XWA-TC 56: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 5
Release date: 2008-01-20
Last updated: 2012-11-02

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.5
Reviews: 2
Bug reports: 3
Times completed: 17
The Armor of Protection
Battle Medal:
The Armor of Protection

Battle Reviews

As was said below, the patches conflict with each other. The phalanx is only needed for mission 4 and the dragon is only needed for mission 5, the dread is used in multiple, but not mission 4. Install the Dread, run missions 1-3, exit out, uninstall the Dread and install the phalanx, run mission 4, exit out, uninstall phalanx and reinstall dread and install dragon and finally you can run mission 5.

The story and missions are not really worth all this hassle...

The battle is quite nice even given the fact it uses the classic "Kidnapp your enemy-kidnapp your friend-kidnapp your mother" plot. The main problem is the hell these patches can provide all together. What all people here are reporting as bugs with missions crashing seem to be actually a conflict between patches; the problem I had I fixed it uninstalling all them and then reinstalling them one by one until I fixed it and I think it was mission 4 or 5. Basically there are a couple of patches that seem to conflict if installed together, Phalanx and Dreadnaught I think. What I would recommend is to install ONLY the patches needed for a given mission each time and uninstall the others if possible: I think all the 3 are not necessary in any of the missions. Anyway, I managed to complete the battle and it was quite interesting and the problems come with the patches and not the battle itself so I'll give it a 3.

Battle Bug Reports

HA Pete Mitchell


Mission 5 only 3 enemy starships show up. The dread is missing. Got the craft pack and the dreadnaught mark1 installed, but I am not sure the dreadnaught is installing properly.

GN Dax Corrin


In mission 5, 4 enemy starships must be destroyed; but only 3 show up. Nutrientman's craft pack installed.

COL Mosh


In mission 4 VSD Beligerant destroys CRL Sancia which causes the mission to fail despite being a bonus goal.

High Scores

Battle Total: 66,123 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 1: 8,128 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 2: 8,575 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 3: 18,916 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 4: 13,222 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 5: 17,282 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 29,312 GN Abel Malik 2009-02-08
2 22,017 COL Zeth Durron 2009-09-07
3 19,830 MAJ Tuba 2010-12-27
4 17,326 COL Gyssler 2010-12-27
5 15,490 HA Pete Mitchell 2018-12-25
6 12,588 CPT Jagged Fell III 2023-11-14
7 7,924 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2012-06-02
8 401 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-02-08
9 375 MAJ Hermann 2021-02-10
10 341 FA Pickled Yoda 2014-06-15

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 15 pilots a total of 16 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2009-02-08

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2012-06-02

HA Ender mBind

FA Giovanni Palermo

COL Gyssler - 2010-12-27

MAJ Hermann - 2021-02-10

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2023-11-14

Title               : Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy
Author              : SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign (#2883)
Platform            : X-wing Alliance
Number of missions  : 5
Medal               : The Armor of Protection

Required patches
* Phalanx Interceptor Gunboat (http://sco.emperorshammer.net/patch/xwa/PHX-XWA.zip)
* TIE Dragon (http://sco.emperorshammer.net/patch/xwa/TDR-XWA.zip)
* Dreadnaught Mk.I (http://sco.emperorshammer.net/patch/xwa/DRD-XWA.zip)

Installation instructions
1] Download and install the patches using the SuperXP installer or the patch installation instructions
2] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
3] Check the Misc folder in your XWA one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
4] In the EHBL, create a new EH pilot via Pilot Options, be sure to check "prepare for EH battle"
4] Press the X-wing Alliance button on the EHBL to start the game and fly the battle

Author's note
Created for the Fill the Gap competition of the Tactical Office: "People will make battle to fill the 
gap (TIE-TC #43) "Havok's bouncing baby boy". Compton had his chance, now people will try."

TAC's note
There have been reports of mission crashes for missions 4 and 5. If you encounter them, please notify
the TAC (tac@emperorshammer.net) detailing as specifically as possible what you did prior to the
crash. If possible, also supply the order in which you installed the patches.

Story Line
Mission 1: Sector Admiral Havok's missus gave birth to a lovely bouncing baby boy in a hospital on 
Aurora Prime and she's taking the newborn to see his proud father stationed on the SSD Avenger. The 
SSD Avenger is currently in orbit around Eos, the moon that houses the headquarters of the Dark 
Spectre Squadron of Wing XVIII is assigned to intercept the Shuttle carrying the proud mother and to 
escort it safely to the Avenger's Hangar. No trouble is expected: with an SSD and its entire escort 
being in the area no-one would be brave, or stupid, enough to try anything.

Mission 2: The insolent and brutish kidnapping of SA Havok's missus and son has caused ripples of 
disbelief and shock throughout the Emperor's Hammer Territories. That anyone would be daring enough 
to attack the SSD Avenger from close up and do such a thing was basically unforseen.
Obviously we are now dead set on freeing the kidnapped woman and child. Because we had the task of 
protecting them, our wing could be seen responsible afterall. Our Wing Commander, LC Andrijas, has 
submitted all his forces to this task.
The first matter at hand is finding the kidnapees. As we have a good indication on who the culprits 
were, the attacking forces were clearly from the mobster run system of Genko, we are heading over to 
their system and do some looking around. There's no need to show any mercy.

Mission 3: The inspection of the last Genkoan platform yielded at least one result: apparently the 
Genko System was being paid by the New Republic Spine Security Force to kidnap SA Havok's family and 
had already handed them over. 
The leader of the NR-SSF, the Duke, has already sent in his "ransom note": The Emperor's Hammer is to 
hand over the Minos Cluster. Obviously we will not succumb to such blackmail and will now look for the 
kidnapees in the Systems held by the Duke already. Our spynetwork is buzzing with activity, so we have 
a good idea where to look.

Mission 4: Our last attack on an NR-SSF platform was partially sucsessful: We were able to free 
Mrs. Havok and she has already been reunited with her husband.
However, it seems the devious Rebels had split up the kidnapees and the baby was no-where to be 
found on the platform. Mrs. Havok did overhear a few conversations though and thinks her baby boy is 
held aboard a NR-SSF Cruiser in the Turnaki System, not far off from the Minos Cluster.

Mission 5: With the Havok family happily reunited and safe aboard the SSD Avenger it is now time to 
punish the culprits responsible for all of this. Luckily we have received information about a transfer 
of sorts between the NR-SSF and the Genko System, probably involving the final payments. This offers us 
an excellent opportunity to strike both parties in one go.
SA Havok will personally lead the strike in his private fighter, allowing him the sweet taste of 
revenge. The SSD Avenger Wings will offer support and escort. 
