Sausage Challenge 2023

Competition ID #: 3574
Status: Finished
Submitted by: AD Phoenix Berkana
Competition dates: 2023-06-08 - 2023-06-15
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE CORPS

Post a picture of a sausage, hot dog, bratwurst, little smokie, or similar sausage-like food product to #sausage-week-2023 including a note that shows your TIE Corps name and the date. The consumption of the sausage is encouraged but not required. Including yourself in the picture is also not required. Any questions regarding the requirements for pictures should be addressed to AD Phoenix Berkana.

Participants in the Sausage Challenge will each receive the Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR). At the end of Sausage Week, a poll will be conducted to choose a Sausage Challenge Champion 2023 based on their submissions and the winner will receive that title on their profile in the database.

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IAR COL Mordred For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR LCM Hopfot For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR CPT Isabis Kamaria For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR ACO JetMech For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR LCM Rotarg Kradak For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR COL Marenta Jean For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR MAJ Maston Dane For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR COL Aardvark For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR COL TheBlackxRanger For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR COL Westric Davalorn For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23
IAR CM OL"Davy Jonez For taking part in Sausage Week 2023! 2023-06-23