muurian TRNs on a shielded T/F w/out warheads. This is the only thing that I saw in this battle. Overall 4.
Reviewed: 2002-12-21
This is a very nice battle, with a reasonable plot and varied missions, I enjoyed flying it. Actually, I would have given it a 5 wasn't it for the TIE Defenders in the 1st mission. I was flying it, completing the inspection on one PLT, chased by A wings, and one of them hit the PLT trying to hit me. As a result, 6 T/Ds arrived and killed me for something I didn't even do. Not very nice...
Reviewed: 2002-09-16
Reviewed: 2002-09-16
All I can say is that this battle is nuts! How can anyone expect to destroy three escort shuttles, two assault transports, two muurian transports, two corvettes, two modified corvettes and one modified frigate with ONE UNSHIELDED TIE INTERCEPTOR?? And I didn't count the starfighters because that can be handled, but please!! Also it's very strange that all the craft go after you, even the frigate.

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