ISP's Birthday SWCCG Card Creation

Competition ID #: 7811
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2024-07-10 - 2024-07-24
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

One of the Imperial Sovereign Protector's favorite games is the Star Ward Collectible Card Game from Decipher. There's something about the design and mechanics of the card that he really enjoys. For his birthday, let's create some new cards!

Each participant may send up to three cards to HA Plif via email at Putting "SWCCG" at the beginning of the Subject would be helpful and please remember to sign your email with your ID line.

There's no working SWCCG card generator that we're aware of, unfortunately. To keep things simple, we're not expecting participants to generate the cards themselves though fully-rendered cards may be submitted. Participants just need to send in enough information that would allow someone else to generate a card and the plan is to have that done for the ISP to judge.

Fan-made SWCCG cards have existed for a long time, some created by EH members. Please submit something new for this competition, not anything you've had on your hard drive for years. Honor system!

The list of needed details varies by card type, but generally consist of the following:

  • Side: Dark or Light
  • Destiny Number
  • Type: Character, Starship, Vehicle, Creature, Weapon, etc.
    • If applicable: Power, Defense Value, Hyperspeed, Parsec Number, Deploy, Forfeit, etc.
    • Also skill icons like Pilot, Warrior, Scomp Link, Nav Computer, etc.
  • Title: Also consider level of uniqueness
  • Lore text: Also consider tags like leader and smuggler
  • Picture: Some idea of what you want the picture to be
  • Game text: Keep in mind that being balanced is more compelling than something that's obviously OP

Anyone interested in generating their own card images might find these resources useful:

Competition awards:

The ISP, SA Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz, will judge all submissions. He'll pick the top three submitters as opposed to individual cards, as well as up to five other submitters that he'll give an honorable mention to.

  • IS-GR, IS-SR, and IS-BR for the top three submitters
  • IS-CR for up to five honorable mentions

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR VA Locke Setzer First place in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "Great utilization of all available icons and unique playability." 2024-07-27
IS-SR COL Mordred Second place in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "Really fun cards." 2024-07-27
IS-BR HA Plif Third place in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "These cards would actually be useful in some competitive decks." 2024-07-29
IS-CR CM Kieran Yoyo Honorable mention in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "Nice graphical work adding Bossk's head to the uniform." 2024-07-27
IS-CR GN Aardvark Honorable mention in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "A fun card for someone new to SW:CCG." 2024-07-27
IS-CR COL TheBlackxRanger Honorable mention in the SWCCG card creation competition for the ISP's Birthday. Comment from the judge: "Nice modifications for the icons but a knock to realism for Power 7 (too much Power Rangering!)" Editor's note: "But that's what makes it fun!" 2024-07-27