Imperial Storm III

Competition ID #: 3294
Status: Finished
Submitted by: AD Phoenix Berkana
Competition dates: 2021-06-26 - 2021-07-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: All TC
Description: Imperial Storm is a turn based war-game that pits all three Battlegroups against the others over a map of the planetary systems that we are currently near.

The teams will do battle against each other for control of the map, earning points for holding systems and attempting to deprive the enemy of their own.

Battles are fought using a scoring system that takes into account all Legion (LoC/LoS) earned during the combat window, alongside the average scores of a teams top 4 SP pilots.

Full rules can be found here:

The winning Team at the end of the 30 turn game will see all participating pilots earn a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA).

The top 6 scorers in each of the 3 streams (top LoC count, top LoS count, top HS% SP count) will earn Iron Stars as below:

1st: IS-GW
2nd: IS-SW
3rd: IS-SW
4th: IS-BW
5th: IS-BW
6th: IS-BW

IS-CWs will be awarded to pilots for each set of 1000 Legions earned over the course of the competition during battles their fleet is involved in.

IS-CWs will also be awarded to pilots that complete all or all but one of the SP missions assigned to their fleet in battles over the course of the competition.
Competition awards: MUA

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IAR CPT Cody Lance For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Cody Lance For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-26
MUA COL Marenta Jean For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Xylo Pethtel For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA MAJ Morgoth For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CM Neko For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA COL NiksaVel For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA COL Phalk Sturm For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA MAJ Richlet For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Ryuzokin For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA GN Silwar Naiilo For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA MAJ SirCaleb For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA AD Stryker For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA AD Sylas Pitt For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA INQ Taurus For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT TI-40026 For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LC Tygra Shadowclaw For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA MAJ Kalve Ryder For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA ST Legion Ordo For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA GN Jarek La’an For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Iam Thinking For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LC Honsou For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LT Green For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LC Graf D‘Jinn For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LT Gisornator For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA COL EvilGrin For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA MAJ Jaxx Nassin For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CM Akreseus For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA HA Anahorn Dempsey For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LT AyePeaBee For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA RA Colo Delste For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Cupcake For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LCM eriksen1803 For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CM EchoVII For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA CPT Dynamus For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
MUA LCM Critical Hit For being part of the winning team in Imperial Storm III the TIE Corps is proud to award you a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Congratulations! 2021-08-24
IS-GW FA Pickled Yoda GN Pickled Yoda came first in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a staggering 78.14% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-GW COL Gytheran Gytheran topped the Legion of Combat pile in Imperial Storm 3 with 99 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-GW MAJ Wreckage CM Wreckage came first in the Legion of Skirmish count in Imperial Storm 3 with a staggering 1072 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW HA Pete Mitchell COL Pete Mitchell came third in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 70.07% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW COL Phalk Sturm COL Phalk Sturm came second in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 74.35% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW VA Robert Hogan MAJ Hogan came second in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 94 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW LC SkyShadow CM SkyShadow came second in the Legion of Skirmish count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 747 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW COL Gytheran CM Gytheran came third in the Legion of Skirmish count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 696 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks LCM DemWookieeCheeks came third in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 79 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW COL NiksaVel COL NiksaVel came sixth in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 49.75% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW RA Colo Delste LCM Colo Delste came fifth in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 57.95% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW RA Genie LC Genie came fourth in the Average High Score (SP) count in Imperial Storm 3 with a fantastic 66.94% average. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW RA Genie LC Genie tied for sixth place in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 53 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW MAJ Jaxx Nassin LCM Jaxx Nassin came fourth in the Legion of Skirmish count in Imperial Storm 3 with 509 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW INQ Taurus LT Taurus came fifth in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 66 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW CM The Howler LCM TheHowler tied for sixth place in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 53 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW MAJ Kalve Ryder CPT Kalve Ryder came sixth in the Legion of Skirmish count in Imperial Storm 3 with 485 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
IS-BW MAJ Morgoth CM Morgoth came fourth in the Legion of Combat count in Imperial Storm 3 with 74 Legions. Well done on a deserved Iron Star! 2021-08-26
ORA COL Phalk Sturm For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA CM Epicedion For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA MAJ Jaxx Nassin For taking part in least all but one of the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA CPT Witchblade For taking part in least all but one of the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger For taking part in least all but one of the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA GN Silwar Naiilo For taking part in least all but one of the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA COL NiksaVel For taking part in least all but one of the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA CPT Cupcake For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA COL Aardvark For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA COL Gytheran For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA RA Colo Delste For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA RA Genie For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA HA Pete Mitchell For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA FA Pickled Yoda For taking part all the SP missions your team in Imperial Storm 3 were eligible to compete in, the TIE Corps is proud to issue you a ORA! Well done! 2021-08-26
ORA MAJ Wreckage CM Wreckage put in a fantastic effort over the course of Imperial Storm 3, picking up over 1000 Legions. This makes the Commander eligible to receive an additional ORA! Well done indeed! 2021-08-26