Operation Christmas Seal

Competition ID #: 3490
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Vapen Van’an
Competition dates: 2022-12-01 - 2022-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

In an effort to assist all the new players in Squadrons and get the adjusted to the game, I am calling on all pilots of the TIE Corps to get assists in anyway possible (Support ship with beacons is a great option!). Email a copy of your screenshots to vapinvanman@gmail.com. For the assits to count for the competition, you must have won the match. The pilot with the most assists will win (in case of a tie, most kills will be used).
Good luck pilots, and help show these new folks there is a group to help them grow in their Squadrons journey!

Competition awards:

1st Place: IS-GW
2nd Place: IS-SW
3rd Place: IS-BW
4th Place: IS-CW

Each pilot will earn an ORA for 10 or more assists in a match (to a maximum of 3 ORAs)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GW CM Dathka Graush For earning an impressive 476 assits in SWS and winning Operation Christmas Seal, LCM Dathka Graush is proudly awarded the IS-GW 2023-01-02
IS-SW LC Alexandre Morgan For earning 58 assits in SWS and second place Operation Christmas Seal, CPT Alexandre Morgan is awarded the IS-SW 2023-01-02
IS-BW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For earning 45 assits in SWS and third place Operation Christmas Seal, CPT Keblaomega is awarded the IS-BW. 2023-01-02
IS-CW COL TheBlackxRanger For earning 33 assits in SWS and fourth place Operation Christmas Seal, CPT TheBlackxRanger is awarded the IS-CW. 2023-01-02
ORA CM Dathka Graush For getting 10 or more assits in 19 games for Operation Christmas Seal, to a maximum of 3 ORA's available. 2023-01-02
ORA MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For getting 10 or more assits in 1 games for Operation Christmas Seal. 2023-01-02
ORA LC Honsou For getting 10 or more assits in 1 games for Operation Christmas Seal. 2023-01-02