Reviewer Rating Profile

Avatar for CPT Jagged Fell III

Captain Jagged Fell III (#56612)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 304
Reviewed: 2024-06-26
Reviewed: 2024-06-26
The story is amazing, and the missions are varied but the bugs in the middle of the battle ALMOST dragged this down to a 4.
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
This is a good technical mission, but unlike any of my others there is basically no story.
Reviewed: 2024-06-10
Reviewed: 2024-06-10
This is a different kind of battle than ones that I have made so far and I am interested to know what your thoughts are. It is an attempt to adapt as much of a book into a battle as I could, including dialog, which means it can be a little wordy at times. I hope you enjoy and also remember that you can accelerate time in TFTC with Crtl+Q.
Reviewed: 2024-06-10
As Frodo said, PAR!

I think this battle is great. It is definitely a challenge on some missions but not an insurmountable one, at least on Medium. Be sure to check out the Wraith Squadron battles that follow from this one.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Highly enjoyed this battle and the story was excellent.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
It is a fun battle. A bit basic in the combat and missions but the story is great.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
On one hand the missions are very simple and not much to them, which makes it a super quick battle for FCHG and killboard points but not very satisfying to fly. But on the other hand the post-mission break downs of the craft are fun and well written. So combined I would give this a 3.5 and I am now rounding up.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
While on easy this battle might be a bit too easy, its story is so good that it can't not get a 5 from me.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
The story is pretty good, but it is really let down by the bugs and wait times.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Story was good but every mission felt the same except for the last, and that one has SO MUCH waiting for craft to be captured.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
So, so story, kind of out of left field our heel turn on the Avengers to be honest.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
I wish I had listened to the other reviews, but my desire to complete all battles got the better of me. This battle while having a story and the custom wave files wasn't fun. It was brought down by the last two missions, one has a large mine field you need to clear while being careful to not accidentally put the containers you are after, that are in the middle of the mine field, between you and any mines. Then it has a 10 min wait for the mission to complete after you have nothing left to do. The last mission has a 8-10 min wait too that just drag down the whole battle.
Reviewed: 2024-05-17
Honestly, not nearly as fun as the last battle and the story is a bit harder to follow.
Reviewed: 2024-05-16
Man, all I have flown today has been dogfights but have been having lots of fun in them
Reviewed: 2024-05-16
Reviewed: 2024-05-16
Dogfight with a frigate supporting the rebels. Nothing amazing and no real large story but a fun fight.
Reviewed: 2024-05-16
Reviewed: 2024-05-16
I know this is just a pure dogfight but I had loads of fun flying it for some reason.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Not a bad little mission, pretty easy to finish but fun.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Basic dogfight mission. Not really able to do much to the CAPs so you just have to mark time until your support arrives
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
I had fun in this mission. Lots of things to do and destroy in this mission.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
The most annoying part of the mission if you play as the GUNs is trying to keep the CRS from hypering out before you can destroy them
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Very easy mission if you want it to be. Just use the T/B and dump all you have into the platform
Reviewed: 2024-05-09
I really enjoyed the detailed story of this battle and I thought the missions were quite fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2024-05-06
Reviewed: 2024-05-06
Fun battle with a good story. Pretty quick to fly too.
Reviewed: 2024-05-06
While a very easy and fast battle, I really enjoyed the story.
Reviewed: 2024-05-02
Reviewed: 2024-05-02
I question how it would even be possible to get that high score but the mission itself is an interesting experiment in what is possible.

Word of warning, do not attempt in XWAU, the model changes make it impossible.

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