Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Excellent mission. Simple technical layout, well structured and perhaps nothing else in this proposed mission, but...
This one proves that the Space Cadillac, -the almighty, the unapproachable, TIE Defender-, can become a matchless one-craft-full-fleet on its own. A lot of dogfighting all along. Initially with weak pirates, then with something more serious. Nothing impossible, but this mission will certainly leave you with a sweaty palm and a warm joystick. Dogfighting your way through a dozen of simultaneous A-Ws with missiles, sinking 3 capital ships, armed with missile defenses and coming out unharmed, just in time for some cocktails in the cantina, is something that only this masterpiece of a weapon can do. The Space Cadillac. Say no more.
Fly this mission for some real fun challenge and smoke a cigar afterwards while reflecting of the path of destruction you left behind.