Raise the Flag 2022 Fiction Bonus Comp 2

Competition ID #: 3459
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2022-10-08 - 2022-10-14
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps


The six battlegroups and the Dark Brotherhood have been dispatched to investigate 14 systems in the direction the Ishtari left when they withdrew from Tusorix.

Battlegroup 1

The ISDII Hammer and its escorts have arrived at a world like Tusorix that had recently been raided by the Ishtari where they had targeted and stole food supplies from both ships and ground facilities. The locals only suffered a few casualties, but those casualties include almost all of their small defense force. Unlike the people of Tusorix, the beings here seem to have a lot to say about the Ishtari. This seems like a great opportunity to learn about the Ishtari and their tactics.

Battlegroup 2

The ISDII Warrior and its escorts have arrived at a system with several inhabited worlds, but none of them have heard of the Ishtari. On the edge of the system, probe droids have found the remains of a civilization but no signs of life. Further investigation reveals it to have been an Ishtari colony. With the Ishtari active in other parts of this section of space, what could have caused the loss of this colony?

Battlegroup 3

The ISDII Challenge and its escorts have arrived at a world under siege with swarms of Ishtari ships filling local space. It’s not clear if these are the same Ishtari ships that fled Tusorix, there aren’t any identifying marks that are making that obvious. Either way, the Ishtari pose a significant threat to the sizable population of sentient beings on the planet. There’s a decision to make about whether to engage the Ishtari, observe the battle from a distance, or jump to the next system.

Avenger Squadron

Any officers assigned to Avenger Squadron that aren’t also part of one of the battlegroups remained at Tusorix with the SSD Avenger and its escorts… unless they chose to tag along with one of the departing battlegroups. If so, they may pick from any of the prompts above.


  • Word count minimum is 1000, max is 4000
  • Limit of one submission per pilot
  • Please email submissions to HA Plif at tccom@emperorshammer.org

Scoring Rubric

  • 4 points: Includes a clearly presented central idea with relevent facts, supporting details or explanations. Contains all relevant information included in the prompt.
  • 3 points: Includes a central idea with mostly relevant facts, supporting details, or explanations. Contains most of the relevant information included in the prompt.
  • 2 points: Includes a central idea with limited factions, supporting details, and/or explanation. Contains some of the relevant information included in the prompt.
  • 1 points: Includes a central idea but lacks related facts, supporting details, and/or explanation. Contains none of the relevant information included in the prompt.
  • 4 points: Uses vivid descriptive language and concrete sensory details. Enables the reader to visualize the events or experiences.
  • 3 points: Uses descriptive language and concrete sensory details. Enables the reader to visualize the events of experiences.
  • 2 points: Uses limited, repetitive language with little sensory details. Does not give a visual picture.
  • 1 point: Uses dull, repetitive words and no details. Word choice confuses the reader.
  • 4 points: Reader is able to fully conceptualize the characters, their motivations, and intentions.
  • 3 points: Reader is able to understand the characters, their motivations, and intentions.
  • 2 points: Reader has limited understanding of and cannot connect with the characters.
  • 1 point: Reader is left with no understanding about the characters in the story.
  • 4 points: Voice chosen is appropriate to topic, purpose, and audience. Writing is expressive, engaging and/or sincere.
  • 3 points: Voice is present, shows awareness of audience. Writing is somewhat engaging and expressive.
  • 2 points: Voice is inconsistent or weak. Shows limited awareness of audience.
  • 1 point: Little or no voice is evident. Awareness of audience or personal involvement is not evident.
  • 4 points: Contains few if any errors in conventions that makes the writing easy to read and understand.
  • 3 points: Contains some convention errors that do not interfere with the understanding of the story.
  • 2 points: Contains frequent convention errors that are noticeable and confuse the reader
  • 1 point: Contains so many convention errors that the writing is difficult to follow.
Competition awards:
  • Iron Stars with Ribbons: Gold, Silver x2, Bronze x3, Copper x4 (top ten)
  • Also RtF points: 300, 270, 240, 210, 180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30 (top ten)
    • Participation: 100 points
    • Submissions that place also earn participation points

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR CM neurotictim First place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-08
IS-SR GN Silwar Naiilo Second place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-SR ACO JetMech Third place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-BR LC Alexandre Morgan Sixth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-BR FA Pickled Yoda Fourth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-BR GN Jarek La’an Fifth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-CR COL Marenta Jean Seventh place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-CR COL Westric Davalorn Eighth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-CR AD Sylas Pitt Ninth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07
IS-CR LC Vapen Van’an Tenth place in the second Fiction Bonus Comp of RtF 2022 2022-11-07