Thunder's Assassin Invitational

Competition ID #: 3511
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Legion Ordo
Competition dates: 2023-01-08 - 2023-02-08
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

G'Day Pilots of the TIE Corps!

Thunder Squadron CMDR LegionX here to bring you all a marvelous opportunity! I am looking for the absolute best of the best assassins within the TC and now is the time to prove that it is YOU!

The Game: Elite Dangerous
The Mission: Earn credits with ONLY Assassination missions, given out in Stations and Settlements
Competition Details:
-The goal is to earn as many credits as you can using only Assassination Missions given out in and Station or Settlement in the game. Rules are simple in terms of screenshot submissions:
-A screenshot of the mission detail page before it's accepted
-A screenshot of the mission completed page
You submit the screenshots either through Discord DM to MAJ LegionX or Email him at A Google sheet will be created to show and record all winnings

Note that ANY Assassination mission is valid, Either Flight based or Ground based

Who among you all can prove to be the best assassin in the entire fleet!

Competition awards:

IS-GR: Most credits earned
IS-SR: Second most credits earned
IS-BR: Third most credits earned
IS-CR: Fourth most credits earned

ORAs will be awarded based on the number of Assassination missions each pilot completes:

  • 3 missions: ORA
  • 8 missions: 2 ORAs
  • 15 missions: 3 ORAs

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR ACO JetMech For completing first place in the Thunder's Assassin Invitational, Congratulations! 2023-02-14
IS-SR COL Aardvark For completing second place in the Thunder's Assassin Invitational, Congratulations! 2023-02-14
IS-BR COL TheBlackxRanger For completing third place in the Thunder's Assassin Invitational, Congratulations! 2023-02-14
IS-CR LC Alexandre Morgan For completing fourth place in the Thunder's Assassin Invitational, Congratulations! 2023-02-14
ORA LC Alexandre Morgan For completing the ORA requirements during the Thunder Assassin Invitational competition, keep on making our empire safe and secure! 2023-03-13
ORA LC Honsou For completing the ORA requirements during the Thunder Assassin Invitational competition, keep on making our empire safe and secure! 2023-03-13
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger For completing the ORA requirements during the Thunder Assassin Invitational competition, keep on making our empire safe and secure! 2023-03-13
ORA ACO JetMech For completing the ORA requirements during the Thunder Assassin Invitational competition, keep on making our empire safe and secure! 2023-03-13
ORA COL Aardvark For completing the ORA requirements during the Thunder Assassin Invitational competition, keep on making our empire safe and secure! 2023-03-13