TIE-F 265: Kappa Squadron: Crackdown

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2006-06-19
Last updated: 2006-06-19

COL Moagim Daar

Average rating 3.7
Reviews: 7
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 51
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

A sound entertaining enough mission.

Yay! Kappa!

A decent mission - fun to fly and, for the most part, technically sound. Would have been 4, but the assault transports fly straight into the base, destroying themselves. Some way of preventing that would have scored this a 4.

I liked this mission, indeed. It's very well constructed and worthy to fly. A bit too easy perhaps. Actually there are only two "pain in you-know-where" things. First the shuttle: yes, it's very easy to get it if you're near the point from where it launches. As Tempest said it should be intuitive enough, BUT! unless you're there in time the shuttle is lost as well as the mission. The other thing, much more annoying, are those pesky ATRs tempting me to destroy 'em for trying to kill the disabled CORT every time I fly it again. These two things as well as the lack of some new ideas for these "Base robbering/crushing" missions stole the 5 from this one.

I must say, out of the battles I have flown, this one was testing. With the shuttle escaping form the station and all, if you weren’t close by you would lose the mission. With the two other craft firing at you while trying to disable the, was tough. You had to be on your top game, cause if you dont protect the VSD then your out of luck with no mission win. The missile boats were nice but werent helpfull. That ATR is tricky, need to disable it. By the end I just sent home my squad and took out the CRS by my slef. I will say this was a good battle and should be standard form all KAPPA pilots to fly. Nice Job Major. Now for the next one.

I found this one a little too easy, especially because of those Missile Boats who are as unnecessary as they are uncalled for. As if my TD couldn't deal with a single Calamari Cruiser alone. They should have been set as reinforcements. Also it would have been nice if Daar had made better use of the difficulty slots. Otherwise, the mission is well-made and fun. I can't see where Master had problems getting that SHU on time... as it launches from a stationary base at a well-predictable time, it's pretty tricky to actually miss it. There are no bugs and the mission runs as well under DOS-TIE as under TIE-95. Of course it is also a plus that it features my beloved Kappa Squadron, although - attention, nitpicking! - this isn't exactly the kind of mission an Escort Squadron would get assigned to. :)

I appreciated the challenge of having to be on top of the ball in this mission, and while a bit short, it was organized and fun.

Average, tho its far too quick at times for my liking. If your not in the right spot when the SHU arrives you're sunk.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Gilad Pelleaon


TRN Orca 2 doesn't enter hyperspace, but spirals away at a rate that I can't catch up to.

High Scores

Mission: 167,300 LC Tempest

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 159,197 HA Daniel Bonini 2011-11-19
2 158,980 GN Golbez Harvey 2015-04-11
3 156,802 COL Hawkins 2015-04-07
4 155,538 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2015-04-10
5 154,424 LC Tempest 2011-11-20
6 153,323 AD Impulse 2011-11-15
7 152,183 CPT Trideo Arkson 2015-04-10
8 147,838 COL Hawkins 2015-10-31
9 144,369 HA Plif 2015-04-11
10 123,041 LC Scuslem 2011-11-21

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 41 pilots a total of 49 times.

TITLE: Kappa squadron: Crackdown
Created by: CMDR/MAJ Moagim Daar/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle