RtF Training

Competition ID #: 7809
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Maston Dane
Competition dates: 2024-07-21 - 2024-08-10
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Battlegroup 2

Each week for 3 weeks participants are to try to reach 60 points or more using the same point scale already attributed to all accepted games and modes (listed below), in the fewest number of game attempts possible. Meaning the wins and loses are both counted. So if a pilot plays EA Battlefront 2 game mode Coop, which is worth 6 points a win, to get the 10 wins needed to get to 60 points but it takes them 13 tries (3 losses and 10 wins) then their submission number is 13. Participants are to DM me (at Maston_Dane) their submission number during each week, both win numbers and losses, along with what games and modes were used. If a pilot uses 1 game mode for all attempts in a single week, they cannot use that game mode in any other week's attempts.
With each new week pilot’s points and attempts start back at zero. Honor system will be used for this. Not every game or match a pilot play has to go towards this if, for example, pilots feel like playing a game not worth enough points to use here or they wish to practice but the decision must be made before any information about the match is conveyed (ie map, other players etc) whether or not it will count as an attempt and we’re trusting pilots to not smudge the numbers. The winners at the end of the 3 weeks are the pilots with the fewest attempts when all 3 of their week’s are tallied.

Week 1 is from beginning of July 21st to end of July 27th.
Week 2 is from beginning of July 28th to end of August 3rd.
Week 3 is from beginning of August 4th to end of August 10th

Game Mode Points
LoC (PvP)
Star Conflict - 8
X-Wing versus TIE Fighter &
X-Wing Alliance &
TFTC - 10
Empire at War - 5
EA Battlefront 1 & 2 - 12
Squadrons - 10
Elite Dangerous - 5
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 8
Star Wars Hunters – 3

LoS (PvE)
Star Conflict - 1
X-Wing versus TIE Fighter &
X-Wing Alliance &
TFTC - 2
Empire at War - 2
EA Battlefront 1 & 2 - 6
Squadrons - 4
Elite Dangerous - 5
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 5

Competition awards:

Pilots with the fewest attempts each week, or tied with it will win an Iron Cross Copper Wings
1st Place Winner overall – Iron Star Silver Wings
2nd Place Winner overall – Iron Star Bronze Wings
3rd Place Winner overall – Iron Star Copper Wings
All Participants Receive an ORA.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SW CPT Isabis Kamaria For coming in first place overall in the event RtF Training, with an impressive 24 matches in total, I proudly recommend CPT Isabis Kamaria receive the Iron Star Copper Silver for her efforts. 2024-08-23
IS-BW COL Westric Davalorn For coming in second place overall in the event RtF Training, with an impressive 28 matches in total, I proudly recommend COL Westric Davalorn receive the Iron Star Bronze Wings for his efforts. 2024-08-23
IS-CW CPT OL"Davy Jonez For coming in first place for the week of July 21st to the 27th of the event RtF Training, with an impressive 6 matches to reach the 60 point finish line, I proudly recommend CPT Davy Jonez receive the Iron Star Copper Wings for his efforts. 2024-08-22
IS-CW CPT Isabis Kamaria For coming in first place for the week of July 28th to August 3rd of the event RtF Training, with an impressive 8 matches to reach the 60 point finish line, I proudly recommend CPT Isabis Kamaria receive the Iron Star Copper Wings for his efforts. 2024-08-22
IS-CW CPT Isabis Kamaria For coming in first place for the week of August 4th to August 10th of the event RtF Training, with an impressive 8 matches to reach the 60 point finish line, I proudly recommend CPT Isabis Kamaria receive the Iron Star Copper Wings for his efforts. 2024-08-22