PvE Ace of the TIE Corps 2022

Competition ID #: 3358
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2023-01-01 - 2023-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps
Description: Every Legion of Skirmish earned gives the pilot a point on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board and the top six pilots at the end of the month earn medals. Yearly, the top ten pilots earn medals.
Competition awards: IS-GW/SW/SW/BW/BW/BW for top six monthly, at the end of the year the top ten pilots receive an IS-PW/GW/GW/SW/SW/SW/BW/BW/BW/BW. The top pilot at the end of the year also receives the title of PvE Ace of the TIE Corps 2022.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 7591 victories and recipient of the PvE Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 title! 2023-01-17
IS-GW LC Vapen Van’an Third place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1871 victories 2023-01-17
IS-GW RA Genie Second place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1941 victories 2023-01-17
IS-GW LC Vapen Van’an Top pilot on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 402 victories 2023-01-14
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 1011 victories 2022-12-10
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 1126 victories 2022-11-18
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 2528 victories 2022-10-10
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 2305 victories 2022-09-10
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 198 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-GW LC Alexandre Morgan Top pilot on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 265 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-GW MAJ Kalve Ryder Top pilot on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 555 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-GW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Top pilot on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 518 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-GW LC SkyShadow Top pilot on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 232 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-GW LC SkyShadow Top pilot on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 219 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-GW LC SkyShadow Top pilot on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for January 2022 with 161 Legions of Skirmish 2022-02-07
IS-SW LC Solohan50 Sixth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1524 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW LC Alexandre Morgan Fifth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1638 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Fourth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1794 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Third place on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 270 victories 2023-01-14
IS-SW COL Gytheran Second place on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 290 victories 2023-01-14
IS-SW LC Solohan50 Third place on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 242 victories 2022-12-10
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Second place on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 427 victories 2022-12-10
IS-SW RA Genie Second place on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 1027 victories 2022-11-18
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Third place on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 626 victories 2022-11-18
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Third place on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 471 victories 2022-10-10
IS-SW RA Genie Second place on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 491 victories 2022-10-10
IS-SW LC Solohan50 Second place on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 259 victories 2022-09-10
IS-SW LC Alexandre Morgan Third place on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 236 victories 2022-09-10
IS-SW ACO JetMech Second place on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 154 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-SW GN Triji Boliv Third place on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 152 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-SW RA Genie Third place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 90 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-SW GN Triji Boliv Second place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 116 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-SW LC Alexandre Morgan Second place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 324 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-SW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Third place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 158 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-SW MAJ Kalve Ryder Third place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 312 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-SW LC SkyShadow Second place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 326 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-SW CPT Xylo Pethtel Tied for second place on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 66 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-SW LC Vapen Van’an Tied for second place on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 66 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-SW LC Vapen Van’an Third place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 62 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-SW CPT Xylo Pethtel Second place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 113 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-SW CPT Xylo Pethtel Third place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for January 2022 with 60 Legions of Skirmish 2022-02-07
IS-BW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Ninth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1050 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW MAJ Kalve Ryder Tenth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 988 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW LC SkyShadow Seventh place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1460 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Eighth place on the PvE Killboard for 2022 with 1225 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW LC Alexandre Morgan Sixth place on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 111 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Fifth place on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 112 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Fourth place on the PvE Killboard for December 2022 with 183 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Fourth place on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 166 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Sixth place on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 108 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW RA Genie Fifth place on the Co-Op Killboard for November 2022 with 132 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Sixth place on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 366 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW ST Legion Ordo Fifth place on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 508 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Fourth place on the Co-Op Killboard for October 2022 with 561 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW LC Solohan50 Fifth place on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 247 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW LC Alexandre Morgan Sixth place on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 178 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Fourth place on the Co-Op Killboard for September 2022 with 291 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW LC SkyShadow Sixth place on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 78 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Fifth place on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 97 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Fourth place on the Multiplayer PvE (Co-Op) Killboard for August 2022 with 151 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Sixth place on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 107 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Fifth place on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 122 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-BW LC SkyShadow Fourth place on the Multiplayer PvE Kill Board for July 2022 with 143 Legions of Skirmish 2022-08-10
IS-BW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Fourth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 80 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-BW LC SkyShadow Fifth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 76 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Sixth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for June 2022 with 71 Legions of Skirmish 2022-07-07
IS-BW LC Solohan50 Fourth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 156 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-BW CPT TI-40026 Fifth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 152 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-BW MAJ Jaxx Nassin Sixth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for May 2022 with 140 Legions of Skirmish 2022-06-08
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Fourth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 287 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-BW CPT TI-40026 Fifth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 252 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-BW LC Solohan50 Sixth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for April 2022 with 209 Legions of Skirmish 2022-05-15
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn Fourth place on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 65 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Fifth place on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 42 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-BW COL Highlander Sixth place on the Multiplayer Co-Op Kill Board for March 2022 with 37 Legions of Skirmish 2022-04-11
IS-BW GN Exar Kit Sixth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 42 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-BW COL Highlander Fifth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 49 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Fourth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for February 2022 with 52 Legions of Skirmish 2022-03-07
IS-BW LC Vapen Van’an Sixth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for January 2022 with 40 Legions of Skirmish 2022-02-07
IS-BW GN Exar Kit Fifth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for January 2022 with 42 Legions of Skirmish 2022-02-07
IS-BW MAJ Kazraran Fourth place on the Multiplayer Coop Kill Board for January 2022 with 55 Legions of Skirmish 2022-02-07