XWA-ID 1: Bounty Hunter

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 9
Release date: 2008-03-11
Last updated: 2012-11-02
Average rating 4.6
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 4
Times completed: 30
Patches used

MC90 Calamari Cruiser

Battle Medal: Classified

Battle Reviews

The story is amazing, and the missions are varied but the bugs in the middle of the battle ALMOST dragged this down to a 4.

Great battle.
Well built, amazing story. Loved the usage of the MC-90.

This was a really great battle. I loved the use of non-standard craft (at least for most of it). Missions all worked as intended, and the story was pretty solid.

This is a really hard one to rate: there's a story line, compelling missions, very creative use of what the engine can do... but the it is one of those battles where you have to do exactly what the mission creator expected you to do in exactly the right order and timing. So you will fail over and over again till you find out what the mission really wants from you. What could and should have been a five star battle ends up being a two.

One of Dempsey's wonderful creations. The plotline is so immersive and clenching. Well written, with lots of surprises and makes you feel a Bounty Hunter. You get to fly a variety of ships and starfighter in the most various roles. Only one word of criticism is regarding some missions to be a bit too long and may turn tedious. Besides that, this is a must-fly for all those who want something different. Dempsey should consider creating a Mandalorian-based series of battles. I assure it would be become a blockbusting success.

I agree with others, this battle is awesome.

Incredible! Outstanding! Dempsey did it again for the good. This battle has one of the best built plots I ever had the pleasure to follow, even when you must do 80% of the battle flying outside the EH. I won't go into spoilers (that wouldn't be fair and up to 20 loyal EH officers trying to use my throat for scythes sharpening isn't my idea of fun); just let's say that even using one of our classic main plots as its basics, the battle later develops it in a way such great you won't ever be able to forget. On top of all this it must be said that all missions (maybe being 5 the worst if any) display a notable example of XWA building knowledge with tons of ships and structures working perfectly together for the sakes of main objectives. And all this considering that its beta testing phase was a true pain in you-know-where due to its old bugs! Now all them seem to be fixed and this is a MUST-FLY.

Impressive battle by our Tactical Officer! A very interesting plot and very well executed. Gotta love flying the YT-2000 in the first missions. Well done!

Battle Bug Reports

CPT Jagged Fell III


M6 one of the A/S has a pathing error and it hits the Doomschild

CPT Jagged Fell III


M4, the rebels start attacking you the moment you get into the region instead waiting for the trap to be sprung. Minor spelling error in win brief (the BHU name is not capitalized at the end). If you take too long in R2 the Warchild (mothership) leaves and you have to Q+Space out of the mission

HA Turtle Jerrar


Mission 4 cannot be completed. The MC90 cruisers that are supposed to be captured/protected do not spawn into the game, and the shuttles that are supposed to dock with them circle endlessly.

SL Zekk Terrik


This battle was really fun - however, mission 4 (I think) where you have to capture the two cruisers...they aren't even there. As in they are completely nonexistent never appear. There is one cruiser that is not an MC90 but my wingmen blow it to hell.

High Scores

Battle Total: 165,857 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 1: 22,760 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 2: 9,695 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 3: 18,438 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 4: 21,058 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 5: 3,930 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 6: 8,243 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 7: 12,395 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 8: 26,823 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 9: 46,931 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 53,354 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-06-26
2 51,766 LC andr3 2023-04-06
3 40,849 COL Zeth Durron 2009-09-04
4 40,092 GN Dax Corrin 2009-03-22
5 39,183 GN Dunta Polo 2009-08-22
6 37,621 HA Turtle Jerrar 2020-07-24
7 28,427 MAJ Tuba 2011-02-21
8 14,291 FA Howlader 2009-10-28
9 2,534 HA Pete Mitchell 2019-01-14
10 2,137 MAJ Hermann 2020-10-04

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 27 pilots a total of 28 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2009-02-08

HA Anahorn Dempsey

LC andr3 - 2023-04-06

CM Blade

HA Daniel Bonini

GN Dax Corrin - 2009-03-22

GN Dunta Polo - 2009-08-22

GN Exar Kit

FA Giovanni Palermo

COL Gyssler - 2019-08-29

MAJ Hermann - 2020-10-04

FA Howlader - 2009-10-28

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2 times, last on 2024-06-26

Title               : BOUNTY HUNTER
Author              : TAC-PROF/AD Dempsey/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign (#12519)
Platform            : X-wing Alliance
Number of missions  : 9
Medal               : classified

Required patches
* S-foils patch (http://sco.emperorshammer.net/files/xwa/xwasfoilupdate.zip)
* MC90 Starcruiser patch (http://sco.emperorshammer.net/patch/xwa/C90-XWA.zip)

Installation instructions

1] Install the patch using the Super XP Installer or according to their instructions
2] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
3] Use the EHBL to create a new XWA pilot, prepared for an EH battle
4] Press the X-wing Alliance button on the EHBL to start the game
5] Fly the missions

Note: the player is expected to be familiar with the various docking commands 
      (SHFT+P and SHFT+D)
Note: I am nowhere near a good enough pilot to fly this on HARD. I hope it is 
      doable, but I guarantee nothing. 


You are on a special assignment for the Intelligence Division. Your mission is to pose as a 
bounty hunter and infiltrate an organization of bounty hunters. Rumours have reached the SDIR 
that they are planning a massive offensive on the Emperor's Hammer, in an attempt to apprehend 
or kill the Fleet Commander. The first step requires you to infiltrate the organization, and 
become part of the conspiracy. After that, use whatever means necessary to thwart their plans
and destroy the organization.
