Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.
Award | Recipient | Reason | Date |
IS-PW | LCM BatSpoggy | For having achieved the first place position for the TIE Corps Space Superiority 2020 Annual Ranking after an unprecedented three-way tie breaker, I hereby endorse LT BatSpoggy for the Iron Star with Platinum Wings. | 2021-01-13 |
IS-GW | LCM BatSpoggy | 1st place winner, December 2020 TIE Corps Space Superiority | 2021-01-27 |
IS-GW | RA Genie | TIE Corps Space Superiority November 2020 - Winner | 2020-12-16 |
IS-GW | FA Pickled Yoda | 1st Place for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |
IS-SW | COL Ricaud | 2nd place winner, December 2020 TIE Corps Space Superiority | 2021-01-27 |
IS-SW | LC Taygetta | TIE Corps Space Superiority November 2020 - 2nd Place | 2020-12-16 |
IS-SW | GN Silwar Naiilo | 2nd Place Tie for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |
IS-SW | LC Taygetta | 2nd Place Tie for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |
IS-SW | HA Mordechi Wolfe | 2nd Place Tie for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |
IS-SW | COL Ricaud | 2nd Place Tie for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |
IS-BW | GN Stryker | 3rd place winner, December 2020 TIE Corps Space Superiority | 2021-01-27 |
IS-BW | GN Silwar Naiilo | TIE Corps Space Superiority November 2020 - 3rd place | 2020-12-16 |
IS-BW | CPT TI-40026 | 3rd Place for TIE Corps Space Superiority PvP (Oct 2020) | 2020-11-07 |